our great democratic system(?????) established that when think to increase honourarium to the great volentirees(MP and MLA's) in india ,it will pass with in a day/second and they will get immediately.
But when the matter for public there have no chance to pass the fair and fresh bill to get benefit to people, and if pass some bill take more and more time(after few decays) with defalt.
everybody know that 498a and dowry etc ipc make some legal terrorist / there have chance to make legal terrorist but nobody in parliament have taken to stop this terrorism, it proves that parlamentirians like this legal terrorism and they think that present law to make legal terrorism is perfec and applying perfectly .....it is our democrati gain of no-s*xual-discrimination in constitution???( law maker and supporter has/ had not been punished for s*xualy discrimintory law making??????????????? surprising????????????? MERA BHARAT MAHAN to excuse them???
law maker and parliamenterians had given chances to 'make legal terrorist person', they never correct/ tried to correct the gender-biased law, as they want to grow up the number of cases in court and grow up the disturbances in society for there won success in vote and others won profit.
law makers and parlamentarians never make(?) the law that "at the time of marrage both party will be contract in a common paper for their give and take article -- what is/are documented, so as nobody will file the false case in future for dowry" and it will be registered in a court with marriage like muslim marrige, it is clear,fresh and fair................ but presen law are not fair and have a chance to misuse this law highly.