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Ume   06 March 2021

Divorce - financial settlement

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for my Bad English.

I got married on Sept 2nd, 2018 in Andhra Pradesh. By Nature, I am very calm going guy not interfering in others matters like News, Political Debates, Other Income So...On.

Before Engagement I started talking with my wife, however I found she is not so interested to talk with me much, however, I thought situation will improve along with the time. 

After Marriage, one first day, she didn't allow me to touch her body, that continued for next 6 months. We have talked this matter with her mother, she also talked with her, but no improvement. Infact, her mother called me and said getting kids usually will take 4-5 Years and compared my life with one of her relative’s life as they got kids after 4 Years. But in my case, there was no s*x only.   

Her father is there but no use as he addicted to alcohol. From her childhood we understood that her grown-up environment is not up to the mark. I took her to psychologist for counselling, but however while he was giving counselling, she used to laugh. 

On Last year 2020 Sept 2nd, my mother-in-law called her and started asking about kid then my wife started crying. Then I asked her what Happened. She said all these days she is lying her mother that me and my wife are getting s*xually interacted every day. After few days I came to know that, she is telling her mother that I am impotent and using medicines for the same. 

Later, her uncle (who take 20,000 every 3 months form my wife) involved and made this mess worst. After 3 Months of discussions, she herself confirmed with us that she wanted Mutual Divorce. 

Finally, we have visited her lawyer. As soon as we visited their lawyer, she shouted on me and demanded 25L, where she has transferred only 8L to me till now.

Here I need clarity on few Questions:

1) For Financial Settlement, Do I need to calculate all the Expenses made by or on her during these two years. I spent almost 20L by moving Bigger House as per Choice, Spending lot of money on furniture which I am not interested, Many kitchen appliances, tours etc.,
2) Lawyer said, Divorce only can be filed where Girl is staying/living
3) On March 23, 2021, I need to attend Lok Adalat. Do you want me to stay Clam and get Mutual Divorce Finalized (No More I am not Interested in Her) or Can I raise the issue related to Financial Settlement? 

Need your help on this.


 1 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     06 March 2021

Coordinate with a local Experienced Senior Divorce Lawyer for proper guidance ELSE things will get out of your hand.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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