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Subhomoy Das (Retail Manager)     18 July 2011


I`m strictly against dowry demands made by husband and his family against the wife. Those demanding dowry shall be punished . Demanding dowry is a crime . BUT on the same line all those wives and her parents when file false 498A or DV against the Husband and his family , they prefer a out of Court settlement normally in lieu of extracting huge amt of money from the Husband who had slogged and worked hard in earning those money. So does this act of taking money by the wives is not an act of Crime? is this  act of crime is anything less than demanding dowry? All those wives and their parents demanding money from the husband for an out of court settlement shall be punished severly. Will the law ministry please wake up and make some laws to prevent those sort of crime. The problem in our country is that the Govt have made some laws to safeguard the womens in the society. Very Fine. But on the same hand the Govt have forgotten to bring some laws who will misuse these laws. Thats the reasons now a days in our Country the families/societies is breaking down. Its time to pull up the socks. enough is enough.


 1 Replies

Ms Liberal (others)     19 July 2011

Your point is logically very correct and has the main grievance of one section of socirty. Govt should do something in this regard but it will take time

May be if tou struggle and your next genartionmay be get rid of the same

It just like one who killed the man on road(Dowry)

and soldier killing the enemy on war(Alimony)

In fact both are killing the persons but govt provide reward to the solider for killing the enemmy and punish for killing the man on road

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