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bethsy (sr software engineer)     30 June 2012

Divorce or seperation

 I got married in dec 2005, ours was a love marriage , got married in arya samaj against my parents wishes as he is Hindu and I am Christian, there is huge difference in our financial backgrounds, my family is well educated, well respected and rich family, and his family is totally opposite,  we have two daughters ( 6yrs and 4 months),  I came to know that he is having affair with widow , she has two sons( 14,11 )... they talk hours together on phone, roam around, have physical relationship too,  when I question him he physically abuses me and there is emotional torturer too, he wants me to accept his relationship with her, should get adjusted and stay, more over he does not earn, financially is totally dependent on me , when I was there at my parents place for delivery he had my atm, he enjoy with her with my money buy her stuff, whatever things in my house like t.v , fridge, car etc everything I bought with my own money, even his clothes I purchased,  there was so much physical and mental torturer so I told my father about this, he asked me to come home as my husband is not listening to elders, or society or even thinking about our daughters, so I came to parents place, it has been 10 days, 2 days back I called that lady and told her because of u I am leaving my husband, and I don’t know what she told to my husband, he came to my parents place forced to come to his house, he manhandled  my parents picked up big fight with them, if my parents were not there he would have definitely would have beat me, my parents and elders went to his house and talked with his brother not to bother me again or they will file case against him, now my question is what I have to should I divorce him or stay separated without filing divorce? please help ( I am 28 yrs old and my husband is 36 years old)

 3 Replies

NiceManMyself (self)     30 June 2012

Apply for divorce under adultry.

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     30 June 2012


Without a conversion you could not have lawfully married this guy as per Hindu Rites and Ceremonies you being a christian. In such a situation your very marriage be rendered void. 


Secondly : if that is not the case - then you can seek divorce on the grounds of adultery.


Thirdly : Don't let yourself be financially drained by such a person !

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Deepankar (auditor)     01 July 2012

We are into relation since last 2 years, we are not married. Currently i am not comfortable with her. i want to get rid of her. She threatens me of filing police case and harash me and my parents. What legal steps can she take against me or my parents? She even threatens me to commit sucide. Any suggestion.

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