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Madhu ojha (Orthopedic surgeon)     14 October 2012

Divorce cases should be finished in shortest time

Dear Forum Members

I am basically an orthopedic surgeon but also a student of Mind Science. I would like to draw attention of the forum members to the fact that if the Divorce of a couple is delayed, as it is done now for various legal reasons and reasons of misuse of law, the persons involved in such delayed Divorce suffer mental physical spiritual financial and social life losses ONLY DUE TO THE POLICY OF THE LAW MAKERS OF THE COUNTRY. 

Sex is a Biological need of life just like the need of water food etc. If a person is held up in divorce case for a long time his Neurohormonal mechanism of the body will be disturbed to a great extent. This will in turn produce many adverse effects of physical and mental health of a person. Not only that but experience of climax in s*x is one of the highest spiritual experiences which also is missed by a person involved in delayed divorce. This is violation of HUMAN RIGHT of a person to live like a human being Sex in life is just like salt in food. A pinch of salt is required. Its presence is not marked but its absence is allarming. Like that the s*x is needed only for a few mnts in whole 24 hrs of life But its absence makes a lot of psychophysiological adverse changes in the biology of a person deprived of s*x. By delaying divorce the Law system has ignored the very important aspect of life and violated Human right A person has all rights to live like a human being. He cant be deprived of s*x Now a person whose divorce is delayed will recouse to prostitution or illegal s*x relations out side the marriage in which divorce is pending since yrs. Thus indirectly the Indian law system encourrages prostitution and illegal extra marrital s*xual relations. The law makers should ammend the Hindu marriage act in light of the adverse effects produced on a personality due to delayed divorce and deprivation of s*x. IF they dont understand the science behind this they should consult experts in this subject and as per their advice they should ammend the law to frame time limit of a month or one and a half month to settle the case of Divorce. Due to delay so many evils are being created in society Women whose divorces are pending are also being exploited in all the manners. Due to dissruption of s*x life of marriage from the normalsy, a great impact is produced not only to the life of the persons involved in such delayed divorce but also to the society at large. Then persons face lots of depressive psychosis problem. Only a person who undergoes this hardship in life without a spouse due to delay in the Legal system and proceedings can understand what all he has to suffer in life. Such persons unintentionally without knowledge pollute the social life and atmosphere too. So its very much necessary to bring this fact to the deaf ears of Law makers Parlamentorians at the earliest. In my case, I am now 61 and i am facing divorce proceedings since last almost 7 yrs. Now in fact, my marriage is damaged irretrivably, but OUR boasting Legal system framed by so called smart and clever MPs is still pulling on only in the trial court. What is my crime? Then only crime is that I have taken birth into this country which is always boasing of its Culture There are many aspects which need urgent attention to ammend the law system but MPs and ministers are all busy in their own selfish motives only, and at the same time pretend as if they are the only SEVAKS of the population. So friends IF any one can represent this issue to the Parliament, and stress upon them to ammend divorce system in law here, it will be a great service to the society

 16 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     14 October 2012

1. Agreed.
2. Your crime is you kept quite in 70's still fresh from graduation to keep quite when such Laws were popping out being prudent mind then.
3. Hence
's Third Law of motion is a gift one gives to oneself.

BTW I did not see (by above membership registered name)  any of your discussion papers with Parliament Select Committee when IrBM was discussed in Parliament!

Nevertheless appreciate your concerns.

2 Like


Madhu Sir, goodafternoon!.:)

How are you?

Welcome to LCI.

Meet your Judwa bhai Tajobsindia.

Nice that you are a doctor and he is in multi- profession;)

But I think your Jodi will be great colorful one as your passion is same!

1 Like

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     14 October 2012

oja ji,

welcome to LCI.:)


Aapko dekhke yaha ke ek puraane member D.arun kumar ki yaad aa resemble him v.much.he was also an intellectual like you and liked to dicuss several topics like these but got banned unfortunately for speaking the truth

Never Give Up (Fighter)     14 October 2012

Hello Madhuji,


If i recall it correctly, forum member named Amit filed writ petitition (i think section 21B) for expediting his case of nullify the marriage in high court and it was approved. He got direction to get the case disposed in 6 months.


You may try the same ..mentioning extreme hardships ...


Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     14 October 2012


21B helps.

Ranee....... (NA)     14 October 2012

Why dont you patch up with your wife?She might feel the same with you..

Do you have kids?

Why don't go for mediation again?

rajiv_lodha (zz)     14 October 2012

Dr Ojha has raised quite a pratical point. Delaying divorce to the dead marriages gives way to matrimonial crimes. It decreases the productivity of the nation as such. Marriages may fail........reasons may be many. Reconciliation efforts no doubt are very very necessary...........but courts must keep a watch on CLOCK too.

As far as 21sec is concerned, even after getting speed-up oredrs, contested divorce is stil rarely granted. Courts do nt see that rejecting a contested divorce never ensures resumption of matrimony. The fed up husband looks for a bigger risk to take to escape from company of such a "wife" whom she fought tooth n nail in courts/police for all these yrs.

Divorce shud not be seen as a blot on society, rather it shud be seen as a remady to end dead marraiges formally.

Madhu ojha (Orthopedic surgeon)     14 October 2012

I am very positive i remained positive with her for almost 26 yrs She took it as my weakness and stupidity I cannot live with a person like hers its better to pass away from world rather than to have a companion/partner like her. She is good in her own idea I dont deny She may be very good for some one with whom her thingking may be matching. She has not left any thing as far as court proceedigs are concerned She went to Income Tax commissioners in person and gave complaint in writing to reopen my IT returns of several yrs Now she has no bullet in her rivolver Her game is finished Now my game starts I dont want to leave after 7 yrs of hard work and as such after tolerating for 26 yrs before too. Thank You for yr suggestion but its not possible now I dont like to pretend My daughters are with her and for financial necessitites they approach me and I fulfill their requirements time to time Its my duty even if court has ordered to pay only 3000+2000 = 5000 per month in all to the wife and daughter But I dont care for that amount I dont want to leave my positive attitude Thank You Dr Oza

Madhu ojha (Orthopedic surgeon)     14 October 2012

Thank You 

Madhu ojha (Orthopedic surgeon)     14 October 2012

Thank You Mr Lodha for appreciating my views Who will bring to the notice of the deaf govt to look into this matter soonest Thank You Dr Oza

Nina Rakheja (unhappily married)     14 October 2012

Do you think divorce would bring any changes in your life..??You are already  61..

I don't think in this age you need a s*x partner..

Madhu ojha (Orthopedic surgeon)     14 October 2012

Thank you for yr comment Divorce will make a lot of difference Most of the couple in India are mentally divorced but they are pretending to be happy in their marriages. They just pull on as I did for 26 yrs thinking about my daughters future mental trauma due to our divorce But my so called wife took it as stupidity and weakness on my part and initiated litigations. She has filed all proceedings possible under all sections of prowoman laws. If I am such a bad husband that she had to file against me so many cases in court (actually to extort money from me) why she is holding up on me in divorce case? why she does not give consent to divorce even if she has realised her mistake and knows that this marriage is never going to be repaired.

She has in her own hand writings with her signature asked for one and a half crore Rs for relieving me from the present bondage of Marriage. Marriage is the Legal License given to a woman by Govt of India to Extort money and wealth from her husband and my wife is a living proof of the same. 

I have mentioned in my write up that one has to experience what I am going through  to understand the importance if divorce in cases like mine. If U are a woman U may not be able to understand. It will give me a great relief and feeling of freedom after divorce. Attending courts is a negative energy. Regarding s*x at the age of 61 I would tell u its a function of mind and not of body (genitalia) Please know that as far as man is concerned he needs romance warmth of spouce s*x and conjugal life even at 80 or 90 Men dont have menopause I mean there is no masculine menopause No equivalent term for Men as is menopause for women. 

NAGARAJAN (advisor)     15 October 2012


you mentioned 7 yrs in your is not the mistake of MP and minister.mistake of advocate.they only drag it for years together.if the advocate finish the case then how they get money,if the divorce is mutual after one year of marital life it can be  completed in 3 -6 months period but advocate drag for many years.

it is bitter truth.


Madhu uncle, I request your valuable inputs to the above link.


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