Dear Sir,
I am a DV & 498 A sufferor. I am paying 5000/-pm alimony in DV case. recently I came to know she is working as receptionist in pvt firm. I went to her office and requested manager for her salary certificate to renew the alimony amount, however he refused and told me come throgh court and I came back. while registering my entry itself security and other members of company surprised why I want her salary certificate as there she enrolled as not married. I told all the story from 498A to DV case.
Now there lawyer called my lawyer and told that ' They are going to put one more case for humiliating her at her office premises through DV act.
my question is 1) Is this a continuation of our DV case.
2) Is there my arrest possible immediately after registering the above said humiliation case or possibalities are there to defend myself.
hoping with postive response.
Thanking you