I do not want to go into the various options suggested by Mr.Chitnis. I do not have the knowledge either for that purpose. I shall limit myself in trying to answer your specific question.
In the first place where is your building located: in Mumbai, in Maharashtra or elsewhere? In the absence of such information my answer is based on the assumption that your building is located at least in Maharashtra. Is your building newly constructed, if not, how old is it?
In good old days, terraces of all buildings used to be criss-crossed with radio aerials. Later when Door Darshan came there were TV antennas. Later TV antennas vanished with the arrival of Cable-TV. Even then with cables running all over the terrace, it gave an unsightly appearance.
Was the order to remove the dish-antennas passed by the Managing Committee or the General Body? If it was by the latter, was the stipulated number of days of due notice given for General Body Meeting? Was the proposal to remove the dish-antennas specifically and clearly included in the agenda in the Notice for the Meeting? If so, was the matter discussed at the meeting giving reasons and was a formal resolution adopted giving the reasons for the decision? Has any order been issued with reasonable number of days of notice to members asking them to remove the antennas themselves?
If dish-antennas were already there on the terrace of the building with no objection from the Society so far and if the answer to any of the questions above is “No”, you have a good case to contest.
If you are already having a dish antenna on the terrace, first write to the Society asking them not to remove it without giving notice to you and giving you an opportunity to satisfy yourself of the reasons there-for and to remove antenna yourself.
You also write to the Society asking under the provisions of which bye-law, Section of the Act or Rule of Rules, the decision was made. You also state that if the Society does not give a satisfactory reply within a number of days specified by you or take unilateral action, you will complain to the Registrar of Co-operative Societies against the Society. If there is no law under any of the applicable laws, the law of precedence will come into effect. In any case all depend on what reply the Society gives.