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Munirathnam (Scientist)     07 May 2010

Documnet on Discharge argument in Criminal case

IN THE COURT OF THE IX METROPILITAN MAGISTRATE, MUKTPALLY, JARAMBAD. CRLMP. NO. AAA of 2010 IN C.C NO. BBB of 2008. Between: … Applicant / Petitioner(A1). And … Respondent / Complainant. WRITTEN ARGUMENT SUBMISSION FROM APPLICANT/PETITIONER MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOR, Humbly submits, applicant/petitioner is the Accused (A1) in the above said court case. Applicant is approaching this Hon’ble Court with this discharge application, under section 239 of Criminal Procedure Code, to get discharged from the proceedings in CC. No. BBB/2008 of this Court on the below grounds: TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THIS HON’BLE COURT: 1. Humbly submit, plain reading of charge sheet reveals that defacto complainant, complainant herein, lived with applicant/petitioner (A1) at their matrimonial home in Bangalore City, Karnataka Sate and no part of the alleged allegations happened in Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh State. Further submit that as per charge sheet, alleged allegations happened in Karnataka State only and during the investigation, even without visiting the crime place i.e., Bangalore City, respondent completed investigation in Andra Pradesh State and filed the charge sheet in this Hon’ble Court. The criminal proceedings in CC.No.BBB/2008 on the file of this Hon’ble Court are abusing the process of law by non-complying with the sections 177 to 181 and 156 of criminal procedure codes (CrPC) and the charge sheet is not maintainable as described below: a. As per section 177 of CrPC, the criminal case can be tried only, where cause of action arose and in the present case, as per the charge sheet and as per the complainant the cause of action arose only in Bangalore City i.e., at the matrimonial home of the complainant at Bangalore City, Karnataka State, hence this Hon’ble court has no jurisdiction to try this case, where it is pending. Further submit that it is admitted version of the complainant in her affidavits submitted in MC.No.CCC/2009, on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District and in Transfer Petition No.D/2010, on the file of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India that both the applicant and the complainant lived only at Bangalore and further submit that the petitioner did not claim that both lived anywhere other than Bangalore City, hence only Bangalore City courts has jurisdiction to try this case. Hence pray this Hon’ble Court to discharge the petitioner on this sole ground. Applicant put reliance on the below list of judgments from Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in support of this ground. i. Manish Ratan and Ors. Vs State of M.P and Anr. Reported in 2007 volume-1 SCC 262. ii. Y. Abraham Ajith and Others Vs. Inspector of Police, Chennai and Another reported in 2004, SCC Crl-2134. iii. Satvinder Kaur vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) (1999) 8 SCC 728 iv. Bhanu Ram and Ors. Vs State of Rajasthan 7 Anr in CASE NO: Appeal (crl.) 587 of 2008 [arising out of Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 79 of 2006). v. Sonu and Ors Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Anr. in W.P (Crl.). No.1266/2007, Decision on 10.10.2007. b. As per section 156 of CrPC, police has the power to investigate any cognizable case, which a court having jurisdiction over the local area within the limits of such station would have power to inquire into or try under the provisions of Chapter XIII. Section 156 CrPC read as: Section 156 of CrPC: Police officer's power to investigate cognizable cases: 1) Any officer in charge of a police station may, without the order of a Magistrate, investigate any cognizable case which a court having jurisdiction over the local area within the limits of such station would have power to enquire into or try under the provisions of Chapter XIII. 2) No proceedings of a police officer in any such case shall at any stage be called in question on the ground that the case was one, which such officer was not empowered under this section to investigate. 3) Any Magistrate empowered under section 190 may order such an investigation as above mentioned. In present case, plain reading of the charge sheet reveals that alleged allegations were not happened within the territorial jurisdictional limits of kukatpally police station and also provide information that alleged offence happened in the jurisdiction of Bangalore City only. Whereas the kukatpally police furnished the false information in the charge sheet by saying that offence happened in their police station limits and investigated the case in their jurisdiction and filed the charge sheet in this Hon’ble Court, is contrary to the provisions of the section 156 of CrPC and charge sheet is not maintainable in law. Applicant put reliance on the below list of judgments from Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in support of this ground. i. Satvinder Kaur vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) (1999) 8 SCC 728 ii. Sonu and Ors Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Anr. in W.P (Crl.). No.1266/2007, Decision on 10.10.2007. c. Kukatpally police failed to transfer the FIR to the concern police station having the jurisdiction for investigation as per the law. Further submit that in the case of Satvinder Kaur Vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) (1999) 8 SCC 728, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India observed that Section 170 Cr.P.C specifically provides that if, upon investigation, it appears to the Officers In-charge of the Police Station that crime was not committed within the territorial jurisdiction of Police Station, that FIR can be forwarded to the Police Stating having jurisdiction over the area in which crime is committed. d. Respondent furnished false information in the charge sheet, Para-1, saying alleged allegations happened at Hyderabad whereas the plain reading of the charge sheet reveals that no part of the alleged allegation happened in Hyderabad. 2. Further submit the proceedings of the case in this Hon’ble Court without having jurisdiction would result in miss carriage of justice being the witnesses and the evidence in support of the applicant exist at Bangalore City only. The supporting witnesses of the applicant, includes women, are residents of Bangalore City and applicant is also resident of Bangalore City. Either the applicant or his supporting witnesses does not have any relatives or friends in this area and have threat from the complainant side people. The accused supporting witnesses are resident of Bangalore City and they do not have any relatives or friends in this area hence witnesses may not prefer to travel 700KM that to another state jurisdiction would result in great inconvenience to defend the criminal case and would result in miss carriage of justice. Further submit that accused and their supporting witnesses have life threat in this jurisdiction and would cause great inconvenience to defend the case in this jurisdiction. ARREST AND CHARGES U/s 3 & 4 OF DOWRY PROHIBITION ACT IS ILLEGAL: 3. Further submit, as per complaint version the property items viz, Rs.40,00,000/- worth agriculture land, 80 Kasulu gold and Rs.3,00,000/- cash were given to complainant by her parents. Further submit there were no demands from accused and F.I.R is registered under section 498A only. Further submit that as per the complainant’s affidavit submitted in Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, in the Transfer Petition No.D/2010, it is said that these said property items were given to the complainant by her parents as Sridhan property as per complainant parent’s family tradition. No demands were reported by any of the witness or by the complainant reveals marriage is happened with out the element of dowry. Arresting the accused under section 3 & 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act and sending to jail with out having evidence is illegal and also provide information that respondent is misused police powers to harass the accused under the influence of complainant. As per complaint these items were given to complainant by her parents, whereas as per charge sheet version these items were given to A1. Considering that the said property items were given to A1 and are with A1, no documentary proofs are collected in support of the allegation though the allegation is contradicting to the complainant and without application of mind respondent sent the petitioner to jail without checking the truthfulness of the complainant. Further submit that upon respondent believing that property items are given to A1 there will not be any requirement to the A1 to harass the complainant to sell the property to get money from complainant. Further submit marriage is happened without the element of dowry and saying that A1 demanded additional dowry and harassed the complainant saying dowry is not enough is absurd. Further submit that none of the witnesses supported the allegation that complainant was demanded for additional dowry or did harassment to the complainant for giving less dowry. Further submit that the witnesses of the case are none other than the blood relatives of the complainant. Only one independent and non blood relation witness is present and this witness statement does not disclose any offence done by the applicant. NO EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF F.I.R ALLEGATIONS: 4. The FIR allegations were not supported by any of the witnesses (LW2 to LW6), including the blood relatives of the complainant and FIR allegations were not present in CrPC-161 statement of the complainant recorded by the police during the investigation. Details are furnished below: FIR-Allegations on A1 Supporting Witness (LW2-LW6) Presence of FIR allegation in the 161 Statement of complainant A1 use to harass the complainant to get rid of her saying given dowry is less and A1 lost an alliance of worth 1 crore rupees. NONE NO A1 demanded complainant to give money by selling her property given to her at the time of her marriage by her parents. NONE NO Complainant was restricted to make phone calls. NONE NO Complainant in-laws used to call A1 to advise A1 on phone. NONE NO A1 used to suspect complainant character even if she speak with her brother NONE NO Complainant got pregnancy of 4 weeks and A1 publicized saying she is carrying 3 months pregnancy NONE NO A1 forced the complainant to consume pregnancy abortion tablets by herself. NONE YES Note: All the allegations in the FIR on A1 are mentioned in the table. NO EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF ALLEGATIONS IN CrPC-161 STATEMENT OF COMPLAINANT: 5. The CrPC-161 statements of the complainant were not supported by any of the witnesses (LW2 to LW6) including the blood relatives of the complainant, details are furnished below: Allegations in the CrPC-161 statement of complainant. Supporting Witness (LW2-LW6) Presence of allegation in FIR. Complainant was harassed physically by A1 saying that house hold items are not enough. NONE NO Complainant was manhandled by A1 saying that she bought less dowry. NONE NO A1 suspected complainant pregnancy and forced to abort her pregnancy NONE NO A1 suspected complainant character and forced complainant to abort pregnancy. NONE NO On 22nd May-2008 gold ornaments were taken from complainant and she was thrown out off house by A1 and A3. NONE NO Complainant got pregnancy of 4 weeks and is tested in hospital before 20th Mau-2008 at Bangalore City. NONE YES On 20th May 2008, complainant was forcibly consumed pregnancy abortion tablets and was locked in house. YES (LW1-LW5) YES Note: All the allegations on A1, in CrPC-161 statement are mentioned in the table. 6. Further submit that as per complainant’s CrPC-161 statement, on the day of her marital life joining, she was harassed saying that brother of the complainant (LW4) purchased house hold items were not enough and also harassed saying that given dowry is not enough. None of the witnesses (LW2 to LW5) CrPC-161 statement says that accused did physical harassment to the complainant. Whereas in the affidavit filed by the complainant in MC. No.CCC/2009, on the file of Hon’ble Family court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, did not report such incident occurrence while complainant is describing the cruelty that she was subjected by accused. Further submit that in the entire affidavit complainant did not make even single allegation on additional dowry demand made by accused. 7. Further submit that no investigation is carried by the respondent on the forcible pregnancy abortion allegations. As per respondent information to A1, through the Right To Information Act reply letter to the accused, no investigation is required on pregnancy allegation being allegation is not attracting the sections of the case registered on A1. Further submit that this allegation is not part of the affidavit filed by complainant in M.C. No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, in which complainant is alleging that cruelty is one of the ground to live separately from husband/petitioner. CONTRADICTIONS BETWEEN WITNESSES AND COMPLAINANT 8. Further submit that witness statements contradicts with complainant and also contradicts with other witness as described below: a. As per complainant property items were given to her by her parents as sridhan, whereas LW1 to LW5 say that property items ware given to A1. b. As per complainant’s parents, complainant was harassed by A4 & A5 at their house on the day prior to the matrimonial house joining day at Bangalore. Whereas either complainant (LW1), or her brother (LW4) statement to police, do not report such incident happened at in-laws house. Further submit that as per complainant’s brother (LW4) statement, the reason for leaving the in-laws house on 25th May-2008 is A1 could not come and join them at in-laws house on 25th May-2008. c. As per complainant’s parents (LW2&LW3) and witness (LW5), complainant was harassed by A1 during the period Nov-2007 to Dec-2007 at Bangalore City. Whereas either complainant or her brother (LW4) did not report such incidents occurrence. d. As per witnesses LW2 to LW5 statements, only taunting happened on the less house hold items purchased by the complainant brother (LW4), no physical harassment is reported. Whereas complainant says that physical harassment is happened to her. e. Complainant’s brother (LW4), the eye-witness did not report in CrPC-161 statement that additional dowry is demanded by A1 on the marital life joining day. Whereas complainant reported that additional dowry is demanded by A1. Further submit that none of the witnesses from LW2 to LW5 support the complainant’s allegation on additional dowry demand. f. As per complainant and her brother (LW4) statements to the police did not say that her pregnancy is aborted in hospital, whereas complainant parents (LW2&LW3) says that pregnancy is aborted in hospital, she was bleeding and also said that complainant was joined in hospital. g. As per complainant at the time when complainant was necked out off house, A1 took her gold ornaments from her, whereas the eye witness, i.e., brother (LW4) of the complainant statement did not report such incident occurrence. h. Complainant parents (LW2&LW3) say that their son (LW4) purchased house hold items for Rs.70,000/- whereas their son (LW4) reports he purchased for Rs.60,000/-. Further submit that they failed to reveal list of house hold items purchased. i. As per complainant no facility to make phone calls, whereas complainant says in the complainant that A1 suspected her even when she spoken with her brother (LW4) is contradicts with her admitted statement that no phone facility to speak with her relatives. Further submit that complainant’s parents (LW2&LW3) did say that complainant called them on phone. 9. Further submit that none of the F.I.R, charge sheet and complainant’s CrPC-161 statement allegations attracting section 498A IPC. None of the allegations in complainant’s CrPC-161 statement are not part of the affidavit filed by complainant in M.C. No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District in which complainant is alleging that cruelty is one of the ground to file the petition. Further submit that while complainant is describing the cruelty caused by A1 in her affidavit filed in Hon’ble Family court, the harassment on house hold items were not reported. Further submit that in the entire MC. No.CCC/2009 petition, there is no single allegation made on additional dowry demand while describing the cruelty happened to her by A1. No repeat of 498A case cruelty allegations in M.C. No. CCC/2009 while describing the cruelty happened to her reveals that the complainant allegations are false. 10. As per complainant version, she was restricted to call her relatives during her stay at matrimonial home. Considering this statement true, it is evident that the statements of the witnesses (LW2 to LW5) stand no value. The possible witnesses could be the neighbors of the complainant at matrimonial home. Respondent failed to meet the neighbors to record their statements and failed to do investigation properly to real the facts. ALLEGATIONS DO NOT ATTRACT SECTION 498A I.P.C: 11. The allegations, even if they are taken at their face value and accepted in their entirety do not prima facie constitute any offence under IPC 498-A or make out a case against the accused as described in the application and in support of the this ground various judgments from Hon’ble Supreme Court of India are cited for reference. The complete details are as follows: SECTION 498A IPC: Section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code reads as under:- “ Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty- Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine. Explanation - For the purpose of this section, "cruelty" means – a) Any willful conduct which is of such a nature as is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the woman; or b) Harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand.” Under Explanation (a): the cruelty has to be of such gravity as is likely to drive a woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health. Under Explanation (b): cruelty means harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand. Explanation (b) does not make each and every harassment cruelty. The harassment has to be with a definite object, namely to coerce the woman or any person related to her to meet harassment by itself is not cruelty. Mere demand for property etc. by itself is also not cruelty. It is only where harassment is shown to have been committed for the purpose of coercing a woman to meet the demands that it is cruelty and this is made punishable under the section. REF [1]: While interpreting the provisions of Section 304-B, 498-A, 306 and 324, IPC in the decision reported as State of H.P.V Nikku Ram & Ors 1995 (6) SCC 219 the Supreme Court observed that harassment to constitute cruelty under explanation (b) to Section 498-A must have nexus with the demand of dowry and if this is missing the case will fall beyond the scope of Section 498-A, IPC. REF [2]: The mental cruelty is explained by the Supreme Court of India by laying the following definition of “mental cruelty” in V.Bhagat Vs. Mrs.D.Bhagat AIR 1994 SC 710: “the parties cannot reasonably be expected to live together”. The situation must be such that the wronged party cannot reasonably be asked to put with such conduct and continue to live with the other party. REF [3]: The supreme court in CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 299 OF 2003 MANJU RAM KALITA vs. STATE OF ASSAM decided on 28/05/09 answered the question in negative. Speaking for the bench his lordship honorable Dr. B.S. Chauhan, J held that : "Cruelty" for the purpose of Section 498-A I.P.C. is to be established in the context of section 498-A IPC as it may be a different from other statutory provisions. It is to be determined / inferred by considering the conduct of the man, weighing the gravity or seriousness of his acts and to find out as to whether it is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide etc. It is to be established that the woman has been subjected to cruelty continuously / persistently or at least in close proximity of time of lodging the complaint. Petty quarrels cannot be termed as `cruelty' to attract the provisions of Section 498-A IPC. Causing mental torture to the extent that it becomes unbearable may be termed as cruelty.” REF [4]: In Mohd. Hoshan v. State of A.P.; (2002) 7 SCC 414, the Supreme Court while dealing with the similar issue held that mental or physical torture should be "continuously" practiced by the accused on the wife. The Court further observed as under: "Whether one spouse has been guilty of cruelty to the other is essentially a question of fact. The impart of complaints, accusations or taunts on a person amounting to cruelty depends on various factors like the sensitivity of the individual victim concerned, the social background, the environment, education etc. Further, mental cruelty varies from person to person depending on the intensity of sensitivity and the degree of courage or endurance to withstand such mental cruelty. In other words, each case has to be decided on its own facts to decide whether the mental cruelty was established or not." REF [5]: In Girdhar Shankar Tawade v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2002 SC 2078; the Supreme Court held that "cruelty" has to be understood having a specific statutory meaning provided in Section 498A I.P.C and there should be a case of continuous state of affairs of torture by one to another. REF [6]: Supreme Court in Dr.N.G.Dastane Vs. Mrs.S.Dastane (1975) 2 SCC 326 has referred to this aspect of `cruelty' like this:- “The cruelty must be of such a character as to cause `danger' to life, limb or health or as to give rise to a reasonable apprehension of such a danger. Clearly danger to life, limb or health or a reasonable apprehension”. REF [7]: Similar view was taken by the Punjab & Haryana High Court in the decision reported as Richhpal Kaur v. State of Haryana and Anr. 1991 (2) Recent Criminal Reports 53 wherein it was observed that offence under Section 498-A IPC would not be made out if beating given to bride by husband and his relations was due to domestic disputes and not on account of demand of dowry. REF [8]: In the decision reported as Smt. Sarla Prabhakar Waghmare v State of Maharashtra & Ors 1990 (2) RCR 18, the Bombay High Court had observed that it is not every harassment or every type of cruelty that would attract Section 498-A IPC. Beating and harassment must be to force the bride to commit suicide or to fulfill illegal demands. REF [9]: It is thus clear from the reading of Section 498-A IPC and afore-noted judicial pronouncements that pre-condition for attracting the provisions of Explanation (b) to Section 498-A IPC is the demand and if the demand is missing and the cruelty is for the sake of giving torture to the women without any nexus with the demand then such a cruelty will not be covered under explanation (b) to Section 498-A, IPC. It may be a cruelty within the scope of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 as held by the Supreme Court in the decision reported as Shobha Rani v Madhukar Reddy AIR 1998 SC 121. In said case, it was observed that cruelty under Section 498-A IPC is distinct from the cruelty under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. F.I.R ALLEGATIONS DO NOT ATTRACT 498A IPC: a. Even considering the allegation that applicant (A1) used to harass the complainant saying A1 lost an alliance of worth Rs. 1,00,00,000/- rupees and also beaten the complainant to get rid of her is happened to be true allegation do not attract Section 498A IPC as described below: i. As per CrPC-161 statements of complainant and witnesses no such incident occurrence is disclosed. ii. It is not reported that the physical harassment incident is repeated or is exercised repeatedly and complainant lived with A1 reveals A1 did not fell danger to life and did not report any physical injury hence as per REF [2] to REF [9] neither physical nor mental harassment happened. iii. As per complainant petitioner married while A1 has offers better than complainant alliance reveals that petitioner is not greedy of money. iv. As per complainant affidavit submitted in the case MC.No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, says that only ill-treatment is done by the accused and his relatives and no physical beating details are reported. This reveals the dishonesty of the petitioner in procuring the false allegations against the applicant. b. Even considering the allegation that applicant (A1) used to harass the complainant to give money by selling her property, is happened to be true allegation do not attract Section 498A IPC as described below: i. Complaint do not disclose the kind harassment details that she was subjected to, whereas as CrPC-161 statement of the complainant do not say that she was harassed to give money by selling her property. No specific harassment is disclosed even after investigation. Hence it can not be said that allegation attracts 498A IPC. Further submit that to meet the alleged demand what kind of harassment is caused by the A1 is not disclosed even in the respondent investigation report. CrPC-161 STATEMENT ALLEGATIONS OF COMPLAINANT DOES NOT ATTRACT 498A IPC: c. Even considering the allegation that applicant (A1) harassed the complainant saying the house hold articles purchased by the complainant’s brother (LW4) at Bangalore are not enough, is happened to be true allegation do not attract Section 498A IPC as described below: i. Applicant asked the complainant to join him and no demands were made by the applicant. During the initial 6 months period, i.e., before the complainant date of joining with applicant at Bangalore City, no allegations either on demands or on harassment are reported reveals no demands from applicant side. ii. The nature and details of the harassment happened to the complainant is not disclosed either in complaint or in respondent investigation report. As per eye-witness, i.e., brother (LW4) of complainant and the complainant parent’s CrPC-161 statements i.e., his parents (LW3&LW4), only taunting taken place saying house hold items are less, no specific items were demanded hence as per REF[1] allegation do not attract section 498A-IPC. iii. No physical harassment proofs, attracting the section 498A IPC, are submitted hence as per REF [4] & REF [6] allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. iv. Further submit that complainant continued matrimonial life with applicant at Bangalore reveals complainant did not feel mental cruelty hence as per REF [2] allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. Further submit that complainant brother (LW4) left to his native place also reveal there was no danger or threat to complainant from the applicant. v. There is no allegation reported saying that demands were continued during the complainant’s stay with the applicant hence as per REF [3], REF [4] & REF [5] allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. Taunting on the house hold items which even did not force the complainant leave matrimonial house, such incident do not attract the section 498A IPC. vi. Also complainant did not allege that either applicant (A1) or other Accused demanded any specific house hold items from either complainant or from complainant’s brother (LW4) and also failed to reveal the list of house hold items were purchased by the complainant’s brother (LW4), reveals the allegation is vague in nature. vii. This allegation is not present in complaint. Further submit that while complainant describing the cruelty happened to her in her affidavit submitted in the case MC.No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, did not report that this incident is happened. This reveals the dishonesty of the petitioner in procuring the false allegations against the applicant. d. Even considering the allegation in charge sheet, that applicant (A1) demanded additional dowry at the time of dispute on house hold items, is happened to be true this allegation do not attract Section 498A IPC as described below: i. Mere demand of property is not amount to cruelty as per explanation (b) of the section 498A IPC, hence allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. Either continuous demand or harassment is not reported to meet the illegal additional dowry demand hence as per REF [3], REF [4] & REF [5] allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. ii. No documentary evidence is available to show that additional dowry is demanded. Admitted fact is that no dowry is given to applicant and making an allegation that additional dowry is demanded is absurd. iii. Continuous demand or continuous harassment is not reported and complainant continued to live with applicant at Bangalore reveals complainant did not feel mental cruelty as per REF [2] hence allegation do not attract section 498A IPC. iv. This allegation is not present in complaint. Further submit that while complainant describing cruelty happened to her in the affidavit of the case MC. No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, did not report that additional dowry demand incident is happened. e. Even considering the allegation in charge sheet, that applicant (A1) suspected complainant’s character by saying one year required to get pregnancy and complainant got pregnancy in six months and forced the complainant to consume pregnancy abortion tablets on 20th May-2008, is happened to be true this allegations do not attract Section 498A IPC as described below: i. As per complainant version the cause of action for forcible abortion is not the dowry demand or additional dowry demand, hence allegation does not attract section 498A IPC as per REF [1]. ii. As per complainant version applicant forced her to abort her pregnancy whereas no physical cruelty is reported. During the dispute also applicant did not subjected the complainant to any physical cruelty such that complainant received injuries which would attract section 498A IPC as per REF [2], REF [3], REF [4] and REF [5]. iii. The complainant is B.Sc graduate and has one year working experience in medical domain though no medial reports are submitted in support of the forcible abortion provide information that allegation is false and even no medical report on pregnancy termination confirmation report at Bangalore is submitted. iv. Kukatpally police refused to investigate the allegation on forcible pregnancy abortion even after applicant requested them and replied saying allegation does not attract 498A IPC hence no need of investigation. Pregnancy abortion did not happen at Bangalore till complainant left matrimonial home. Supporting documents are in Annexure -P/7. v. Applicant filed criminal complaint against the complainant under sections 312 IPC, 506, 120B, 384 and 500 of IPC at Bangalore City; Hon’ble Court in Bangalore City took the cognizance and ordered for investigation. vi. Further submit that while complainant describing the cruelty and harassment caused by the applicant in the affidavit filed in the case MC.No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, did not report that this incident is happened. f. Even considering the allegation in charge sheet, that applicant (A1) and his brother-in-law (A3) necked out the complainant out off matrimonial home, is happened to be true as per REF [1] allegation do not attract section 498A IPC being this incident happened not to meet dowry demands by the complainant. No physical injuries reported and the incident did not create danger to complainant life hence as per REF [3], REF [4] and REF [5] incident do not attract section 498A IPC. Further submit that as per complainant brother (LW4) CrPC-161 statement he is the eye-witness of the incident but he did not say that complainant gold ornaments were taken from her by A1. Further submit that police did not register the case under applicable sections for this allegation. Further submit that complainant admitted version in her affidavit in MC. No.CCC/2009 on the file of Hon’ble Family Court, L.B. Nagar, R.R. District, says applicant was physically not present at the time complainant was leaving the matrimonial home and also said that even on phone applicant was not available reveals that this incident occurrence is not possible. 12. Further submit that allegations in FIR and in charge sheet are vague in nature with out disclosing information details like place and date of harassment occurrence to the complainant and nature of the harassment is caused to complainant by the accused. Details of vagueness of the allegations is as below: Allegation Vagueness Complainant was harassed saying house hold items purchased are not enough. Investigation does not real how, when, by whom harassment is done by the accused. Also investigation do not disclose which house hold items were purchased by the complainant brother and what is the demand of the accused Additional dowry is demanded No details on how much dowry that accused demanded. No specific dowry demands from accused are revealed. A1 publicized saying complainant is carrying three months pregnancy. No details of this allegation in the investigation like with whom and when it has been publicized by the A1. In-laws advised A1 to harass complainant on phone. No details from which number in-laws called A1 and upon receiving phone call what kind of harassment happened is done by A1. 13. Respondent refused to record the statements of neighbors, with whom most of the time complainant spend time by going to marriage parties, birthday parties, shopping and by playing with their children at Bangalore City and failed to record the doctors statement did the abortion to the complainant and failed to collect the pregnancy related documents from hospital in Bangalore City. Further submit that despite respondent failed to collect the telephone calls list of A4 & A5 in support of complainant allegations charge sheet is filed on in-laws and improper investigation failed to bring the facts on record. 14. Further submit that the allegations in the charge sheet are new and different from complaint allegations and these new allegations were not communicated to the accused to defend by the accused by producing supporting evidences which provide information that said allegations are false. Improper investigation is leading the accused to face the malicious criminal case trail in this Hon’ble court. Applicant made complaint to the Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad about the improper investigation and requested to collect documentary evidences from Bangalore City that provides information that alleged allegations are false. Deputy Commissioner of Police replied by saying that the documentary evidences submitted by the applicant already provide information that said allegations are false. The reply, under Right To Information Act, from the Deputy Commissioner of Police is ANNEXURED in the petition. In the above said circumstances Hon’ble court may be pleased to discharge of applicant (A1) from the case CC. No. BBB/2008 in the interest of justice and to secure ends of justice. Date: Place: Applicant/Petitioner Counsel for petitioner:


 16 Replies


Why you are wasting your time and space of this site by puting such lenghy details.

Your submissions have no basis of law and it is only your interepretation of various citations.

1)  The stage of section 239 is over and you have no say now, still if you are confident you should move a fresh independent application u/s 239 and ask for orders of the Court and if not in your favour which will not be in normal circumstances than go to revision in higher court. on this point only.

2) Your all other arguments are part of evidence and when evidence is produced by prosecution you have to opportunity to cross examination and only after that you can argue the points which you want to raise prior to evidence.

Please understand that  the citations refered by you are given by respective Court only after the Judgment of the lower Court which was given after the evidence and not before. So you can not use them before evidence is produced by prosecution and you have availed the opportunity of cross examination.


Munirathnam (Scientist)     11 May 2010

Dear Shashikumar,

Sorry for the in convenience caused. There is some problem in the word page editor.

I put it in very good format but it is not uploaded in that way. Later I did reserach on this word editor and could get sucess to upload my post details as it is at this link:

This forum message editor software is not working good.

Comes to legal point:

As per 239 CrPC,  if the documents submitted by the police do not disclose offence accused shall be discahrged. For this accused should be given oppertunity to be herad before charges are framed. Upon hearing, judge has to record finding and judge can either continue trial or can discahrge.

Here I am submitting the abusing the process of law which could lead to miscarrige of justice.


Accused lived only in Kerala (South India) and if criminl case is registered on him at Nagaland (North India) saying accused did crime in Kerala, does this kind of procedure is valid in law....I believe no as per Supreme Court judgements I cited in the doc.


This is my point in my discahrge petition. 


section 239 is at the time when the Magistrate takes a decison whether to issue process or not. Once the process is issued the stage of section 239 is over. You are getting confused with your story. The way you have your story so is the prosecution and matter will be decided by evidence only and not arguments as you are trying to do.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     12 May 2010

Hi Shahikumar, You are the first person who told me this that my discharge petition filing is not correct: It is settled law, that after police submit their report and if police report and other documents do not disclose offence then accused shall be discharged after giving the oppertunity to the parties. Also Supreme Court of India held that if offence is not disclosed in police report, then trial on accused shall not continue being criminal trial damages the life and liberty of a person. Please advice me at what stage CrPC-239 can be called as per your version..... As per my argument, discharge petition is valid from as soon as police filed the chargesheet in court and till charges are framed after reading the chage sheet by the court. Once charges are framed then discharge is invalid in that court. If accused believes that lower court decision is incorrect on saying that there is offence disclosed in the documents, then he can move to next level court at anytime till case is disposed if accused feels it wouold be useful to him.


This is the defference between an advocate who handles the cases actually in the Court and the person who makes his opinion after reading only.

It is your privilege to be happy with your opinion, the law does not permit it. Please go through my earlier reply carefully.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     14 May 2010

Dear Shashikumar Sir, Could you make it clear where I am doing wrong? You said that discharge petition I can not file, it may be correct as per you, but when CrPC-239 is valid as per your opinion. As per my lawyer, CrPC-239 comes before charges are framed by the court. Till now charges are not framed on me, also I am bringing to the court notice below points that: 1. No investigation is carried by the investigation officer (IO) at crime place (SHO of the PS admitted this in his Right To Information Act reply). It is violation of section 156 of CrPC. As per complainant allegations happened in Karnataka State whereas IO did investigation in Andra Pradesh State (I am lucky that my wife did not go to Manipur and filed this case) 2. All the alleged allegations happened outside the jurisdiction of this court (Proceedings are violating CrPC-177 to CrPC-181) 3. No witness is supporting the complainant allegations. 4. Allegations are not attracting section 498A IPC as per Supreme Court judgments. Here I am trying to bring the kind notice to the court that this case is belongs to Karnataka State courts not Andra Pradesh State courts. If you can give me why this petition is not maintainable I really appreciate that being it would save my useless effort.


You are on an ego trip, if you are so sure why you not able to get suitable order from the court.

Please be also be informed that the lady can file a complaint in Manipur also in the matter.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     17 May 2010

Dear SIr,


Sorry for misunderstanding me. My discharge petition U/s 239 CrPC is filed. PP did not opposite its maintainability in his counter. Petition is still pending, not yet decided by the court. In next date is for hearing. I am sure that I will get discahrged as per law if it is implemented.


Please let me know why discharge U/s 239 is not maintainable at this stage on my case, if it has to be maintainable what is the appropriate stage of the case....


Please help me.


Please note that

1) It is not necessary for prosecution to oppose your pleas.

2) The law in the courts is not enforced as methamatical formulas.

3) Whether right or wrong the law and proceddings are in favour of woman.

4) In majority of criminal cases the accused is ultimately not convicted since the charges are not proved, it does not mean that at the initial stage such accused should be discharged u/s 239.

5) At the stage of cognisance of offense it is not at all necessary for the court to decide whether the accused can be convicted or not , this stage is only that whether there is sufficient material on record for accusing the accused. The law does not allow two trials.

6) The section 239 comes in operation only if there are no accusations. Whether the accusations can be proved or not is the matter of evidence and cross examination and not u/s 239.

7) As per section 2 ( d ) even oral complaint before a magistarate is sufficient to proceed against the accused., and section 462  allows conviction even prosecution is at wrong place.

In these circumstances if you have resources of time and money than you should raise minor minor points before the trial court and go for revision at higher courts so by chance you may get some relief or other . Since magistrates are ultimately persons and they do not work on mathamatical formulas .And with the passage of time the intensity of prosecution and witnesses diminishes.

The AO, Judge and procecutor also changes .

That is what accused persons with resources do. GOOD LUCK.


Munirathnam (Scientist)     17 May 2010

Dear Shahikumar Sir,

Thanks for the information on the practicality of section 239 CrPC.

I believe that no accusation is made in the charge sheet with evidence. Even complainant parents are not spported the version of the complainant. If still trial goes on let it be no fear in that regard.

My only worry is that why court conduct the trial on the allegations which are not investiagted by police. How come court can come to a conclusion that the said allegations are not clear to fix the IPC sections.

I am seeing strange law...I never thpught that I am in the society like this otherwise I would have left this contry and also I would work for this contry as scientist.

Really I deeply feeling why did I respect this country.... and sacrifised my energy in research to this stupid Indians. I may feel pround to work to destroy this systems with nuclear weapons. It may come soon if I fell that this dirty systems is destorying my life.

Let us see how it would go on ...

aatma   18 May 2010

Really I deeply feeling why did I respect this country....

Its your mistake to respect the corrupt nation...

and sacrifised my energy in research to this stupid Indians.

You are narrow minded and though to serve only for indians. Thatswhy you stayed in courrpted india.  If you are a scientist you could have served the whole human community by your research from anywhere in the world.  Now you should quit the nation and go where you will get respect for your contribution and education. Especially where you will see honest judiciary and civilized political system.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     18 May 2010

Dear Aatma,


During my childhood days (since 6 th class) I use to read science books and use to do practicals at home on myself. It is self motive and interest to know new.

Later it became passon to me. This country given me opertunity to eat and live, then decided to serve to it. I never though that I am in a different community altogether...

My parents are illeterate innocents. Do not know law or anything. Entire village loves them. Recently my mother filed complaint on my wife and her relatives. Almost entire village (500 members) supported my parents. I.O shocked.

Really it is paining me that systems is not working by the time systems works there will not be anything to save like life, money, patience, energy eager to live etc....

 Really I felt that my wife did not destry my family ... I say she only attemped to destroy, then system took it and is finishing her remaining job without fail just by not functioning ..... really a stupid Indian system.


You are in fantasy that laws are lax in other countries.

And it is unimaginable that you did not commit any mistakes to arouse your spouse to take extrem

steps. And when the law it taking its course you are annoyed. If you are not  guilty what you are afraid to face the due process of law instead of blaming everybody else than yourself.

Munirathnam (Scientist)     18 May 2010

Dear Shashikumar Sir,

Really I do not have any fear in my mind about 498A case. Because my wife can not prove even single allegation of her because those are false and I have documentary evidences which clearly say that her allegations are false. I bit worried about the time that case is taking to complete.

Even police commissioner replied to me through Right To Information Act reply saying that the said allegations are flase based on the documentary evidences I provided to them. He also approached his leagal advice what to do in this situation. He got information from his legal advise section that accused can go for discharge, hence I filed discharge U/s 239 CrPC.

Sir, you believe or not my wife took lacks of rupees from me before she joined me, this happened when I gave her blank cheques to draw money of 5000/- for Feb-14th. I believed her but she cheated.

After 6 months to my marriage she joined me and lived only 22 days. In these 22 days, she attended  3 mariage parties, 2 birthday parties, two picnics, 3 times dinner parties at home and 2 times shopping etc. Even the last day she left to her native palce she did shopiing with neighbours family. Then she got pregnancy of one month as per her complaint. Prior to her join with me I did not met her for 2 months, this also admitted with police. She made allegation that by May-20th her preganncy aborted in hospital, whereas her pregnancy is present till 25th of May.

As per wife my parents lived in Bangalore and harassed her whereas my parents never lived in Bangalore even single day, all my neighbors said to the police but Hyderaband police refused to record their statements.

I have no intension to escape from law for the mistakes I have done even without my notice. I have one vedio recording in which my wife relatives are saying that my wife enjoyed the reception of my family and me. As per them everyday my wife use to call them and said that she is in party, going for picnic, guests are coming etc. This way my wife was happy even as per her relaitves. I took this vedio without their notice. The people in the vedios are the close blood relatives of wife. Wife relatives accepted that they herd from wife about all the care that I have taken on her

All my neighbors are in support of me. With these neighbors only wife use to live entire day time palying with their kids etc.

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