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Do, Joint family system really favors women?

There are many discussion as previously Aishwarya’s  thread ,” ,DO MATRIMONIAL LAWS REALLY FAVOUR WOMEN?”

Now, the question is different?

Do, Joint family system really favors women? 


Firstly; members of joint families have no income security. As if a person has surety that whatever he earned it is his own then he could become ready to invest and entrepreneurs for the economy of the country through proper savings. Economically and financially independent individuals could work more confidently for the development of the country which not only could minimize poverty but also gloom up the economy of the country. On the other hand while living in a joint family system an individual could not save regularly from his earnings and hence could not confidently participate in the investment process of the country. Because he know that whatever he earned it will be added in the joint fund of whole family for family expenditures from where those members of family also benefit who are able to earn for them but become lazy due to such financial support from family. Huge amount of our youth become irresponsible and lazy and also adopt extravagance activities only due to this joint family system. As they do not have to face difficulties of managing home financially and they do not have any heavy responsibilities on their shoulders so they do not become responsible in all walks of life.  


Secondly, improper division of financial responsibilities arises lots of financial issues in joint family system. They mostly emerge because at some times newly married couple does not want to share their earnings in the whole family expenditures, they want to spend their income independently. On the other hand they are part of a joint family system they eat from the earnings of other and do not share their own. In most of the homes the most elder guardian of the family ( may be a grandfather or most elder brother) is responsible for all sorts of expenditures of the home which includes all sorts of bills, monthly fuel consumption expenditures and monthly food consumption items in addition also responsible for educational expenditures of various children in the home. In this way a burden crossed the limits on one individual of the home. Therefore after retirement or expiry of such a huge supporting guardian then whole family split in neutral families as a result of lot of disputes. That’s why now various families prefer to settle in neutral families before such a bad end.


Thirdly; division of household tasks or we can say division of labour within home also increasing disputes and argues and they mostly emerge between women of the family. Because most of domestic tasks performed by females of the family. In eastern families mostly daughters in a law (wives of sons) are responsible for all work. Sometimes disputes occur between these daughters in law on the division of household tasks that is cleaning, washing, cooking, and dealing with children, husbands and parents in law. Most of the families in Pakistan and India do not like to involve their unmarried daughters in household tasks and therefore these girls also become burden on daughters in law of that family. In addition such girls become lazy and irresponsible and when these girls become married themselves they become unable to tackle with various responsibilities immediately after marriage. Also daughters in law feel this very injustice and partial behaviors of the in laws and then it creates psychological dissatisfaction in the daughters in law which ultimately affects badly her children and husband. At various time married girls stir up to demand for separate home to live happy and independent with her children and husband and her this demand impacts the whole family badly and the crack occur due to such. Therefore now various families prefer to leave newly married couples independent before occurrences of such dispute in the family. And it looks more effective and good to minimize family conflicts and dispute and to make everyone responsible.


Joint family system also creates problems in children rearing. As among various loving relations mostly it becomes impossible for parents to prohibit their children from various bad habits, improper attitude and wrong behaviors. Loving relations like uncles, aunties and grandparents do not like to prevent children strictly. They do not like to chide or rebuke their young grand children and hence they bring up in a wrong support of their loving relations which impacts their whole life badly and therefore they do the same wrong deeds in their mature life and hinder their own career and give loss to the country’s economy also. When little boys and girls groomed up in such an environment where there are people who support them for wrong deeds then become irresponsible individuals of the country who contribute to prevent developmental process. As these boys and girls also supported financially even after they completed their education careers and often at sometimes after they get married so they do not bother to work hard to overcome all their needs themselves also they can not decide well for their future life they are not mentally independent to put forward any step they are strictly dependent and are not able to decide according to the time. In this family system young boys and girls become too much emotionally attached with their families and they become unable to live without their parents and family away from home to work more in the current era of competitiveness. They mostly prefer to do jobs at low salary packages and less competitive environment in their own villages and areas to remain attached with the family. In this way there is a lack of passion for higher education and seeking advanced skills as they mostly available at big cities or abroad. 


And What about karta ?

There are number of Sanskrit shlokes in which it has been clearly written that at time of distress a female member can definitely incur debts and that such debts would be binding on all family members. They are as follows:

Sishyantevasi-dasa-stri-vaiyavittyakarais ca yat

Kutumbahetor ucchinnam vodhavam tat kutumbina

This means, “The manager (or householder, actual or eventual) is liable to accept (or admit) all alienations made for the purposes of the family by a pupil, apprentice, slave, wife, agent or bailiff”


The inference is that any alienation for maintenance or even for less necessary purposes (provided they are the family’s benefit) will be binding upon the manager (when he returns or appears on the scene by simply coming of age, as the case may be) because in his absence the implied authority rests with his fellow members of the family who, though not major coparceners, are able to transact business in such emergencies. The constitution of our country provides for equality for all. But it is sad to know that even after 60 years of our independence there is still difference between males and female. Society considers males as more capable of running all tasks. In spite of the fact that women are excellence in every field our Hindu scripttures gives more rights and privilege to a man.



Do, Joint family system really favors women? 



 4 Replies

Ambika (NA)     30 January 2011

Gender Division of labour may become a burden on women even in a nuclear family. If both women and men work and men still do not participate in cleaning, cooking, washing, and other household chores including caring for the children, either women would remain overburdened or start questioning men folk which often become the bone of contention between them. 

Agree, that religion as an institution is one of the many pillars and one of the strongest pillars of patriarchy. 


Joint family system divides work amongst women.So no one is one gets bored in a joint family.24/7 entertainment.


However it fails because of interference by elders,women hatching plots against one another in order to become a favourite of the sasu maa and so on

It's not failing because of independence of women,which I think is a myth.It's failing mainly because of jealous people playing divide and rule policy


Why do the brothers not fight with one another before marriage.Why do they have domestic fights or propert disputes only after getting married?


Courtesy-Their mums doing favourtism to one particular bahu,or their wives hatching plots against one another,complaining to the husband every time about their jethanis and devranis,or both these reasons


Why do the brothers not fight with one another before marriage


Here,I mean to say "Why don't these brothers create divisions in the home before marriage or live separately before marriage?

I'm not referring to normal fights whcih siblings have.

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