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Don't abuse women empowerment laws: sc judge

CHENNAI: Justice Ranjana P Desai of the Supreme Court has cautioned women lawyers about the possible abuse of laws, which were made to give relief to women.

“Stringent laws have been enacted for the benefit of disadvantaged women. Undoubtedly, they must be used to give justice to disadvantaged women. But, as responsible lawyers, you must use these laws with care and circumspection and only in ge-nuine cases,” Justice Ranjana said while delivering the key-note address at the inauguration of a two-day national seminar of the All India Federation of Women Lawyers (AIFWL), hosted by the TN Federation of Women Lawyers, on Saturday.

“Even 65 years after Independence and enactment of various Acts and Laws for the welfare of women and children, their status has not improved much, she noted. Most of the women lived in sub-human conditions and were treated like chattel. Women lawyers must reach out to them,” she said.

Inaugurating the seminar, Supreme Court senior judge P Sathasivam said that the judiciary had played a major role in coming to the rescue of women. “The contribution of the judiciary for the improvement of the status of women, ensuring of their rights and equality, could be seen from the judgments issued then and there. The media too, had played a vital role in highlighting the problems of women,” he added.

“Women are as competent as men,” claimed Justice D Murugesan. The judge also released a souvenir on the occasion. Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jayanthi Natarajan said, “Women should be given more opportunities and gender bias should be eliminated.”


 16 Replies

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     10 January 2012

thanx for the update;


This is a Judgemnt or Quote of the Judge's talking at LUNCH BREAK with colleagues/friends?;)

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     20 February 2012

@ @@pragya###


read the post carefully to find when & where the Quote is uttered.


further, what makes u give the expression - ;) ??



A) Actually her face is gud as shown in profile picture but dam her one eye is hit by her hubby for dowry. She is KANI.  

(Now u dont ask wats the above thumb is doing. its secret and she knows it)





Oh did you know the truth?Were you together in jail with my hubby?

Yes he made me kani, yet my imaginary case is fake ..because 498A na...98% are fake.

You know all conviction rate is only 2%...yet you people are scared of....why don't you accused people sit at home and celebrate your False498A future defeat?why each and everyday cry for women biased laws and start new thread to get sympathy?

Amit my expression was because of author's celebration on the above statement of the SC if dowry /cruelty is itself a fake word!!!!

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     20 February 2012

@ @@pragya###


Amit my expression was because of author's celebration on the above statement


Dear Maam' ,

where did u see the author celebrating ?

he is just putting forward a news !

2 Like

bhima balla (none)     25 February 2012


As you said 2%conviction rate.

But people are angry, that despite conviction of only 2% nothing is being done to undo the damage it is causing society.

To achieve such aquittal it takes years, stress and money that may run into lakhs that the accused can ill afford.

In the end even if the accused win what recourse do they have-claim damages? They will have to spend a few more years in the tardy court system -if at all they can get their cases registered! That is the situation.

The law presumes that accused people are guilty and takes measures to restrain their freedom,impose heavy costs etc all upfront-without the conviction. There is no mechanism for cost recovery once they win.

Exposing injustice and fighting against it is necessary for a society to survive. People who have spoken and acted against dowry evil are now facing false charges.This is what frustrates them.

You think only women fought against dowry?

Originally posted by :Vijay************
@ @@pragya###


Amit my expression was because of author's celebration on the above statement


Dear Maam' ,

where did u see the author celebrating ?

he is just putting forward a news !

Perfect Quote that Suits Pragya...

"I listen to feminists and all these radical gals -- most of them are failures. They've blown it. Some of them have been married, but they married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're s*xist. They hate men -- that's their problem."
- Jerry Falwell

2 Like



I actually take offense to this. I am not saying that torture cannot be from both sides, but the odds are against the women's favour- As someone who is suffering immense mental torture, I have this to say. We leave our family homes and our people and live with the husband's family.

We are suddenly asked to change ourselves completely overnight and if we cannot do something according to the in-laws tastes, we aren't capable of anything. Our mother's teach us everything they know and was taught to them, but all that learning is wasted when we go into a new house among strange people who expect us to unlearn everything and learn their ways.. we do that too... We are treated like outsiders because we are not born in the family. Untill we have children, we remain guests. We are supposed to make everyone feel special , no one bothers to give us one special day...All they do is expect us to telepathically know what they want. 

We are expected to adjust and sacrifice(two words I heard the most in my marriage) and not say a word . While anyone comes along and says what they want to and moves on. If anything at all goes wrong , we are conveniently blamed for it. If its not us directly, it must be the bad luck we bring to the family. 

We are expected to work to bring in good money and then at the end of the day return home to cook, clean and look after the kids too. And in all thisif we want to take a breath for ourselves we are told that we are kaamchor. No matter what we do we are misunderstood and boycotted.

We are people who end up living alone with a group of strangers who corner us at every opportunity they get. Marriages are now not marriages at all. It is just a way of securing a dumping bag in the form of a wife and a daughter-in-law.  

Men have the support of their family, we are left alone in the cold. we are twisted and turned till we become what they want. We lose our identities. Do you really want your daughters to end up this way? After all the effort my father put in educating me and gave me so much love, just for me to end up being a doormat. 


And I worked, but after running around at work, I didn't have the strength to run around for the in-laws... a human being has limited energy. No one wanted to share my work load. 

I have gone out in the rain in high fever to bring vegetables while my husband watched cricket. I have been severly sick and no one bothered with me. 


This still happens. Inspite of all the sweet talk- she's our daughter now, she's a member of our family now....please.... It doesn't matter if it's 2012. If we cannot legally define our affliction, we have to choose the one that is closest to it. These laws help us that way. Ask the person who is going through it.


These laws are made by keeping the majority in mind. Nobody wants to end up alone and nobody wants their marriage to end.  



And to those who think this is a matter to joke are not the ones who have to cry alone or contemplate suicide. Just looking at your replies here , would make me not hire people like you for any case. 

BHARATI MITRA (ES)     11 April 2012



@ Manisha .... Please stop copying and pasting the same  long comments in different forums . Its not factual , you know the truth then why false cry ????

Post your email ID if you need to open your eyes to mass scale law abuse by women . I will send you news , judgements , crime beauru reports , pictures, recordings , videoes and whatever you may need to start thinking rationally !!  I know every women is not like that but the biased laws makes most of them act bad either for money or power . Why is it so hard for people to move out of a relationship if they are unsatisfied rather than starting a sh*t fight ???

99% of a person's life depends upon what he / she thinks rest 1% is luck or circumstances . So think balanced , follow equality and life will appear good to you ~~~!!!  


Sam, I posted the same reply as an answer to multiple Qs because I felt that this was my reply to all those Qs. I know that this is my truth. and I was sharing it with those who said that women marry for money or power. At the risk of sounding immodest let me be clear here. I have more money and comparatively more power. However, I know that in such relationships we should use either as a weapon. I married for love. Call me naive. 

Are you married? It IS difficult to move out of a relationship. Because I and I am sure most women aren't the kind to give up on their marriages. Apart from the legal aspect. To cut ones losses and run as soon as their is a slight discord, is cowardice. I have read many posts here. Most are for silly reasons that people want divorce. Why? because its become so easy and acceptable. What about tolerance? Patience?  

Inspite of everything I am still hanging on because, it would destroy me and my husband completely . I know it. He's a good man but easily influenced. My fight right now is to try to dispel the misunderstandings that we have.

However, Having said that, he is also human and extremely egoistic. I came here wanting to know if he ever filed for a DIVORCE, can I request for some counselling first?.


I am not a feminist , in fact I think the feminist movement was a little too radical. They weren't exactly thinking of the consequences. Because at the end of the day, a woman cannot go against her instincts , she WILL look after her family , children . Even if it means that after a hard days work she must come home to chores.

I have seen very radical views here. My point behind posting my story was this: If inspite of going through much, I am still willing to put it behind me and try to work things out, it does not make me weak, it just makes me tolerant and strong enough to withstand this. I am not the one wanting to run away.

I am glad the laws are biased towards women, that way those of us, (who've only given to the marriage without expecrting anything except for our husbands to acknowledge us), at least are not left out in the cold. 

As for laws, isn't every law manipulated. Every law has loopholes. If you areso troubled, find an intelligent lawyer, instead of dissecting laws. You haven't really read my complete post, if you HAD, and actually also took time to understand it, you'd wouldn't have spoken about statistics or accused me of being biased towards women. Anyway, this is my opinion, you cannot change it even if you try. So you can rant and rave but it'll stay right here where it belongs. Thank you for your reply BTW. 




SAM..This is my last response to you... I do not think I want to waste my time arguing with you because you clearly are hard of understanding. Please know that I don't really care if you agree or disagree with me.



@ Manisha .... Pleasse dont yell and loose your patience !!

Caps does not automatically mean yelling...You should know that it also means that someone is trying to bring your attention to the message.

I mentioned it a false cry because in the name of women empowerment feminists are voilating the fundamentals of Human Rights and principles of EQUALITY !!

- That is clearly a matter of experience. I am speaking from mine. You do not really have any rights to say that I am wrong because logically you haven't lived my life. I don't borrow from other people's lives.

* You mentioned that you have more money and Power .... and You also mentioned in your profile that you are a House-wife . I should not ask this but Is this money and Power coming from matri-money laws ??? :-)

You really are adamant about being right about everyone you meet , aren't you? you think you know everyone and everything. Well you're right. You should not be asking . However, since you have asked- here's the answer. I have worked hard before getting married. for 13 years. I have saved up and invested right. That is why I can 'without any hangups' take a break now. I know I have earned this. On the other hand- my husband has spent everything he has ever earned. My in-laws have nothing to their name except a house. No savings etc. So, It isn't through 'MATRI-MONEY'. 

* It is equally painful for both men and women to come out of a relationship . I am sure too that most of the men are not the kind to give up on marriage unless they are FORCED to do so ... * Yes I am married and my wife supports me well for this noble cause . I support her beyond my capabilities as she support me always during thick and thin of life. It is a two way street .

I am not going to comment on this. I have no interest in what your equation is and nor do I care. You chose to answer to my post. I didn't invite you to. Either way. good to know you have a solid relationship. May god give you more gravity.

!! Most feminists realise the ground facts when they themselves get trapped in false cases being a sister or mothe-in-law or in the form of any other relative. Is any case evident to you where a woman restored her family harmony by implicating in-laws or husband ??? *

We try as much as we can to make -so. Only when things go beyond our control or start affecting our mental and physical well-being, is when we need to take action. And I don't think thats wrong. The law is here to protect us. Why not? Those who didn't raise an alarm- were burned or thrown out . or lived a miserable life.its a fight of one against many. But then again- to each his own.

Isn't it cowardice to straight away jump for legal options then to work out the differences ?? Most feminist women wants to dictate their terms and are not ready to find a middle path to resolve difference . Isn't this Ego ?? Labelling someone a "Criminal" if he does not get along with his wife ..Is thias justified ???

Like I said, if you haven't lived our lives, you mustn't judge. How do you know that we haven't tried to work on the differences. How do you know that No matter how much we bend over back wards, we haven't been asked to bend over a little bit more. If you had a daughter, would you still give her the same advice?  I am speaking here for myself. I have no business or interest judging other people. And you have no business judging me on the basis of your prejudices. Have you really ever had a conversation with a true feminist? Do you even know why the feminist movement started- if you do, then do you really understand it.  I am not going to explain it to you and I am sure you will google it anyway.  You are borrowing ideas and prejudices from other people.  There is a difference between information and knowledge. What you have is information.

* It was good to know that you still feel about your family and haven't got fully corrupted by feminisam.

I don't think of feminism as corruption. However, I am not fanatical I am practical. I learn what I can from various points of views but I do not blindly follow or judge .One gives as much as they can to a relationship, beyond that, one has to start thinking about themselves and you or anyone else cannot tell us what our limits should be. 

* U trying to justify that every law gets misused and manipulated sounds ridiculously funny !! If this type of law abuse is justified then killing , robbery , rape is justified too ...... Do you know that every 9 minute an indian man commit suicide because of biased laws , which is far higher than the suicide rate of married woman. How good is that ?? ~~~

This is just ridiculous, Every law has loopholes, therefore, LOGICALLY , there are trials. If all laws were absolute, then their wouldn't be hearings and trials. There would be just sentencing without trials. C'mmon.. I don't need to specify that. These loopholes exist for a reason. They allow exceptions. They allow us the space in which we can mull over the circumstances which led to a particular crime. To decide the guilty party.  

I have read these statistics over and over again in these forum . Most men have used these as an answer to all arguments. here are the facts:

1.  It is a well known fact that most statistics are in accurate. 

2. Most studies and surveys are conducted directly or in-directly by parties which expect to use these to their advantages.

3. Out of all the suicides that men commit, a fraction is for marital discord. The rest is due to stress, extra-marital affairs, unemployment etc. 

4. Just because women do not commit suicides does not mean that they aren't affected by anything. It just proves, we are mentally stronger. Instead of thinking os us women as 'them' why not just think about the women in your homes. Could you do anything that they do? Especially if they are working professionals as well as mothers and wives? 

5. If you MUST talk about statistics, here's one- A survey done by schools shows that fathers do not spend time with their children. They spend on an average less than 2 hours with them. Who looks after the kids AND the house AND you AND your family AND her own job?

6 MOST IMPORTANTLY: why look at her income as extra money or something that is hers . Why not look at it as a nest-egg , for when there is a financial crisis. 'Its this 'tera-mera' attitude that crumbles up as marriage.


* Manisha , Its your own karma which makes the difference at the end . Basically everything resides inside your mind . The world will appear exactly same to the image which you have drawn in your mind . and please keep your Thanks to yourself !! Good Luck


I know my Karma, and I do not susbscribe to the kind of ideas that you do to. I thank because I have manners, which of course would shock a few because most won't recognise what they are. OVER AND OUT!!!


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