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Divorce... pls help

Page no : 2

498 A fighter (Advocate)     01 October 2012

@ Radhika

i have not filed any complaint against my husband, because i  expected  things will be fine one day .. and my husband will understand my love

rahika this means you love your husband and your husband is not torturing you so that you can go for suicidal attempt.

your husband also love you thats why he file RCR but he is not able to express you it is becasue of your attitude or his ego. instead of RCR he can file divorce also.

He has not called you once .............

in mean time did you call him? he can also say that you not called him?

why both are waiting for each others call , you might have said some word which pinch him and he is not initiating in calling you , and he called you by RCR .

who doesnt know what is right and worng... RCR is not for torutre it can get finished in six to nine month if attendend regularly.

i wish god give me power for some time.. i will surely kill those A**holes

you are using such word for those whom you married it may be your anger but it is not good . at least keep your anger in you but publicaly dont say like that .

why your husband spy on you? it may be possible that some one may poisioned him or he may misunderstood ,

you are right by your self but he may saw some thing and take it as wrong

dont go to spoil relation or marriage take time to heal and make your husband in your grip by love or by tactics womans know better then make him dance as you wish....

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andz (clerk)     01 October 2012

@Radhika Ji

-on the grounds of cruelty you can file for divorce and it will not take that long and also you need not opt for MCD

-he has filed RCR is fine and what is your stand on RCR and what have you filed and what you intend to

-if there is no judge isin't there any incharge court for looking after these matters ?? where in you can bring the facts to the notice of the incharge court . . .

--i know it will be endless and also def'ly not in the forum as you have allready engaged services of an advocate you can be dealt in detail with your advocate and pursue what you wish for . . . .

--and my advice is to put up on a paper -A-what is your wish/want and B-the stages . . . . . C-divorce and maintenance . . . .

--- as they can be pursued parallel . . . .

hope this info is of some use to you.



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4WhatIsRight (partner)     02 October 2012

Radhika, do not spend too much time listening to free advice,

you are getting obsessed with this issue, remember----there are lot more important things to do and priorities in life.

u very well know what is best for you, but you want to hear it from others.

accept the facts as they are.

only the one who wears the shoe, knows where it pinches.

we can just sympathize, but  really cant do much.

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