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prakash (fl)     27 January 2009

Duties of Administartor appointed,towards CHS?

Registrar of CHS Freeze Bank accounts and appointed Administrator,Now Society is small with aged ailing members could not make it possible to comply all Laws related query raised by Registrar,and asked Administrator to take care of day to day affairs of the society,Like Payment of Reliance Energy Bills,Watchman Salary .........etc and ensure safety and security of life and property of Sr.citizen as well as other members,but Administrator fail to discharge duties on accounts of reasons best known to him,Kindly intimate What is to be done further,to ensure safety of Life & Property,& get defreeze the Bank accounts.

 6 Replies

PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     27 January 2009

This is a repeated query. It is in Civil section as well as in expert section. It is replied.

prakash (fl)     04 February 2009

Powers without duties,How long?While Sleeping chineses where overcoming top world nation,INDIAN R YET HYPOCRATIC AND SLEEPING,and entire systems yet working for selective fews.

prakash (fl)     11 February 2009

IF there is no fan working,or no drinking water,or no electricity in the room were  KASAB kept,Entire Government department incusive of CJI of SC is concerned about HUMAN RIGHTS,Here in my own CHS nobody concerned for old 73 years single lady alongwith other members of the society  suffering without electricity on passages & members life and property R in Danger on accounts of Appointed Administrator behave like personal servants of Vested Interest and alongwith local police strike on Registered society at their own wills,freezing banks accounts for the reasons of not allowing society to approach for justice in higher forum and put obstructions in the process of justice,Here inspite of bringing notice to the highest concerned authorities,nobody acting,Y?only KASAB having  Human Rights?

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Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     11 February 2009

Pak. Terrorist "Kasab", is a foreign criminal and there are certain protocol norms between two countries as to the way a foreign prisioner is to be treated. Certain protocol norms have to be compulsorily followed. AND this is monitored by the Human Rights as a routine. The rights of a human is monitored in lieu of a criminal facing excess when under the state/centre machinery i.e. police, CID, CBI, Army ...

The report of Human Rights, is more than sufficient to handle international criminal with kid gloves, hence the govt.machinery is compelled to provide all this facilities.

In your case the members are not criminals and the state machinery (dy.registrar) is not imposing any excess on the members in violation of the MCS Act.  There is no such incident, yet recorded, wherein there is threat to life & property due to appointment of Govt.Administrator.  Normally there IS "egoistic" nuisance in the society between its members relating to expenses, accounts and administration and to set it right (or say COOL OFF), the dy.registrar has to appoint an "administrator", that too for not more than 6(9) months, which has to be followed up by a election.

AS IT IS, the dy.registrar does not act on his own (or say gets dreams), to appoint an administrator.  It is always the society mg.committee who is at fault. No point in blaming the state machinery (law).  The Administrator is not a relative / friend of the society people, so his behaviour would be normally erratic considering his work/job background.  No point in getting prejudiced against the appointment of "Administrator".  Self-introspection will remove the members prejudiced egoistic thoughts.

A proper approach to appropriate authorities with a proper petition can set right most problems, subject to appropriate cooperation between the members   "ELSE"  the logical end to such things is "de-registration of the society".


"Those who have knowledge don’t predict. Those who predict don’t have knowledge".

Keep Smiling ...HemantAgarwal

9820174108 (evenings only)


prakash (fl)     12 February 2009

Every stage our so called knowledgable persons attain newer height of stupidity and for the same reasons innocent R suffering,and society unfortunately called it's as professional.Every thing drawn to the attaintion of the Administrator visited manytimes to the society,earlier excessive on people done by forign rulers having morality,Here it's absolute lacking of moral grounds,even door of Judiciary getting closed by freezing bank accounts.

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prakash (fl)     08 March 2009

Freeze Bank account would it be counted as Interferance and obstrcution to the judicial process?As CHS could not challange order of Registar on account of non payment of professional fees to their Lawyer.

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