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rajindia (owner)     27 August 2016

Domain renewal - criminal behaviour of tata communications


My internet domain was due for renewal. However Tata Communication through whom I had purchased did not send me any emails informing this.Eventually the domain has expired and is under redemption. While the normal renewal charges are about Rs. 600, they are asking to pay Rs. 11,000 (yes eleven thousand) for renewal during redemption period.

I had earlier subscribed to their broadband servides which I have later unsubscribed. I have also provided them with my new enail address.  They claim that they had sent emails on my old email address. However, since that email address does not exist, it is meaningless to use that email ID. They had done exactly the same thing two years back at the time of domain renewal then. Sending such renewal communication is a standard procedure of all such service providers.

Their front desk staff is only replying to my email and they are not providing me with the email address of their higher up. The main registrant of the domain whose Tata Communications are a reseller are also not taking any action in this.

While someone may think that it is a civil matter, I want to sue them for deliberate attempt to harass me by not providing the contact details of higher authorities and forcing me to pay much higher amount even though it has been their fault. Besides, since the domain is not functional, my business website and my business email services are down. This is causing me huge business losses.

Kindly inform me as to what action I can initiate against them on both civil and criminal grounds. Also can the police accept my complaint against the company on the abovementioned grounds?


 2 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     27 August 2016

Approach your able counsel specializing in such / consumer matters with all details and docs on record.

Log onto website and find contact details of officials.

Or check at ROC website.

1 Like

Agastya   28 August 2016

Write to its CEO. A paper letter with all these details neatly typed an proof copies attached. Copy go cfo and CTO. This is on the investor section of their website. Else go to registrar of companies and search for this company. The public disclosure documents will have the above officials address and phone numbers. Make a copy. Search for address of TATA sons. And in that address of Ratan TATA. Send by India post all the same things. Put his name as the "To" person. Don't use courier. It will go to dustbin. Don't bother email. It also goes into digital dustbin.

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