I have married to a girl in Sept 2005. The girl stayed with me for one month and left to her home saying that she is pregnant.After 1 yr they told that she gave birth to a baby boy. Then she never turn back to me after.After this the gilr mother and her relatives wantedly came and took all their belongs in my home and left.Then immediately they filed a Case against me in dec 2006 asking for divorce and maintanance for her and baby both. Which i did not attend to it. The case stands exparty and i got exparty divorce from her. I dint even attend that case and i dint even took the judgement copy of that case . After In 2008, i got married to another girl and i got a baby girl with her. Now my question is what are the options for my first wife, that she may comeback and put me into trouble? Is there any option for her to put me in trouble again ? Its been so long time and she never comeback to me for her maintainance. Is there any precautions that i can take before that , if there is a possibility for her to proceed on me legally. kindly advice Thank you.