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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     07 June 2011

Domestic Violence claims 170000 husbands

Domestic Violence claims 170000 husbands

In the last twelve years (1996 - 2008) 170,000 husbands have been claimed by rampant domestic violence against them. In a shocking revelation of suicide statistics for the year 2008 reveals that almost double the number of married men have committed suicide in comparison to married women as the report attached
here corroborates. It states that in the year 2008 57,639 married men committed suicide in comparison to 30,224 married women whereas the same figures for the years 2007 57593 and 30,064, 2006 are 55,452 and 29,869 and for 2005 are 52,483 and 28,188.

While there has been a lot of hue and cry for domestic violence against women with various studies being sponsored for studying the same with tax payers’ money 82% of (direct - in direct taxes as feminists say here that girl child is killed in the womb so when no girl child born so how she will contribute to economy and pay in-direct taxes!) which comes from men, but sadly enough no study has ever been done in India for studying the prevalence, effects and trends of domestic violence against men or the statistics about it.

International studies world over have proved that both men and women are equally likely to be victims of domestic violence, but unfortunately the Indian government has closed its doors very brutally on the men leaving them to fend for themselves on their own. Even the courts have an anti – men and a step – motherly attitude towards men what with the Honorable Delhi High Court observing, “Though men are victims of violence, such incidences are few and far between, thus ruling out the possibility of protection from the parliament”, while dismissing a petition challenging the constitutionality of the Domestic Violence Act as it violates Article 14 of the Indian Constitution.

Although no studies have been done for studying domestic violence against men, yet the National Crime Records Bureau in its analysis of suicide data for year 2008 and the decade 1998 – 2008 has come up with some heart – rendering revelations. It has published that almost 24% of suicides are directly due to domestic dispute, family problems and related stress. In the year 2008 57639 married men committed suicide 24% of which works close to 13833 husbands. Further as per, Domestic Violence Claims 156,000 husbands, 156,000 husbands have committed suicide in the eleven years from 1996 – 2007 directly due to Domestic Violence. Adding the numbers of 2008, the final numbers for 1996 – 2008 stand at close to 170,000.

Yes, 170,000 husbands have succumbed to Domestic Violence in 12 years with a yearly average of 14,166 and yet the Govt. and the society are not only silent about it but also silently laughing at it.

Do our men deserve such a treatment?

Do we not need men’s welfare ministry?

Credits: Virag Dulia

 9 Replies

syed (Branch incharge)     07 June 2011

"NO" we dodnt deserve such treatment

"YES" We required mens welfare Ministry

To my knowledge we should not marry - unless the system change

today common people are raising voice against corruption and black money and  i believe people will raise the voice against this "women supporting system"

Hope few already started and am one of them

priya (student)     07 June 2011

the problem is ledd gender related but MORE of MORALITY...

today's world is full of immoral practices.. i coudnt believe when i saw this site..whole site is full with grief!! everywhere people are harrased with DV,divorce etc...

why cant people keep their GREED,SINFUL THOUGHTS away to live and make a good life for their children,their parents,their future...

doing all this not only disturbs their life but also everyone thats connected with them!

my one brother loves a girl n she was dieing to marry hm while her mom was totlly against they court married against her wishes.. while another brother is also in love n the girl also deeply loves but although she cries  that her father wouldnt let her marry him ..she doesnt want ever to put her parents in pain though she would marry his father's choice and be herself not happy or be unmarried her whole life...


zimmerzapper (student)     07 June 2011

we need a men's ministry for many other reasons also. women's ministry must be seperated from child ministry' first, that should be the first aim of men rights groups.

danish (Manager)     24 June 2011

Brothers please dont feel bad, Instead of sucide killing the opponents is the better option, This is my thinking

1 Like

danish (Manager)     24 June 2011

Its Better to be a Lion for a day then a sheep for entire life

2 Like


I too believe in what @Danish said. Why to kill self when you can kill opponent.


My to Danish.

crpc125_victim (Unemployed)     24 June 2011

>>>It states that in the year 2008 57,639 married men committed suicide in comparison to 30,224 married women whereas the same figures for the years 2007 57593 and 30,064, 2006 are 55,452 and 29,869 and for 2005 are 52,483 and 28,188.<<<

In 2008 57,630 men committd suicide!! That's 158 men every single day. That's 13 men killing themselves every 2 hours.

Ramdev raises such a hue and cry about 1 women being subjected to DV every 2 hours. He has NEVER spoken about crime against men which are 10 times more rampant. What double standards!!!

Things is unless someof these %@#$'s who make the law--their own sons or men in their families are at the receiving end they will not change the law. But these influential people never suffer -- since they have money and power to solve all their problems.

The 57,639 suicides in 2008 are just tip of the iceberg. For every 1 such suicide there are 50 who just suffer in anguish day and night without taking the ultimate step.

!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!

In India they make such a big hue and cry about PUNYA and PAAPAM. People setup stalls during hot days to earn punyas by distributing water. They feed hungry people to get some more punyas added in their bhai-khatas.

What about the PAAP the lawmakers in India have earned by creating a society in which suffering is Rampant because of bad laws.



Forget distributing water to thirsty or food to the needy. The biggest need of the hour is to remove the evil laws of this country beneath which millions of Indian men are suffering silently.


SICK and very…very..tired….


crpc125_victim (Unemployed)     24 June 2011


The link provided to the pdf file (full report) doesnt work. Can you please provide the correct link.


Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     25 June 2011

@ Danish

1. What is "double jeopardy" ?
2. How it is "double jeopardy" ?

Any legal idea on above.........No na then don't use it here without know what is double jeopardy if there is no legitimate acquittal from either complaints ! 

Also without using adj. in a public domain you could have expressed your legal views and people would have understood what was so pressing here to have used such adj. for other gender and by using it do you think people listen kya!

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