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Neeraj Patel   17 March 2018

divorce for newly married

I arrange married on 22nd of Jan 2018, she hide everything about her past, though i asked her also before marriage she didnt told me anything. she had a boyfriend which i guess she still loves, she was totally physically involved with him even
after our engagement. they lived together. now its killing me from inside. Also she lies a lot from small matter to big matters. i cant trust her i want immediate separation. after marriage i stayed with her for 6 days. after that she went to her parents home amd still there. pls suggest.


 4 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     17 March 2018

The first question to you, did you have physical relationship with your wife after she disclossed the fact about her previous relationship with another man before your marriage with her? If yes you did continue the physical relationship than forget about getting the marruiage annulled on the ground of concealment of facts about herself from you to get consent for marriage. This will amount to condonation of this wrong on her part which debars any relief to you on this ground.

Secondly, if you are looking for dissolution of marriage from her, did you discuss this topic with her and what is her point of view on the divorce by mutual consent?

If she is ready for divorce by mutual consent than you both can enter in a mutual agreement now and wait for one year after which you both jointly move petition for divorce by mutual consent and dissolve the marriage.

Thirdly, as this marriage will not continue the wife will demand permanent alimony and maintenance from you for any sort of agreement, that you have to workout with her. 


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Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     17 March 2018

In my opinion both of you need counselling.

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Neeraj Patel   18 March 2018

thankyou Vijay Raj Mahajan ji... for your valuable feedback.

KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate)     19 March 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since your case is complicated case as such I require documents and same may be send to my email/PM (personal mail) for detailed legal advise.


With regards,

Legal Expert

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