Today my brother has the cross examination in the lower court. The judge seems to be veru biased and seems like bribed. In the beginning he scolded to the gril to show use that he is with the justice and then in the last he asked my brother to forgive all the girl’s sins( her adultery, her misbehavior, her threats to my parent and sister ……) and take the girl home. Infont of the court he asked the girl’s father that he can call him on his mobile if some my brother is having any trouble getting his daughter back.
1. What the biased judge can do at the max?
2. How much maintenance he may asked us to pay? I know that monthly income in 125 crpc is calculated based on boy’s salary but on what bases the maintenance is calculated in DV case?
3. When my brother asked for next date to be after a few days the judge didn’t listen and gave the date for very next day. How can we delay the date hearing? Can my father attaint the next date?
Thanks every one,