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kirankumar (Part time Employee/ student of BL)     21 February 2009

Dowry Act

A 498a Case was filed with section 34 IPC and 3&4 of Dowry Probition Act  and DV case was filed after 10 days .

Fir was registered , in the 161 statement  aslo they committed they have given dowry, and in the DV case is also same. and as a proof they submitted the Bank Documents and Chits pass books (they given money from this accounts)

So now how can we File a case under Section 3 of Dowry Probition Act ?

Can we take the Complaint Copy of 498A as a evidance ?


DV complaint copy as a evidance ?


the Proofs they submitted (they got money form Chit funds) as a evidance?

Can any one help us to file the case.

we applied an RTI to Police department asking why the action had not taken on the Complainant ?

They replied  under section of DP 7 (3)  no arrest can be done.


in the FIR and Charge sheet  the police added the sections (498A,34IPC and 3&4 of DP act)


 1 Replies

PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     25 February 2009

Please narrate the facts clearly and precisely. I am unable to get what exactly you want to say.

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