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victim_of_dc_act_lost_carrier (still searching it engineer)     20 April 2012

Domestic violence


   my wife tried to fill fake 498a and child aborse case against me, my sister, my father and set mom soon after my father got married. but due to the fact revealed to local police and caw cell she was unable to do so. In her complain to caw cell she wrote that we were tring to abort child and her father died due to dowry demand but in actualty her father died before our marriage and she filling complain after one and half yr as my father got remarry due to carelessness of my wife and hampering to my earning as few days after my original mother expired and i was taking care of my father as my wife run away from home for two months to bangkok for her personal prospect. my father was ill and no one to look after him so i left my job and join him. i started small trading business start new carrier but after two months when my wife came back she again now and than start dominating me and not at all respecting me as she was getting her all financial demands fulfilled by my father and s*x demand by me.  but when i decided to start searching for software job in another city and decided to go for job search my wife was pregnant & she demanded to go to her parental house and not wanted to look after any thing. my father realised his mistake that daughter in law is not willing to allow to work his son as she is dont want to loose her command  from home and to make me free from his liabilities he got married so i can restart my search of software in another city. The day i travelled to another city my wife went to police station and filed fake complain against me, father , set mom, and sister who came to visit us for few days. She gave in written in caw cell that she can stay happy with me if other family member do not interfere in our personal life. police called me back and i agreed to her demand but it was her plan so show her good image. now she disagree to go with me and given another application that she can stay happy with me if police file 498a against us. but police people made it very clear to her that they will not file fake case so she finally come to conclusion to go with me and settle in new city. I was in impression that she came because i gave in written and i stopped every means to communicate with my parents and taking any sort of help from them too. She was plan to file new case 498a case in new city so she started harassing me now and than and forcing me to search labour job or she keep on spreading in neabours that i brought her here to harrase her and my father got married we were aborting child...... so she can take public support but after few weeks every one realise who is right. But unfortunately in our ground floor lawyer's clerk was residing and her main aim was to take his help. She got involved adultery with the lawyer uncle of guy staying in ground floor and both to gather started harrasing me now and then and she started going every with that lawyer on his bike to court when i asked she told that she filling divorce against me but it was ploy just to bring me in front of his lawyer so he  can study case from both end leave no hole for me to escape. I had one MLC to due to beating by my wife. she was misusing her pregnancy period to extream to make max she can. they plan to bring some articles from purchased by her and to show that it was send by her mother as her lawyer and she both will deny that she was working and they did too but i immediated send that article back to her home in her absence. She gave fake affidavite of her date of delivery. and one month before she and her lawyer with help of one constable beaten me and tried to make domestic violence scene. When inquiry came for protection order neibours told fact to police about lawyers involvement in our life but still court issued protection order. on first hearing they shown me missing for 15 day in court and i had nothing to prove it is fake. court issue monthly maintainance of 1500 and 5000 momenatry maintainance to her as my salary was 5000 only.  The Hided that fact of our settlement in caw cell in previous city and made fake story to drag my parents in case. i submitted caw cell proceeding in court. and written all adultery relation relation of them in my reply. no her lawyer is pressurizing me to withdraw the case and his name and she demanding 20lacs for mutual divorce.. i just was leave peacefully and search for job as i am handicap too but i doesnt seems ending. lawyers are helping her always to get their good share. last hearing after coming out from proceeding she and her lawyer attact me and my law and got threatening to my lawyer that dont come in this court for practice in presence of police. my lawyer  told me not to file case of this event and just give complain that they did so but we dont want to take any legal action against them i did same. I realize later that i did big mistake i would have filed the case. i am economically weak and no one to help me i am passing my bad time. now slowly after my family member came to know about this they are to support me.

1. Can i file police case of same incident now after one month and witness is police constable itself.

2. Can my parents file case of defamation against my wife as she is hidding fact from court and giving fake document and fact of caw cell proceeding in previous city. I have audio evidence that she brought article with her own willing forcefully and she was working in chamber of her lawyer. My lawyer did not allowed me to file this audio evidence in court but he mentioned regarding audio clips in  reply.

3. WE are not staying together neither any of her goods belong to me this was another reason she agreed to shift in new city so she can take all her articles along with her and she took too....

4. whether it will be good to say to judge that i want mutual divorcee and dont want any further cases against them and please help in that concern and what ever money judge will fix i will agree.....or i should fight to get divorce as even in mutual divorce i have doubt that her lawyer may file case of defamation against me to take revenge and make money.......or i took big paanga by saying fact and there is no other oppotion other than fighting for it.....


Please help me i know it is fight against my wife and her lawyer but sir profession doesnt say that to make money one lawyer should get involved adulterily and harass another party. Her lawyer is legal aid member so he will get paid by govt. My wife spend no even single rupee to harass us and thats reason she got involved adulterly to take advantage.

        My personal email id is u can mail me also. 

please come forward to guide honestly, facts and evidence will prove in court whether i am innocent or not.



manish tiwari


 7 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 April 2012

@ Mr. Tiwari,


Morale of reply; kindly write shorter brief so that meaningful wisdom consultation could be given on a brief. 

2 Like

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     22 April 2012



please explain your query in brief.


since tajobs is the seniormost and most experienced lawyer of LCI,you must agree to what he says.then he will explain you in detail.if you request him,he can explain in a small paragraph also

victim_of_dc_act_lost_carrier (still searching it engineer)     22 April 2012


  My wife attempted to trap us in fake 498a case twice and she did not succeed both the time. currently she and her lawyer plan to- trap me again in fake 498a case by making fake evidences but i managed to skip but i got trapped in domestic violence case. Here also i manage to prove myself innocent with the help of evidence. But conspiracy hatched by my wife and her lawyer is clearly written in my reply. As my wife was working in the chamber of her lawyer and they shown in petition that she was jobless to gain sympathy. Now they are threatening in court premises and attacking over us and putting press over my lawyer too.

       They want compromise and mutual divorce but her lawyer is expecting to remove his name from case and my wife demanding 25 lacs which is impossible for me. I lose my carrier in this fight and i am struggling to regain it. I need compromise as there is no out come of this fight. 

1. How to proceed for mutual divorce as they just want once case go in halt from court for compromise and they dominate for their demand. I am current and good position in case  but all lawyer are in support of her lawyer they are misguiding me and pressuring me.

2. They are now and then dragging the name of my parents in fake domestic violence case even though they are not involved neither they staying in same city. Can they file cse of defamation against them.

3. They attacked on me and my lawyer month back in court premises in presence of police constable i got acknowledge complain also, can police case of same incident be filed now after one month and witness is police constable itself.

4. i have audio clip and how to present audio clip in court. how to get its authentication or present in court if they denie then go for authentication or ...... please suggest.

5. whether it will be good to say to judge that i want mutual divorcee and dont want any further cases against them and please help in that concern and what ever money judge will fix i will agree.....or i should fight to get divorce as even in mutual divorce i have doubt that her lawyer may file case of defamation against me to take revenge and make money.......or i took big paanga by saying fact and there is no other oppotion other than fighting for it.....

please help me i know it is fight against my wife and her lawyer but sir profession doesnt say that to make money one lawyer should get involved adulterily and harass another party. Her lawyer is legal aid member so he will get paid by govt. My wife spend no even single rupee to harass us and thats reason she got involved adulterly to take advantage.

        My personal email id is u can mail me also. 

please come forward to guide honestly, facts and evidence will prove in court whether i am innocent or not.



manish tiwari

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     23 April 2012

@ Roshni B

1. Donot talk nonsense with me. What is your locus standi to be hanging around in Legal Forums after your divorce may we ask?  You are talkign nonsense about lawyer from Hyderabad to creating on and off member account and making statement and then deleting a/c and if that is not enough you criticising repliers English to what nots here.  
Donot downgrade my senior ld. brothers here who are much more capable than me.
You knowing well who all are seniors in Bar here and their selfless contribution to LCI all these years quite well. I once again suggest to you to move out of LCI and do your b*tching which you are quite good at in social networking sites such as Facebook / Orkut / Tweeter / Linked etal.

@ Author

First you need to boost your and your family's morale. Suggest to attend Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) weekly meetings conducted by Men's Rights Activists and bring along your parents. These meetings are free and you get training to contest frivolous cases with better frame of mind by meeting similar victims / interacting with them and with people who have remarkably come out of gender biased one sided Laws clutches / learning free strategies to handle your situation better etc. City wise helpline and location details of activists are mentioned at 

Based on early facts of your brief it is better to contest cases as you have nothing more to loose than what has already been lost. MCD happens only when both parties come to some midway draft and in cases where one party is always on cloud 9 counseling is the key to reach for amicable settlements. Court in Mutual comes only when there is amicable settlement between parties and counseling in DV is lot to be desired across pan
India unlike Family Court counseling sessions. DV is run still by a MM almost in 95% Courts and talks / direction are about to come to transfer DV cases to Family Courts which may take sometime. Court cannot grant blanket immunity to litigants not to file a case ! Whether the fresh case is serviceable or not comes later but any person in India can easily file any case to begin with. Defamation and all those counter cases stage comes later not now. 

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     23 April 2012

Originally posted by :Tajobsindia
@ Roshni B

1. Donot talk nonsense with me. What is your locus standi to be hanging around in Legal Forums after your divorce may we ask?  You are talkign nonsense about lawyer from Hyderabad to creating on and off member account and making statement and then deleting a/c and if that is not enough you criticising repliers English to what nots here.  
2. Donot downgrade my senior ld. brothers here who are much more capable than me.
3. You knowing well who all are seniors in Bar here and their selfless contribution to LCI all these years quite well. I once again suggest to you to move out of LCI and do your b*tching which you are quite good at in social networking sites such as Facebook / Orkut / Tweeter / Linked etal.

@ Author

First you need to boost your and your family's morale. Suggest to attend Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) weekly meetings conducted by Men's Rights Activists and bring along your parents. These meetings are free and you get training to contest frivolous cases with better frame of mind by meeting similar victims / interacting with them and with people who have remarkably come out of gender biased one sided Laws clutches / learning free strategies to handle your situation better etc. City wise helpline and location details of activists are mentioned at 

Based on early facts of your brief it is better to contest cases as you have nothing more to loose than what has already been lost. MCD happens only when both parties come to some midway draft and in cases where one party is always on cloud 9 counseling is the key to reach for amicable settlements. Court in Mutual comes only when there is amicable settlement between parties and counseling in DV is lot to be desired across pan India unlike Family Court counseling sessions. DV is run still by a MM almost in 95% Courts and talks / direction are about to come to transfer DV cases to Family Courts which may take sometime. Court cannot grant blanket immunity to litigants not to file a case ! Whether the fresh case is serviceable or not comes later but any person in India can easily file any case to begin with. Defamation and all those counter cases stage comes later not now. 



Dear elder brother tajobs india,


Please maintain your cool.As I can see you have been losing your temper on me quite often for some unknown reasons.However I forgive you,for you may be undergoing some stresses in your life..


I will gladly reply to your comments directed towards me,point by point.Hope that cools you down:


What is your locus standi to be hanging around in Legal Forums after your divorce may we ask?


Sure you have the right to ask,my dear brother.Even though I am divorced now,i come here to read on and comment on burning issues.even though my legal knowledge may not be as strong a s that of a senior LCI member like you,atleast I can give a personal advice to people here,including to you.In future if you have any problems,you can share here,I and I will gladly try to help you.Please remember this site is for public also,and it's an interactive platform.Nowhere it's stated that a divorced person cannot come here to interact.So you are here too,brother..



You are talkign nonsense about lawyer from Hyderabad to creating on and off member account and making statement and then deleting a/c


I dont undersytna dwhat you are saying.please explain.


which HYD. lawyer did i criticise?


what is meant by off and on accounts?mujhe samajh nahi aa raha ki aap kya bol rahe hai...


you criticising repliers English to what nots here.  


i did not get this sentence.please explain simply,if u dont mind..


Donot downgrade my senior ld. brothers here who are much more capable than me.

respectable tajobs,if i appreciate you by calling you a senior,experienced lawyer of india,that doesnt mean i am degrading other lawyers.i have appreeciateed prabhakar jee so many times.did it mean i indirectly criticied other lawyers??even he never misunderstood me like this.


You knowing well who all are seniors in Bar here and their selfless contribution to LCI all these years quite well.


yes i v.well know this.


I once again suggest to you to move out of LCI and do your b*tching which you are quite good at in social networking sites such as Facebook / Orkut / Tweeter / Linked etal.


tajobs these sites are meant for gossipping,not for b*tching.and i dont like to gossip.i like excahnging ideas and views with enlightened members like prabhakar jee,Mr shroff,you,ie,mr. tajobs,and with non-legal members like zeeshan,ashutosh, gives me satisfaction,when even 1 sentence of my advice can help sad people here.thanks for telling me that you are SUGGESTING  me to leave LCI,not FORCING me


I hope my replies have relieved you of your stress and anxiety that you faced becaue of my replies,which,were however written innocently..







@ Roshni B

1. Donot talk nonsense with me. What is your locus standi to be hanging around in Legal Forums after your divorce may we ask?  You are talkign nonsense about lawyer from Hyderabad to creating on and off member account and making statement and then deleting a/c and if that is not enough you criticising repliers English to what nots here.  
Donot downgrade my senior ld. brothers here who are much more capable than me.
You knowing well who all are seniors in Bar here and their selfless contribution to LCI all these years quite well. I once again suggest to you to move out of LCI and do your b*tching which you are quite good at in social networking sites such as Facebook / Orkut / Tweeter / Linked etal.

@ Author

First you need to boost your and your family's morale. Suggest to attend Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) weekly meetings conducted by Men's Rights Activists and bring along your parents. These meetings are free and you get training to contest frivolous cases with better frame of mind by meeting similar victims / interacting with them and with people who have remarkably come out of gender biased one sided Laws clutches / learning free strategies to handle your situation better etc. City wise helpline and location details of activists are mentioned at 

Based on early facts of your brief it is better to contest cases as you have nothing more to loose than what has already been lost. MCD happens only when both parties come to some midway draft and in cases where one party is always on cloud 9 counseling is the key to reach for amicable settlements. Court in Mutual comes only when there is amicable settlement between parties and counseling in DV is lot to be desired across pan
India unlike Family Court counseling sessions. DV is run still by a MM almost in 95% Courts and talks / direction are about to come to transfer DV cases to Family Courts which may take sometime. Court cannot grant blanket immunity to litigants not to file a case ! Whether the fresh case is serviceable or not comes later but any person in India can easily file any case to begin with. Defamation and all those counter cases stage comes later not now.

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