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Senthil kumar (Recruitment)     23 November 2013

Divorce notification

Dear Friends,


After 2 years of cruel adamentness, crucification on a daily basis for every issue, separating my age old father, my wife filed a false dowry harassment case and cruel allegations on my potentiality.

This is proved to be wrong in the police station.

She left to her native place now.

Now I am planning to divorce her.

My advocate suggested that he can send a notice for a divorce with mutual separation.

My question is ,

1.How long will it take if it is going to be mutual agreement on divorce?

2.How long will it take if in case I am filing the divorce and she is not accepting it?

3. What will be the frequency of summons from the court?

4.When will be the maintenance deal starts?


Kindly clarify.

 3 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     23 November 2013

Seeking a divorce in India is a long-drawn out legal affair, where the period of prosecution takes a minimum of six months. However, the time and money required to obtain a divorce can be considerably shortened if the couple seeks divorce by mutual consent.  All marriages which have been solemnized before or after the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act 1976, are entitled to make use of the provision of divorce by mutual consent. However, for filing for a divorce on this ground, it is necessary for the husband and wife to have lived separately for at least a year.

Senthil kumar (Recruitment)     23 November 2013

Dear Sir,




I think most probably they will come for mutual consent, in that case ,what may the maintenance deal?


 Most probably she will go for a job since she was going for a job before marriage.In that case, how should i avoid the maintenance for her?


Kindly advice.....


Advocate Abhijeet singh (ADVOCATE)     23 November 2013

plz tell me my dear seniors if the spouse are living seprately more than 5 year than 498 applicable or not d v applicable or not

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