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Ravi (a)     28 May 2014

Dowry agreement paper

hi all,

my wife submitted a dowry agreement paper prior to marriage is fixed. the paper doc says marriage is fixed as agreed by both parents. it is also mentioned that the girl's parents will give tulas of gold, silver and cash and the boy's parents will give gold. the paper is signed by both the parents and few common relateves and friends.

queries below:

1. is this paper valid in the eyes of law?

2. is it actually dowry or sreedhan?

3. this agreement never happened, how can i prove it is abolutely fake created just for the sake of harrasing us in 498a and DV.




 4 Replies

RAJIV BHASIN (ADVOCATE) (Bhasin Legal Consultants(SOLICITORS & ADVOCATES) 9811210505)     28 May 2014

Dear Ravi,

You yourself had signed a document, now you cannot change your stand that you had not signed it as this is false documents. you put your feet on axe. They are taking advantage of you this wrong and foolish act. before signing such document you should have sought legal opinion of lawyer. Now this document is used against you for dowry not as streedhan. All the jewellery articles given as dowry or as gift from both sides become streedhan. but it can be shown that you demanded dowry. You have no other option but to dance at their tunes. compromise the matter immediately to wriggle out of this situation. you cannot take advantage of your own wrong. 


Rajiv Bhasin 


Bhasin Legal Consultants



Ravi (a)     28 May 2014


thank you for the reply. let me clarify this.

i never signed the paper nor anybody from my side. the girl and her parents created this paper to book us in the case for the sake of harrassing us.

actually, no dowry exchange ever happened. nor any gifts given or taken before/during/after marriage. we are ready to say it is forged paper, the signatures are forged. they just mentioned the names of common relatives.

Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate )     28 May 2014

If you are sure that you and yours relatives hadn't sign the paper then challange the document ,give evidence of your innocence bring your relatives for witness in favour of you , request the court for forensic investgation / writing expert of the signature , demanding dowry and stridhan both are totally opposite to each other , here you are according to the document demanding dowry .

Ravi (a)     29 May 2014

hello sir,

thank you for your reply. i talked to my relatives and they dont seem ok to run after the court to help me. they dont want to get into this. let me know how to prove it is fake other than forensic option.

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