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Varun (engineer)     31 October 2014

Duty of wife

Please let me know what is legal duty of woman(wife). Please do not make fun like no duty , she is boss all that... I want honest legal answer so that if wife is not performing that duty one can sue her. For example , man has to earn bread  and can not demand money from her/family....

 14 Replies

Law_Learner (Asst. Mgr.)     31 October 2014

Varun : Thanks for posting this question. I am also curious to know this like many others . 

BHUWAN RAJ 09839268489 (lawyer)     31 October 2014

It is not precribed in any law in india. It depends on rituals nd tradition.

BHUWAN RAJ 09839268489 (lawyer)     31 October 2014

It is not precribed in any law in india. It depends on rituals nd tradition.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     31 October 2014

I could not understand your question. Ask clear question so experts can answer properly

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     31 October 2014



That is a very good question and crores of Indian men are looking for answer to that question.


Mr.Bhuwan Raj clarified that there is no such law that talks about duties of wife.


But, I have another basic legal question to our legal experts.


Which section of the law talks about the duties of the man and says that "man has to earn money" ?

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     31 October 2014

I will give you very honest answer, but that is not acceptable to most of the men visiting this forum.  Legally, every duty carries equivalent corresponding right and every right carries equal corresponding duty.  Duty without right or right without duty are not existable.  In India, from the traditions, religious principles and rites and customs, women were given several duties and only the right of existence and the right is not commensurate with the duties heaped upon her.  One Hindu text says - "woman shall play the role of mother when feeding the husband, servant while helpng him in his duties and at bed time like Rambha".  But the corresponding right she accrues is that husband will feed her and provide her clothing and shelter under his roof.  Such inequal duties and rights were accepted by the women of yester generations because it was ordained by the Gods, Traditions and Religious scripttures.  When women empowered by education, started to step out of the house and doing the most arduous jobs like men and invention of latest machinery including computers, which demand mental power and reduced importance of physical power, women started to realize that they are equal to men.  Article 14 provided the fundamental right of  equality before law, Article 16 provided the scope to make laws providing special rights to women to bring them out of the centuries old exploitation against women.  But social values against women are still degrading and women are continuously harassed in the home, on the street and in the workplaces, requiring the parliament to make laws to protect the women - like monogamy in Hindu Marriage Act, Section 304-B, Dowry prohibition Act, Section 498-A, amendments in the Indian Evidence Act etc.  But the things did not show much improvement and it has been seen that women are harassed even in the homes in natal as well as matrimonial homes.  Then came Domestic violence Act to tune the Indian laws in accordance with the International treaties / conventions.  Finally, the Hindu Succession Act was amended to give right to property to the women in parental properties.  Despite, this protective umbrella, the women are meeting a raw deal in our society.

I illustrate some things:

1.  Law has not said anywhere that husband's house is the matrimonial home.  But, we follow the tradition and it is construed that wife after the marriage has to leave the parental home and go to husband. If he lives in joint home, she has to go and stay in the joint family.  Here, the first friction we see.  Husband expects that his old parents shall be looked after by his wife as affectionately as he treats them and shall serve them and his other family members reverently and affectionately.  He says that his parents are old and require medical attention and his wife shall take such responsibility (duty).  Now, if the wife expects same affection and reverence from him towards her parents, he refused to do so.  similarly her parents also old and in the need of medical aid.  But husband refuses and says it is the duty of the wife's brother's wife (wife of sala) and he has nothing to do with her parents.  Further, he bickers their continuous interference in his matrimonial life but fails to see that his wife may be feeling bitter about his parents intrusion in her family life.  The wife's demand to have separate family exclusively with her husband and childeren is viewed as the most obnoxious desire and she is projected as the breaker of joint family.  Further, not only snapping the natal relations, but also she has to resign her job and her career to shift to different city where her husband stays and works.  Her sacrifice is not even acknowledged and taking the aid of tradition, it is said that it is the wife's duty to do all these things.

2.  Most of the working women, even after the marriage, also do not want to leave their jobs because it gives them empowerment.  But her ability to do job and earning the money would not reduced her domestic chores and a bride is expected to do cooking and washing.  There is no let up and most of the husbands do not share the domestic work.

3.  The unequal distribution of rights and duties between the husband and wife will pave the way for bickerings, jibes, jeers, scuffles and finally skirmishes.  It is the primary reason for matrimonial disputes.

4.  In some families there are other reasons like dowry demand, different traditions between the two families and extra-marital affairs, post marriage infatuations etc. which cause the estrangement.


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According to Acharya Chanakya, a person's loyalty can be tested only during difficult times.

He says, test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune.

The true test of a devoted wife is during toughest of times.  He said that a good wife stays with her husband even during worst days.  

Chanakya says, many people may stand by you during good times when you have money. But when a person suffers due to misfortune and he losses all his money, friends and relatives dessert him.

Even during such times a wife’s support can help a man overcome all problems.

Further he says,

One should not place trust in rivers, animals with horns, armed ones, women or in ruling families.


Women are fickle minded. He also says 'Only women could speak falsehood'


Untruthfulness, rashness, guile, stupidity, avarice, uncleanliness and cruelty are women's seven natural flaws.


Fire, water, women, fool, snake and the royal family, beware of all these, they can prove fatal.


Courtesy should be learned from princes, the art of conversation from pundits, lying from gamblers and deceitful ways from women.


Women have hunger two fold, shyness four fold, daring six fold and lust eight fold compared to men. 



According to him good women is the one who is pious, expert in household chores, true and faithful to her husband and who never speaks lie to him.

 He even says 'A women who keeps fast without permission of her husband shortens the life of her husband. She goes to hell and is punished with great horrors of hell.' 'For good days one should save money, women should be protected even if it takes the money saved. But for self preservation the money and the women should be sacrificed !!.'

A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.


Sadly, our lawmakers ie people who were selected from among us have failed to define such in the law books.  

My opinion would be,

One should not get into such circumstances where one could brush themselves with law.  Never get into such situations where one could get on the  other side of the Law.  Unfortunately, marriage is one such act which now a days make people have a brush with law, make them end up on the wrong side of law, which zeroes down to only two things,

1.  Learn to manage your spouse properly, so that things wont go out of hand and you end up on the wrong side of the law.


2.  Dont ever get married, stay single, be bachelor, be spinster, go for live-in relationship, but dont get married, even if you get into live-in relationship, dont get your gf pregnant, always use contraception as there is a chance of live-in partner seeking relief under DV act 2005.


And I thoroughly believe in this wordings of Chanakya


"A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.".

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     01 November 2014

Helping Hand well said, dear author don't get into all this the above gentlemen Advocate chandrashekhar is a strict follower and implementor of 498A, DV so on so forth. Any wife client going to him he would suggest these, any husband approaching him he would suggest them MCD.

Anita (manager)     01 November 2014

See the answers of helping hand and sandykrish, both do not say what is the duty of men?  everyone try to tell the duty of wife but not husband duty.  You see, chankya's quotation -

And I thoroughly believe in this wordings of Chanakya


"A good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.".

he quoted wrongly,  it says karaneshu dasi (servant not sister), bhuvanesh mata and seyaneshu ramba.  Only sick mind can think like this.  in these times, if any man  expects to make the wife maid and expect she play the game of prostitute in night, let him tell in the court in the matrimonial case and the judge will send him to jail or mental asylum.  I advise all the men do not follow the advise of those two fellows and do not say what helping hand is saying in the court, then you will sure lose the case but also be sent to jail or pagal hospital.

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     01 November 2014

Anita, why are taking it serious, this is what a court also thinks when both the parties in dispute. By the way are you a 498a wife. Guys@ make a note of this lady under DB

Anita (manager)     02 November 2014

The clock strikes 10.  The lady judge sits in her chair.  The court proceedings start.  The judge stares from the top of her spects at the husband petitioner, who is shifting his weight from one leg to another leg nervously and shuffles a lot to collect courage. .  The judges asks the petitioner husband why do you want divorce?  The husband clears his throat and braces himself and says with timorous voice - she is not doing her duties, mylord, as hindu wife.  What do you mean, explain - the judge further probles.  The husband says - "she is not following chanakya's principle - she is not working like  Dasi in day time, not becoming my mother at dinner table and not becoming prostitute in bed.  So, I want divorce."  After hearing this, the judge collapses from the chair and spreads out on the floor.  The wives in the family court awestruck.  The husbands  in the court look at each other with furtive glances.  The court master suppresses a good belly laugh.  The judge with a lot of efforts climbs back into her chair and with shocking horror looks down at husband.  The husband stares up to say further,but the judge raises her hand and says 'that is enough.  I have got the scare of my life.   your case is adjourned.  It is transferred to the court of Chandra Gupta Maurya, where Chanakya practises and the next date of hearing is 'CHAUTHAVI, ASHADAMASA, VIKRAMA SALA' (means 4th August, 1260 A.C.).

Varun Kumar (SE)     02 November 2014

Different perspective on duty of wife(Housewife)... No one can satify everyone in this world...sometimes even their own family/friends/relatives..

For ex.... everyone admires Mahatma Gandhi... But godse was against to gandhi and Assassinated him.

So Everyone portrayed their perspective on Duties of Wife... So you please reply what  law says about it.

Assume Husband promises I take care of any financial needs this home needs..... Including hospitality,education,girls welfare(Whatever she had at her parents home/clothes/shelter/)... 

Duty of Housewife :?

Laxman Rao (Finance Analyst)     02 November 2014

Which type of wife duties? A feminist woman hell bent on destroying men(they will normally destroy more than one man) or a woman who brought up by the wishful parents and society or a woman who was brought up by the righteous parents and society. 

In my opinion, for first one only duty is to destroy the men's lives by twisting facts and using existing laws which favour then right away. Second type of woman duties are what her parents want from her(indirectly or directly towards husband). Last one believes in Krayeshu daasi, karaneshu mantri, bhojyeshu mata, shayaneshu ramba. She knows that her womanhood is not for comparing but are same as duty and responsibility oriented like her man's.

Most of the laws for women are made during feminist period running high. Now we can fight against such ill laws using our traditions in court. After all court is standing for Nyaya not for ill treatment.

Varun Kumar (SE)     02 November 2014

Query to Anita...


Different perspective on duty of wife(Housewife)... No one can satify everyone in this world...sometimes even their own family/friends/relatives..

For ex.... everyone admires Mahatma Gandhi... But godse was against to gandhi and Assassinated him.

So Everyone portrayed their perspective on Duties of Wife... So you please reply what  law says about it.

Assume Husband promises I take care of any financial needs this home needs..... Including hospitality,education,girls welfare(Whatever she had at her parents home/clothes/shelter/)... 

Duty of Housewife :?

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