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498a victim (Manager)     12 April 2016

Does rti act not apply to income tax deptt.

Dear Experts,

Inspired from the feed back of the forum, I filed TEP to Asstt. Director of I.T. (inv.) agaist my in-laws who claimed to have spent 80 lacs in the marriage. After waiting for about 9-10 months, I filed application under RTI act to know the status of my TEP. The deptt. sent me the ORDER reading "RTI act does not apply to our organisation u/s 24 read with schdule-2 of RTI act as amended vide GSR 235 (E) dt. 27-03-2008.", and disposed of the application.

Pl. guide if it is so. Thanks.

 3 Replies

Ranjit   12 April 2016

You must have mentioned court order which direct income tax department to issue reply under RTI in year 2007/08/11/10

Ranjit   12 April 2016

Go for appeal to appleate authority in income tax. If u still could not get reply .. apply to CIC

BHRIGU DATTA 9475352677 (PRIVATE PRACTICE)     03 July 2016

Thank you Ranjit 

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