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narinder_6in   22 October 2014

Divorce foreign country

If a man and a woman marry in India and go abroad after almost 10 years and take permanent residency of that country 1. Can they take divorce in that country although they are still citizens of India but just living abroad as permanent residents 2. If yes, if one of the spouses is in India, can the other spouse get divorce outside India under the laws of that country or has to return to India to get divorce


 5 Replies

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     22 October 2014

In the first case, the divorce decree passed by the foreign court is valid if both the parties have got the opportunity to represent their case before that foreign court and the ground on which they got divorce decree is a valid ground for divorce (like cruelty, adultery etc.) as per the Hindu Marriage Act, under which they got married.  In the second case also the same conditions apply.  The spouse living outside India can obtain the divorce decree in foreign court, but to make it valid in India, he has to prove that she has been given full opportunity to represent her case before the foreign court and the grounds under which the divorce decree is granted is one of the valid grounds available under Hindu Marriage Act.  The spouse living in India can challenge the divorce decree, if she wants on the ground that she has not been properly informed by way of court notice about the divorce proceedings of the foreign court or she could not contest the case in foreign land due to financial constraints or finally, the grounds under which the divorce decree was granted, i.e., irretrivable breakdown of marriage,  is not a ground in Hindu marraige Act.  I replied supposing both are Hindus and their marriage was solemnized under Hindu Marriage Act.

Parties were both present during divorce hearing and documents were served to my ex .. Now foregin divorce doesnt have grounds of HMA it was done on irretivable breakdown marriage ?? My question parties reside in US domiciled permanently so why would parties need to go to india to get divorce when they dont have anything to do with country only reason to have come there was to have hindu marriage.

ANAMIKA VICHARE (LAWYER)     24 October 2014

If both the parties get decree of divorce in foreign country, then that is not a problem.  Butif one spouse gets decree of divorce in foreign countr ad the other objects to it, then it is certainly not valid

narinder_6in   27 October 2014

Anamika Ji


However, the party getting ex-party divorce in foreign country is valid as far as she is concerned because she never intends to return to India - Is there a way that she is not able to get divorce in foreign country itself or it is not treated as valid in foreign country also

Please advise


My case party got divorce but she never lodged any objection in foregin court to degree and after 2 years through POA lodged bigamy case in India neither parties reside in India.. Abusing process of law ... If parties are not indian citizens and are foregin nationals just got mArried shoudlnt the divorce be valid as they have to take in jurisdiction where they reside ??

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