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surinder (engineer)     26 December 2012

Divorce application

Dear Sir / Madam.....

in the very first line - i want to tell that i need a help on some Extraordinary sort of Divorce matter...

i was married on 28 Nov 2004 and from this wedlock, i have a beautiful son of 8 Years old. My wife is totallu un-supportive in maintaining the matrimonial alliance with me. she is not taking care of her own son and me too. the marriage was solmenized in a joint family and aftre 1 month of marriage, the tension get started between us. Panchayat held and the members of the panchayat suggested the wife's family not to interefere the family of couple. my all bros and sisters are married and i m the youngest. Since every bro and sis was in their jobs and they all are residing at thier place of postings approx 200+ KMS and never interefere our family.

i m telling you in very day my wife was standing on bed and threw the son (aged 8 mothns at that time) on bed to which i lost my control and narrate the incident to my in-laws residing 125 KMs from my town. after that, they came approx 90 person and hold panchayat again at my house. in the very 15 minutes of panchayat, all the members which came with them turns my side since they found the wrong and ill behavious of my parents-in-law towards me and my relatives and again told them in very strong words not to interefere in the family of couple. in front of all the memebrs too, my wife repeated the same action of throwing the child.

after the pressure of theirs own panchayat members, they started the drama of reconcillation but i remained stick to take-off thier daughter with them and when she got realise wht she did, i will bring her back home since my little baby needs the mother more than father at that kinder stage of 8 month age. my wife went with her parents and my baby.

after that, she resided with her parents for 14 months and i took her back to his matrimonial home alongwith our son but in a seperate rented accomodation since our family wish so. there was no such demand from my in-laws. i started accepting my wife as she was. she stopped all the house hold works of me and my son. i started taking care of my son as a mother and as a father. i did all his workd of Nappy changing at night, to seep him, to give him milk bottle, to bath him etc. time passes and passes. whenever i did councelling with my wife, she threatens me of dire consequences since i m in govt job. My son is growing up now and entered into 8th year. all his shcooling related responsibilities are taken up by me in efficient manner. my all the relatives cut-off their relations since they dont wish any sort of scuffle between us. my all the members of in-lwas family visits us on their desire and i extend my due regards to all of them. i stopped discussing my problems with my in-laws since i got a belief that they will not hear to me at all and leave myself to that extreme power - The God. i have a srong belif in God and believe that he will sortout all the issues someday.

some 15 days back, i went to the marriage of my only sister-in-law where the health of my son deteriorated. my wife didnot paid any attention at all and i did all the care for my son with full devotion and dignity which was noticed by all the members of my in-law family. on seeing my devotion towrads my child and on seeing negligence of my wife, all the membders scold my wife and told that "the responsibility of a mother is being done by a father" and my wife threatens them of suicide. my wife is pressuirizing me for divorce since she dont want to live with me. when i discussed the matter with my mother-in-law, she first time accepted that her daughter is 101% at fault. she told me that we have never cared about your wordings about the dispute between both of you since our daughter lied us from the day one and we believed with closed eyes on her sayings. this all conversation is on record to me since i have recorder that on my mobile. i have approximate 5000 call records (voice call records) which shows the brutiality of my wife and inlwas towrads me, my son and my relatives with high degree of ugly words which even the Males hesitate to speak.

please suggest me, how should i move forward. i m ready for the divorce but not at the cost of my son. i need my son at any cost.

i m not known the custodial procedure regarding my son.


please help me .....





 7 Replies

Goutam Prasad (Advocate)     26 December 2012

If your wife is such an ignorant for the child and child is now 8 yeears old, you can have custody of your child. Generally on custody application for up to 5 years of children's age, mother is given custody. Buth in this case, your child is 8 years old and as you claim your in-laws too have seen you taking care of child, you can have chances of getting cutody.

As far as matter of divorce is concerned, its your own choice about your action. If you think you should move forward for divorce, you can have the same on the ground of mental cruelty.

Goutam Prasad


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     26 December 2012

Hire via reference a local advocate.

Two options are suggested;

Option A
. Talk to your wife on MCD (Mutual Consent Divorce) with custody of child remaining with you and alimony paid to wife to re-start her life. This is fastest option provided both agree to terms and conditions and if agreed then takes 6 months for a divorce decree.

Option B.
File Divorce using Mental Cruelties ground as found in Hindu Laws along with Application for Custody of child using GWA custody laws in a jurisdiction Family Court. Also file a separate Application for not to disturb ordinary residence of Child since he is studying and child welfare under challenge rests with natural father being natural guardian as per Law.   
2. Prove grounds for Divorce and prove you are a better father in Family Court and get decree in divorce proceedings along with custody of Child.
3. If wife not working then she is eligiable for maintenance from you.
4. Here the divorce case can be filed living under same roof and only thing that has to be taken care of is cohabitation as husband and wife before the society they keep.  

Now, you may have 101 more doubts to above suggested two options which can be clarified by a hired Lawyer as legal online forums have reply limitations.

In option A alimony is a lumsum agreed sum paid by you to your wife for mutual consent divorce.

Option B may take some years to decide and some retaliation from wife side may also be faced by you and if you have somehow sustained jolts of marriage from past 8 years bear the retaliation for few more years till option B petitions are decided by Family Court. Donot change residence (the rented place).  

Keep your immediate Section Officer (in writing) in confidence once you go ahead and use Matrimonial Law of the land as you are Govt. servant and in case your wife uses complaint cases as retaliation then Bail and related proceedings have to be brought to Govt. service knowledge / records. Keep alleged to have thousands of call recordings safely without tampering original media as they may be considered by respective Court as and when respective case goes on trial. May be good to have some date/time stamp digital pics. of her acts of cruelties which are detrimental to your matrimony safety and security before opting usage of Matrimonial Laws is also advised. Daily read last 50 discussed family law messages to understand the matrimonial laws.

2 Like

surinder (engineer)     26 December 2012

Dear Sir(s)....

Thanks a lot for guideance...

let me add something more:

  1. my wife usually give me phone call that she is moving away from home on one reason or another. she is working (against my wish since i always suggested her that my salary is so handsome that i can take care of her and my son in best manner) and whenever she faces any difference with her collegues, she came home with frustrated mind and usually gave me threaten call. all these calls too are on voice record to me and when i reach home, she just laughs and say nothing. in once case, when i rushed home after her threat call, i found her sitting on bad in quilt with a suicide note in which she wrote that "she is dieing of her will and no body is to blammed. she further wrote that her son to be given custody to his father." i told her what is all this. then she says that she was joking and wanna to call me home immediately.
  2. that suicidal note is still with me and i says her many time that if i show that note in any court of law, the court will grant me divorce immediately.
  3. sir, i have never touch smoking or liqueor or non-veg in my life. our family is too God Fearing.
  4. my wife too knows well that i records acts of her and she thinks that these are of no use. actually i too think so that these will not be used by me in my whole life as i m not dare to face the court. i still believe that one day - God will give me the justice and whenever everything went fine in future, my wife and i will re-listen these recordings and i show her that how cruel time i have passed calmnly with her abused words.
  5. i never restict my wife on her activities because she NEVER put me in doubt regarding any other man or so, but still then - i dont know why she need seperation.
  6. Sir,

    i wanna add one more line....

    since last 1-1/2 year, we are living in my own house purchased by me in my own name through Housing Loan. the main purpose to purchase the house was:

    1. the childhood activities of my son. he developed an interest of wall painting and my wife always stps him to do so though my landlords never objected for so. So, i bought a home, so that my son donot supress his feelings of doing anything.
    2. secondly, i thought - Residing in own house will perheps change the mind of my wife, but this was not happened till date but actually reverse happened and she became double rude and irresponsible.



please guide me accordingly.....





surinder (engineer)     26 December 2012


i wanna add one more line....

since last 1-1/2 year, we are living in my own house purchased by me in my own name through Housing Loan. the main purpose to purchase the house was:

  1. the childhood activities of my son. he developed an interest of wall painting and my wife always stps him to do so though my landlords never objected for so. So, i bought a home, so that my son donot supress his feelings of doing anything.
  2. secondly, i thought - Residing in own house will perheps change the mind of my wife, but this was not happened till date but actually reverse happened and she became double rude and irresponsible.

kandarp1986 (techni)     27 December 2012

how to prove mental cruelty? my wife is at family court..accusing me physical nad mental can i prove my innocence and prove mental cruelty?

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