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preity bhargav   29 May 2020

domestic violence and Restraining educational rights.

i am 18years old and i have just given my hsc board exams. my mother is a housewife and my sister has just completed her graduation. my father never allowed anyone of us to take up a job in any way. after my mother attempted suicide on 21 September 2019 my father forcefully sent her to her maternal home (Kolkata) alone by herself on 22 September. few days later he filed divorce case against my mother. she then begged to come back so my father and grandparents allowed her to come and stay with by putting conditions on her that she and her children would give up their phones forever and she would never ask my father to continue our studies. they stopped my sister's studies after graduation and dint allow her to work and told me also that they would not allow me to give 12th boards as they had already planned that they would also stop my studies. after me begging them they allowed me to give my boards and warned me not to ask them to continue my further studies. during lockdown my father and grandparents tortured all three of us. harrasing us physically and mentally, abusing us, beating us with belt choking us, pulling our hair and throwing us outside the house. we did file police complain against them. my father is financially very sound but he is refusing to give us any monetary help for essential needs.
*isnt a father laible to give money for his wife and children for essential needs?
* can a father stop his children's education?
*can a father legally refuse to pay his children's educational expenses?

 2 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     29 May 2020

You have not mentioned what action has been initiated by the police authorities on your complaint.


You all three have every right to get not only sufficient amount for your maintenance which contains the cost of your good studies, house, food, shelter, clothing, traveling and all other household expenses but also protection from any type of harassment, humiliation, physical or mental violance.


You need to immediately mail chilef justice of your high court mentioning therein the entire issues sequencewise and ask to provide you free legal aid and shelter as already advised by me. I hope the things shall accordingly.

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preity bhargav   29 May 2020

my dad being a politician has alot of sources, and the officer filed our case under section 323 and 504, when he should have filed it under section 324, 325 and 326. later on when we went to the same officer he was blaming us only that we should have done a medical check up that time, but at the time of filing the case he didn't even see the marks on our hands and neck.

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