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gupta   14 October 2016

Does husband has right on wife's property?


I have a flat in delhi under my name since 25 years and my husband and kids has been living in the same along with me.I have the below questions ,please help me in getting the answer to the same

1) does my husband has right on my property?
2) If i will transfer my flat (as gift) to my kids do i need to pay my husband?
3) can i sell my house even when my husband is living in it?
4) when the property is sold do we need signatures of all the people living in the house?

Thanks in advance for helping me with these queries


 9 Replies

Consult your husband. Don't screw up your marriage just for sake of property. Marriage calls for decorum. Such decisions should be taken after consulting husband. Hope sanity prevails.

arpit shukla (,)     14 October 2016

Gyaniji, you have proved best example of a true advocate by giving her best advise.vary often i have observed here that people start advising on functionality instead morale !! Congrats !!!

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     14 October 2016

Take your husband's formal consent and dispose of the property as the property stands in your name it is your absolute property and you've absolute ownership rights over that property. Your kids also may be majors by now. You take their consent also. You can transfer your ownership rights in the Flat to your sons/major children by virtue of a Registered Gift Deed.If you appreciate this answer please click the thank you button on  this forum.

gupta   14 October 2016

nobody likes screwing their married life...its only circumstances in life... i am in my 50's and must be going through a very difficult time because of which i am raising such queries .. i hope you will respect that fact and help me in getting these questions answered.

Bubba, once you are sole owner of any property, you can do whatever u want with it. Be it at 20 or 50 or 80. But family life calls for values and morals, persons devoid of family values won't have any moral.binding and such are found in abundance in Indian court halls. Read the famous case of Sheena Bora while you decide about the so called property. @arpit shukla ji thank you for the appreciation.

Bubba, once you are sole owner of any property, you can do whatever u want with it. Be it at 20 or 50 or 80. But family life calls for values and morals, persons devoid of family values won't have any moral.binding and such are found in abundance in Indian court halls. Read the famous case of Sheena Bora while you decide about the so called property. @arpit shukla ji thank you for the appreciation.

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     14 October 2016


If the property stands in your sole name and if it has been purchased by you or Willed to you absolutely, then you are at liberty to do whatever you like with it. You need not ask advice or permission from anybody, REPEAT ANYBODY. 

Good Luck,

Kishor Mehta

gupta   14 October 2016

thanks everyone for your timely reply ... much appriciated

i know family values are very important .. but when someone's 60+ year old husband is into prostitution and getting mistresses at home... then the question is whose family morals are insane ??? i wish i would have not written this ... but one cannot run away from the truth.. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 October 2016

@ Nidhi Gupta,


It is believed from your name that you are Hindu.

You have virtually agreed that it is your self earned/acquired/absoloute proeprtgy.


You can ; sell/gift/mortgage/bequeath/donate/release/relinquish etc etc by  valid deed to anyone and anybody................


If any immoral/illegal activity has been happening in your estate/property then you have full right and obligation to report and stop it.

If you have any apprehensions write your WILL and register it ASAP.

Thereafter also you can dispose it.

If you have time dispose by a valid deed.




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