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Received Justice (Accounts)     02 May 2013

Dv case

My wife lodged false Police complaint  & simutanelously court caseof DV & Dowary against me & my family. I have never asked dowry as i am well settled in Delhi.Only few articles like TV, fridge, bed was given at the time of marriage 6 years ago. Afterthat not even single penny i accepted from them.


As i am settled in Delhi & my family is in Punjab. My marriage ceremony was performed in Punjab & after 4-5 days ,we are living in Delhi.My married sister house is 5-6 Km from my house in Delhi & my wife alleging my sister also.


Kindly send me latest judgement supreme court/Punjab high court ,stating hasband family memeber not residing with hasband, should not be dragged in case.





 3 Replies

Manoj Kumar Jain (abc)     02 May 2013

See SC jaudgement in case of Geeta Mehrotra

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     02 May 2013


CRM M-8480 of 2010 1



CRM M-8480 of 2010 (O&M)

Date of Decision: September 07, 2012

Harjit Singh and another

.. Petitioners


The State of Punjab and another

... Respondents


1) Whether Reporters of the local papers may be allowed to see

the judgment ?.

2) To be referred to the Reporters or not ?.

3) Whether the judgment should be reported in the Digest ?

Present: Mr. R.K. Shukla, Advocate,

for the petitioners.

Ms. Jaspreet Kaur, AAG, Punjab.

Mr. Keshav Kataria, Advocate,

for respondent No.2.

Paramjeet Singh, J.

Present petition has been filed under Section 482 of the Code

of Criminal Procedure for quashing of FIR No. 127 dated 20.08.2009,

under Sections 406, 498-A IPC, registered at Police Station Sadar,

Faridkot and all subsequent proceedings arise therefrom.

Brief facts of the case are that Gurpreet Kaur respondent No.

2 lodged aforesaid FIR against nine persons including the petitioners as

CRM M-8480 of 2010 2

well as her husband Surjit Singh (non-petitioner) under Sections 498-

A/406 IPC alleging therein that she got married to Surjit Singh on

10.05.2006 by way of Anand Karj at Gurudwara Sahib, Ismailabad and the

remaining marriage programme was held at Maharaja Banquet Hall,

Ismailabad because at that time the parents of respondent no.2 were

residing at Village Naishi, District Kurukshetra. Thereafter, the family of

respondent no.2 shifted to Village Bishnandi, Tehsil Jaito, District

Faridkot. It is alleged in the FIR that in the marriage her parents had spent

about Rs. 12.00 lacs. She also alleges that about 20 Tolas of Gold was

given on her marriage, out of which chain to mother-in-law, 22 bangles to

sisters-in-law (Nanads), 2 bangles to sister-in-law (Jethani), Kara and rings

given to petitioner no.1 and a neckless set, weighing 3 tolas, 6 bangles

weighing 4 tolas, ear rings weighing 1-½ tolas were given to respondent

no.2. Apart from this number of jewellery, other articles and istridhan i.e.

200 utensils of steel, brass, kansi, one fridge and many others things of

common kitchen use, Colour TV, Washing machiner, furniture, godrej

almirah as detailed in the FIR (Annexure P/1) were also given. These

dowry articles (as mentioned in the FIR - Annexure P/1) were entrusted to

her in-laws. It is her case that her in-laws had promised that the same were

to be returned to respondent no.2 as and when demanded by her. It is also

mentioned that before the marriage ceremony, Thaka had taken place. At

that time also, Rs. 2 lac were given to Surjit Singh-husband for purchase of

car. He purchased the motorcycle and embezzled the remaining amount.

Thereafter, she stayed in her matrimonial home for about few weeks and

CRM M-8480 of 2010 3

during this period her in-laws started taunting that her parents had not

given sufficient dowry as per their status. They have not given a big car

according to their status. They started mal-treating respondent no.2. It is

the case of respondent no.2 that they used to tell her parents and the family

members that insufficient dowry had been given according to their status.

The parental family of respondent no.2 many times made the accused

understand not to taunt by saying about inadequate dowry. During this

period, respondent no.2 became pregnant. The parents of respondent no.2

told that they had already spent sufficient amount on the marriage and they

cannot give more. On this, the in-laws started mal-treating and harassing

respondent no.2. A female child, namely, Khushpreet Kaur was born. All

the expenses were borne by the parents of respondent no.2. At that time,

the in-laws of respondent no.2 demanded Rs. 2 lacs and pressed upon her

to bring the same, otherwise they would not allow her to enter the house. It

is alleged that the same has happened at the house of respondent no.2 in

the presence of various persons. It is alleged in the FIR that the in-laws

were habitual to use filthy language and threatened that if respondent no.2

came to the matrimonial house, she must bring a Safari Car and Rs. 2 lacs.

The demand continued to increase from time to time. Thereafter, inquiry

was conducted and FIR was registered. The FIR is very lengthy. The sum

and substance of the same has been extracted herein above.

Pursuant to notice, respondents have filed their respective

replies. Respondent no.1 in his reply has submitted that the FIR has been

registered after due enquiry. Challan has been presented and charge has

CRM M-8480 of 2010 4

been framed. The case has been fixed for prosecution evidence. It is

further submitted that FIR has been registered and during investigation it

has been found that petitioner no.1 is the real brother of the husband of

respondent no.1 and petitioner no.2 is Jethani of respondent No.2. During

investigation, it has been found that they took active part in the family

affairs and living separately is no excuse.

Respondent No.2 also submitted in her reply that sufficient

dowry was given. The behaviour of in-law was very harsh towards

respondent no.2. Many times demand was raised. When a famale child

was born to respondent no.2, they further demanded a car and threatened

that if respondent no.2 failed to bring Safari car and Rs.2 lacs then she

should not enter their house. The behavour of the in-laws was always

cruel towards respondent no.2 and they have mentally harassed her.

I have heard learned counsel for the parties and perused the


Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that in fact

respondent No. 2 and Surjit Singh had solemnised the marriage by way of

Anand Karj in a very simple manner and no dowry articles were given or

accepted at the time of marriage by the petitioners. Petitioner No.1 is elder

brother of husband of respondent No.2 and petitioner no.2 is the wife of

petitioner no.1 i.e. Jethani of respondent no.2. They are residing

separately. There is no allegation in the FIR that what demand the

petitioners raised. Only allegation against the petitioners are that some

articles were given to them at the time of marriage which are gift items

CRM M-8480 of 2010 5

and cannot be treated as dowry articles specifically when the petitioners

never made a demand of any articles from the in-laws of Surjit Singh.

They will not be otherwise benefitted from the alleged dowry articles as

they were already residing separately from their parents and other

members of the family.

Learned Counsel for the State, as well as, learned counsel for

respondent no.2 vehemently opposed the contentions raised by the learned

counsel for the petitioners.

In support of his contentions, the learned counsel for the

petitioners relied upon judgments of this Court and Hon'ble Supreme

Court rendered in Shinder Pal @ Kakke v. State of Haryana, 2004(2)

RCR(Criminal) 398 Rajinder Mohan Kashyap v. Om Parkash Sharma,

2005(1) RCR(Criminal) 274, Neelu Chopra and another vs. Bharti, 2010

(1) RCR (Crl.) 115 and Preeti Gupta and another Vs. State of Jharkhand

and another, 2010(4) RCR (Crl.) 45. Mr. Shukla then submitted that it has

become a tendency in matrimonial disputes to implicate all the family

members, some times even the distant relatives on vague allegations for

certain oblique motives.

Learned counsel for the petitioners further submitted that

there are no specific allegations against the petitioners with regard to

entrustment of dowry articles and causing harassment and taunting her by

the petitioners. The allegations against the petitioners are vague and

sweeping without any basis and without mentioning any specific averment

and instances.

CRM M-8480 of 2010 6

The learned counsel for the petitioners while relying upon a

judgment of this Court rendered in Harjinder Kaur and others v. State of

Punjab, 2004(4) RCR(Criminal) 332 lastly contended that may be the

challan against the petitioners has since been filed by the prosecution

agency and charge has been framed by the Court, yet there is no absolute

bar to entertain the petition under Section 482 as each case is to be

examined on its own facts.

On the basis of the aforesaid submissions Mr. Shukla prays

for quashing of the FIR and the subsequent proceedings arising therefrom

qua the present petitioners.

While controverting the submissions advanced by Mr. Shukla,

Mr. Kataria and the learned State counsel stated that this is not the stage

for quashing of the proceedings against the petitioners as the challan

against all has already been filed by the prosecution agency, and even

charge has been framed, therefore, all the pleas taken herein by the

petitioners can very well be agitated at the appropriate stage before the

trial Court.

On merits, learned counsel for respondent No.2 contends that

the petitioners have no cause as there are specific allegations against each

of them and the plea projected by the petitioners. Rather the complainant

was insulted by the petitioners side on different dates whenever they tried

to resolve the dispute. The Panchayats were convened many a times for the

amicable settlement of the dispute. He then contended that the dowry

articles have not been returned till date and, therefore, the petitioners have

CRM M-8480 of 2010 7

no escape from the liability. Prima facie also Sections 498-A/406 IPC are

attracted qua the petitioners and therefore, they are not entitled to the relief

sought herein. The aforesaid petitioners are very well connected with

every incident that happened in the matrimonial home.

Learned State counsel adopted the arguments advanced by

learned counsel for respondent No. 2.

After hearing rival contentions of either side and going

through the records minutely, I am of the view that respondent no.2 has no

case against the petitioners and the instant petition qua them deserves to be

allowed. While arriving at this conclusion, I have not only appreciated the

totality of the facts and circumstances of the case in hand but also kept in

consideration that the things have taken a reverse trend now-a-days and

women are abusing beneficial provision of Section 498-A IPC by

implicating all the family members of her in-laws. It is quite often noticed

by the Courts that the cases of this type create some what formidable

hurdle in reconciliation efforts and give rise to lot of bickerings between

the two families. Parties rush to the Court in a huff in matrimonial cases.

In some judgments a suggestion is also given to the Law Commission and

the Parliament that if Section 498-A IPC has to continue on the statute

book in the same form, it should be made a non-cognizable and a bailable

offence so that the provisions are not misused to harass innocent people.

I am quite conscious of the settled legal position that generally

the proceedings should not be quashed when the challan is filed by the

prosecution agency and charge is framed and thereafter the exercise should

CRM M-8480 of 2010 8

be left to the trial Court to proceed with the case in accordance with law.

But at the same time there is no hard and fast rule that the proceedings

cannot be quashed after the filing of the challan and the framing of charge.

It depends upon the facts of each case. It is, however, the duty of the Court

to see that the stream of justice is kept clean. In Harjinder Kaur's case

(supra), the same issue had cropped up and this Court while relying upon

certain judgments of Apex Court and of this Court held that there is no bar

to entertain the petition under Section 482 Cr.P.C. even after filing of the

challan or even after framing of the charge. I am appreciating the case in

hand from that angle qua certain accused booked in this case.

I have perused the FIR very minutely. Although either side

has not placed on record the documents of challan and the charge framed

for its perusal but in my considered view the prosecution should go by

what is alleged in the FIR (Annexure P-1). A bare perusal of the FIR

indicates that it has been drafted with certain oblique reasons so that all

the family members of in-laws of respondent no.2 are taken in. The

petitioners have been implicated in this case with the allegation that

respondent no.2 was being harassed at the behest of the petitioners, who

are elder brother (Jeth) and sister-in-law (Jethani) of respondent No.2. In

the FIR it is stated that several dowry articles including Istridhan were

given to the respondent No.2 exclusively for her use. I am surprised as to

how the petitioners can be said to have any nexus with the entrustment of

dowry articles when there is no specific allegations except the fact that

some customary gifts were given to the petitioners which cannot be treated

CRM M-8480 of 2010 9

as dowry articles. The petitioners have been arrayed as accused with the

general allegations of demand of dowry, entrustment of dowry articles and

the harassment at their hands. The petitioners are residing separately, this

fact has been admitted in the reply of respondent no.1 wherein it is

mentioned that residing separately is no excuse. They cannot even be

remotely connected with both the offences as alleged viz. 498-A/406 IPC.

In my considered view, their involvement in the instant case is an outcome

of usual hatred in the mind of respondent no.2 and her parents after the

matrimonial discord. This rather goes to strengthen my observation that a

tendency has developed for roping in all the relations in dowry cases.

In Rajinder Mohan Kashyap's case (supra) relied upon by

learned counsel for the petitioners, this Court while quashing the

proceedings qua some of the family members of in-laws of the wife has

also observed that it has become a tendency in matrimonial disputes to

implicate all the family members, even some time the distant relations, on

the vague allegations. In the said judgment this Court has relied upon a

judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court rendered in M/s. Pepsi Foods Ltd. v.

Special Judicial Magistrate, 1997(4) RCR(Crl.) 761 (SC) in which their

Lordships have observed as under :-

".... Summoning of an accused in a criminal case is a

serious matter. Criminal law cannot be set into motion as

a matter of course. It is not that the complainant has to

bring only two witnesses to support his allegations in the

complaint to have the criminal law set into motion. The

order of the Magistrate summoning the accused must

CRM M-8480 of 2010 10

reflect that he has applied his mind to the facts of the case

and the law applicable thereto. He has to examine the

nature of allegations made in the complaint and the

evidence both oral and documentary in support thereof

and would that be sufficient for the complainant to

succeed in bringing charge home to the accused."

Another judgment rendered in Shinder Pal @ Kakke's case

(supra) relied by Mr. Sukla, this Court while relying upon a judgment of

Apex Court rendered in Kans Raj v. State of Punjab and others, 2000(2)

RCR(Crl.) 695 (SC) : AIR 2000 Supreme Court 2324 wherein their

Lordships have observed that a tendency has developed for roping in all

the relations in dowry cases which ultimately weakens the case of the

prosecution even against the real accused.

My view is also fortified by the latest judgment of Hon'ble

Supreme Court rendered in Ramesh Kumar and others v. State of Tamil

Nadu, 2005(2) RCR(Criminal) 68 (SC) in which their Lordships while

quashing the proceedings against sister-in-law who was staying at a

different place observed that there were bald allegations to rope in a many

relations of the husband.

Another judgment of the Hon'ble Apex Court rendered in

Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India and others, 2005(3) RCR

(Criminal) 745 where issue of striking down Section 498-A IPC had

sprouted, their Lordships observed that in such type of cases the "action"

and not the "section" may be vulnerable and the Court by upholding the

provisions of law may still set aside the action, order or decision and grant

CRM M-8480 of 2010 11

appropriate relief to the persons aggrieved. Their Lordships while dealing

with the dowry menace, however, observed in para 17 as under :-

"The object of the provisions is prevention of the dowry

menace. But as he has been rightly contended by the

petitioner many instances have come to light where the

complaints are not bonafide and have been filed with

oblique motive. In such cases acquittal of the accused

does not in all cases wipe out the ignomy (ignominy ?)

suffered during and prior to trial. Sometimes adverse

media coverage adds to the misery. The question,

therefore, is what remedial measures can be taken to

prevent abuse of the well- intentioned provision. Merely

because the provision is constitutional and intra vires,

does not give a licence to unscrupulous persons to wreck

personal vendetta or unleash harassment. It may,

therefore, become necessary for the legislature to find out

ways how the makers of frivolous complaints or

allegations can be appropriately dealt with. Till then the

Courts have to take care of the situation within the

existing framework. As noted above the object is to strike

at the roots of dowry menace. But by misuse of the

provision a new legal terrorism can be unleashed. The

provision is intended to be used a shield and not an

assassin's weapon. If cry of "wolf" is made too often as a

prank, assistance and protection may not be available

when the actual "wol f" appears. There is no question of

investigating agency and Courts casually dealing with the

allegations. They cannot follow any straitjacket formula

in the matters relating to dowry tortures, deaths and

cruelty. It cannot be lost sight of that ultimate objective of

every legal system is to arrive at truth, punish the guilty

CRM M-8480 of 2010 12

and protect the innocent. There is no scope for any preconceived

notion or view. It is strenuously argued by the

petitioner that the investigating agencies and the Courts

start with the presumptions that the accused persons are

guilty and that the complainant is speaking the truth. This

is too wide available and generalized statement. Certain

statutory presumptions are drawn which again are

rebuttable. It is to be noted that the role of the

investigating agencies and the Courts is that of watch dog

and not of a bloodhound. It should be their effort to see

that an innocent person is not made to suffer on account

of unfounded, baseless and malicious allegations. It is

equally indisputable that in many cases no direct evidence

is available and the Courts have to act on circumstantial

evidence. While dealing with such cases, the law laid

down relating to circumstantial evidence has to be kept in


In Neelu Chopra's case (supra), the Hon'ble Apex Court has

observed as under:-

“5. In order to lodge a proper compliant, mere mention of

the sections and the language of those sections is not be

all and end of the matter. What is required to be brought

to the notice of the court is the particulars of the offence

committed by each and every accused and the role played

by each and every accused in committing of that offence.

When we see the complaint, the complaint is sadly vague.

It does not show as to which accused has committed what

offence and what is the exact role played by these

appellants in the commission of offence. There could be

said something against Rajesh, as the allegations are

made against him more precisely but he is no more and

CRM M-8480 of 2010 13

has already expired. Under such circumstances, it would

be an abuse of process of law to allow the prosecution to

continue against the aged parents of Rajesh, the present

appellants herein on the basis of vague and general

complaint which is silent about the precise acts of the


6. The High Court has merely mentioned that the

allegation in the complaint are of retaining jewellery

articles in possession of the husband and the petitioners.

Now if the articles were in the possession of the husband,

there is no question of the present appellants being in

possession of the appellants. This is apart from the fact

that it has already been expressed by us that there is no

mention of the date on which the said ornaments, if any,

were entrusted to the appellants or even the date when

they were demanded back and were refused to be given

back by the appellants or any one of them. Insofar as the

offence under Section 498A IPC is concerned, we do not

find any material or allegation worth the name against

the present appellants. All the allegations appear to be

against the Rajesh.”

In the latest judgment in Preeti Gupta's case (supra), the

Hon'ble Apex Court observed as under:

“28. It is a matter of common knowledge that

unfortunately matrimonial litigation is rapidly increasing

in our country. All the courts in our country including this

court are flooded with matrimonial cases. This clearly

demonstrates discontent and unrest in the family life of a

large number of people of the society.

29. The courts are receiving a large number of cases

CRM M-8480 of 2010 14

emanating from section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code

which reads as under :-

"498-A. Husband or relative of husband of a woman

subjecting her to cruelty.--Whoever, being the

husband or the relative of the husband of a woman,

subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished

with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

three years and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation.--For the purposes of this section,

'cruelty' means :-

(a) any wilful conduct which is of such a nature as

is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to

cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health

(whether mental or physical) of the woman; or

(b) harassment of the woman where such

harassment is with a view to coercing her or any

person related to her to meet any unlawful demand

for any property or valuable security or is on

account of failure by her or any person related to

her to meet such demand."

30. It is a matter of common experience that most of

these complaints under section 498-A IPC are filed in the

heat of the moment over trivial issues without proper

deliberations. We come across a large number of such

complaints which are not even bonafide and are filed

with oblique motive. At the same time, rapid increase in

the number of genuine cases of dowry harassment are

also a matter of serious concern.

31. The learned members of the Bar have enormous

social responsibility and obligation to ensure that the

CRM M-8480 of 2010 15

social fiber of family life is not ruined or demolished.

They must ensure that exaggerated versions of small

incidents should not be reflected in the criminal

complaints. Majority of the complaints are filed either on

their advice or with their concurrence. The learned

members of the Bar who belong to a noble profession

must maintain its noble traditions and should treat every

complaint under section 498-A as a basic human problem

and must make serious endeavour to help the parties in

arriving at an amicable resolution of that human

problem. They must discharge their duties to the best of

their abilities to ensure that social fiber, peace and

tranquility of the society remains intact. The members of

the Bar should also ensure that one complaint should not

lead to multiple cases.

32. Unfortunately, at the time of filing of the complaint

the implications and consequences are not properly

visualized by the complainant that such complaint can

lead to insurmountable harassment, agony and pain to

the complainant, accused and his close relations.

33. The ultimate object of justice is to find out the truth

and punish the guilty and protect the innocent. To find

out the truth is a herculean task in majority of these

complaints. The tendency of implicating husband and all

his immediate relations is also not uncommon. At times,

even after the conclusion of criminal trial, it is difficult to

ascertain the real truth. The courts have to be extremely

careful and cautious in dealing with these complaints and

must take pragmatic realities into consideration while

dealing with matrimonial cases. The allegations of

harassment of husband's close relations who had been

CRM M-8480 of 2010 16

living in different cities and never visited or rarely visited

the place where the complainant resided would have an

entirely different complexion. The allegations of the

complaint are required to be scrutinized with great care

and circumspection. Experience reveals that long and

protracted criminal trials lead to rancour, acrimony and

bitterness in the relationship amongst the parties. It is

also a matter of common knowledge that in cases filed by

the complainant if the husband or the husband's relations

had to remain in jail even for a few days, it would ruin

the chances of amicable settlement altogether. The

process of suffering is extremely long and painful.

34. Before parting with this case, we would like to

observe that a serious relook of the entire provision is

warranted by the legislation. It is also a matter of

common knowledge that exaggerated versions of the

incident are reflected in a large number of complaints.

The tendency of over implication is also reflected in a

very large number of cases.

35. The criminal trials lead to immense sufferings for all

concerned. Even ultimate acquittal in the trial may also

not be able to wipe out the deep scars of suffering of

ignominy. Unfortunately a large number of these

complaints have not only flooded the courts but also

have led to enormous social unrest affecting peace,

harmony and happiness of the society. It is high time that

the legislature must take into consideration the

pragmatic realities and make suitable changes in the

existing law. It is imperative for the legislature to take

into consideration the informed public opinion and the

pragmatic realities in consideration and make necessary

CRM M-8480 of 2010 17

changes in the relevant provisions of law. We direct the

Registry to send a copy of this judgment to the Law

Commission and to the Union Law Secretary,

Government of India who may place it before the Hon'ble

Minister for Law & Justice to take appropriate steps in

the larger interest of the society.”

Taking into consideration the totality of the peculiar facts and

circumstances of the instant case and following the rationale of the

judgments referred herein above, specifically Preeti Gupta's case (supra),

Neelu Chopra's case (supra) and Sushil Kumar Sharma's case (supra), in

my considered view, the instant petition qua the present petitioners

deserves to be allowed. Ordered accordingly.

Resultantly, the instant petition is partly allowed and FIR No.

127, dated 20.08.2009, under Sections 498-A/406 IPC registered at Police

Station Sadar Faridkot and all further proceedings arising therefrom

including presentation of challan and charge framed qua the present

petitioners are hereby quashed.

September 07, 2012 [Paramjeet Singh]

vkd Judge

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     02 May 2013


Page 1





(Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 10547/2010)

Geeta Mehrotra & Anr. ..Appellants


State of U.P. & Anr. . Respondents



1. This appeal by special leave in which we

granted leave has been filed by the appellants against

the order dated 6.9.2010 passed by the High Court of

Judicature at Allahabad in Crl. Miscellaneous

Application No.22714/2007 whereby the High Court

had been pleased to dispose of the application moved by

the appellants under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for quashing

the order of the Magistrate taking cognizance against

the appellants under Sections 498A/323/504/506 IPC

Page 2

read with Section 3/4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act with

an observation that the question of territorial

jurisdiction cannot be properly decided by the High

Court under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for want of adequate

facts. It was, therefore, left open to the appellants to

move the trial court for dropping the proceedings on

the ground of lack of territorial jurisdiction. The High

Court however granted interim protection to the

appellants by directing the authorities not to issue

coercive process against the appellants until disposal of

the application filed by the appellants with a further

direction to the trial court to dispose of the application

if moved by the appellants, within a period of two

months from the date of moving the application. The

application under Section 482 Cr.P.C. was thus

disposed of by the High Court.

2. The appellants in spite of the liberty granted

to them to move the trial court, have filed this appeal for

quashing the proceedings which had been initiated on

the basis of a case lodged by the respondent No.2 Smt.

Shipra Mehrotra (earlier known as Shipra Seth) against


Page 3

her husband, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-inlaw

and sister-in-law. This appeal has been preferred

by the sister-in-law, who is appellant No.1 and brotherin-

law of the complainant, who is appellant No.2.

3. The case emerges out of the first information

report lodged by respondent No.2 Smt. Shipra

Mehrotra under Sections 498A/323/504/506 IPC

read with Section 3/4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act

bearing F.I.R.No. 52/2004. The F.I.R. was registered at

Mahila Thana Daraganj, Allahabad wherein the

complainant alleged that she was married to Shyamji

Mehrotra s/o Balbir Saran who was living at Eros

Garden, Charmswood Village, Faridabad, Suraj Kund

Road at Faridabad Haryana as per the Hindu marriage

rites and customs. Prior to marriage the complainant

and her family members were told by Shyamji Mehrotra

and his elder brother Ramji Mehrotra who is appellant

No.2 herein and their mother Smt. Kamla Mehrotra and

her sister Geeta Mehrotra who is appellant No.1 herein

that Shyamji is employed as a Team Leader in a top I.T.

Company in Chennai and is getting salary of


Page 4

Rs.45,000/- per month. After negotiation between the

parents of the complainant and the accused parties,

the marriage of the complainant Shipra Seth (later

Shipra Mehrotra) and Shyamji Mehrotra was performed

after which the respondent-complainant left for the

house of her in-laws.

4. It was stated that the atmosphere in the

house was peaceful for sometime but soon after the

wedding, when all the relatives left, the maid who

cooked meals was first of all paid-off by the aforesaid

four persons who then told the complainant that from

now onwards, the complainant will have to prepare food

for the family. In addition, the above mentioned people

started taunting and scolding her on trivial issues. The

complainant also came to know that Shyamji was not

employed anywhere and always stayed in the house.

Shyamji gradually took away all the money which the

complainant had with her and then told her that her

father had not given dowry properly, therefore, she

should get Rupees five lakhs from her father in order to

enable him to start business, because he was not


Page 5

getting any job. When the complainant clearly declined

and stated that she will not ask her parents for money,

Shyamji, on instigation of other accused-family

members, started beating her occasionally. To escape

every day torture and financial status of the family, the

complainant took up a job in a Call Centre at Convergys

on 17.2.2003 where the complainant had to do night

shifts due to which she used to come back home at

around 3 a.m. in the morning. Just on her return from

work, the household people started playing bhajan

cassettes after which she had to getup at 7’o clock in

the morning to prepare and serve food to all the

members in the family. Often on falling asleep in the

morning, Shyamji, Kamla Devi and Geeta Mehrotra

tortured the complainant every day mentally and

physically. Ramji Mehrotra often provoked the other

three family members to torture and often used to make

the complainant feel sad by making inappropriate

statements about the complainant and her parents. Her

husband Shyamji also took away the salary from the



Page 6

5. After persistent efforts, Shyamji finally got a

job in Chennai and he went to Chennai for the job in

May, 2003. But, it is alleged that there was no change

in his behaviour even after going to Chennai. The

complainant often called him on phone to talk to him

but he always did irrelevant conversation. He never

spoke properly with the complainant whenever he

visited home and often used to hurl filthy abuses. The

complainant states that she often wept and tolerated the

tortures of the accused persons for a long time but did

not complain to her family members, as that would have

made them feel sad. At last, when the complainant

realized that even her life was in danger, she was

compelled to tell everything to her father on phone who

was very upset on hearing her woes. On 15.7.2003

complainant heard some conversation of her mother-inlaw

and sister-in-law from which it appeared to her that

they want to kill the complainant in the night only.

Thereupon the complainant apprised her father of the

situation on phone to which her father replied that he

will call back her father-in-law and she should go with


Page 7

him immediately and he will come in the morning. The

father-in-law Satish Dhawan and his wife who were

living in NOIDA thereafter came in the night and

somehow took the complainant to their home who also

came to know of everything. The complainant’s father

and brother later went to her matrimonial home on

16.7.2003. On seeing her father and brother, Kamla

Mehrotra and Geeta Mehrotra started speaking loudly

and started saying that Shyamji would be coming by the

evening and so he should come in the evening for

talking to them. Her father and brother then went away

from there. That very day, her husband Shyamji and

brother-in-law Ramji also reached home. On reaching

there, Shyamji abused her on phone and told her to

send her father.

6. When father and brother of the complainant

went home in the evening, they were also insulted by all

the four and video camera and tape were played and in

the end they were told that they should leave from here.

Insulted, they came back from there and then came

back to Allahabad with the complainant. For many


Page 8

days the complainant and her family members hoped

that the situation would improve if the matter was

resolved. Many times other people tried to persuade the

in – laws but to no avail. Her brother went to their

house to talk to her in – laws but it came to his

knowledge that the in – laws had changed their house.

After much effort, they came to know that the father-inlaw

and mother-in-law started living at B-39, Brahma

cooperative group housing society, block 7, sector-7,

Dwarka, Delhi. On 19.09.04 evening, her father talked

to Kamla Mehrotra and Geeta Mehrotra regarding the

complainant using bad words and it was said that if her

daughter came there she will be kicked out. After some

time Shyamji rang up at complainant’s home but on

hearing the complainant’s voice, he told her abusively

that now she should not come his way and she should

tell her father not to phone him in future. At

approximately 10:30 pm in the night Ramji’s phone

came to the complainant’s home. He used bad words

while talking to her father and in the end said that he

had got papers prepared in his defence and he may do


Page 9

whatever he could but if he could afford to give Rs.10

lakhs then it should be conveyed after which he will

reconsider the matter. If the girl was sent to his place

without money, then even her dead body will not be


7. On hearing these talks of the accused, the

complainant believed that her in-laws will not let the

complainant enter their home without taking ten lakhs

and if the complainant went there on her own, she will

not be safe. Hence, she lodged the report wherein she

prayed that the SHO Daraganj should be ordered to do

the needful after registering the case against the

accused Shyam Mehrotra, Ramji Mehrotra, Kamla

Mehrotra and Geeta Mehrotra. Thus, in substance, the

complainant related the bickering at her matrimonial

home which made her life miserable in several ways and

compelled her to leave her in-law’s place in order to live

with her father where she lodged a police case as stated


8. On the basis of the complaint, the

investigating authorities at P.S. Daraganj, Allahabad


Page 10

started investigation of the case and thereafter the

police submitted chargesheet against the appellants and

other family members of the complainant’s husband.

9. Hence, the appellants who are sister and

brother of the complainant’s husband filed petition

under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for quashing of the

chargesheet and the entire proceedings pending in the

court of learned Judicial Magistrate, Court No.IV,

Allahabad, inter-alia, on the ground that FIR has been

lodged with mala fide intentions to harass the

appellants and that no case was made out against the

appellants as well as other family members. But the

principal ground of challenge to the FIR was that the

incident although was alleged to have taken place at

Faridabad and the investigation should have been done

there only, the complainant with mala fide intention in

connivance with the father of the complainant, got the

investigating officer to record the statements by visiting

Ghaziabad which was beyond his territorial jurisdiction

and cannot be construed as legal and proper

investigation. It was also alleged that the father of the


Page 11

complainant got the arrest warrant issued through

George Town Police Station, Allahabad, in spite of the

cause of action having arisen at Allahabad.

10. This appeal has been preferred by Kumari

Geeta Mehrotra i.e. the sister of the complainant’s

husband and Ramji Mehrotra i.e. the elder brother of

the complainant’s husband assailing the order of the

High Court and it was submitted that the Hon’ble High

Court ought to have appreciated that the complainant

who had already obtained an ex-parte decree of divorce,

is pursuing the present case through her father with

the sole purpose to unnecessarily harass the appellants

to extract money from them as all efforts of mediation

had failed.

11. However, the grounds of challenge before

this Court to the order of the High Court, inter alia is

that the High Court had failed to appreciate that the

investigation had been done by the authority without

following due process of law which also lacked territorial

jurisdiction. The relevant documents/parcha diary for

deciding the territorial jurisdiction had been overlooked


Page 12

as the FIR has been lodged at Allahabad although the

cause of action of the entire incident is alleged to have

taken place at Faridabad (Haryana). It was, therefore,

submitted that the investigating authorities of the

Allahabad have traversed beyond the territorial limits

which is clearly an abuse of the process of law and the

High Court has failed to exercise its inherent powers

under Section 482 Cr.P.C. in the facts and

circumstances of this case and allowed the proceedings

to go on before the trial court although it had no

jurisdiction to adjudicate the same.

12. It was further averred that the High Court

had failed to examine the facts of the FIR to see

whether the facts stated in the FIR constitute any prima

facie case making out an offence against the sister-inlaw

and brother-in-law of the complainant and whether

there was at all any material to constitute an offence

against the appellants and their family members.

Attention of this Court was further invited to the

contradictions in the statement of the complainant and

her father which indicate material contradictions


Page 13

indicating that the complainant and her father have

concocted the story to implicate the appellants as well

as all their family members in a criminal case merely

with a mala fide intention to settle her scores and

extract money from the family of her ex-husband

Shyamji Mehrotra and his family members.

13. On a perusal of the complaint and other

materials on record as also analysis of the arguments

advanced by the contesting parties in the light of the

settled principles of law reflected in a catena of

decisions, it is apparent that the High Court has not

applied its mind on the question as to whether the case

was fit to be quashed against the appellants and has

merely disposed of the petition granting liberty to the

appellants to move the trial court and raise

contentions on the ground as to whether it has

territorial jurisdiction to continue with the trial in the

light of the averment that no part of the cause of action

had arisen at Allahabad and the entire incident even as

per the FIR had taken place at Faridabad.


Page 14

14. The High Court further overlooked the fact

that during the pendency of this case, the complainantrespondent

No.2 has obtained an ex-parte decree of

divorce against her husband Shyamji Mehrotra and the

High Court failed to apply its mind whether any case

could be held to have been made out against Kumari

Geeta Mehrotra and Ramji Mehrotra, who are the

unmarried sister and elder brother of the complainant’s

ex-husband. Facts of the FIR even as it stands indicate

that although a prima facie case against the husband

Shyamji Mehrotra and some other accused persons may

or may not be constituted, it surely appears to be a

case where no ingredients making out a case against

the unmarried sister of the accused Shyamji Mehrotra

and his brother Ramji Mehrotra appear to be existing

for even when the complainant came to her in-law’s

house after her wedding, she has alleged physical and

mental torture by stating in general that she had been

ordered to do household activities of cooking meals for

the whole family. But there appears to be no specific

allegation against the sister and brother of the


Page 15

complainant’s husband as to how they could be

implicated into the mutual bickering between the

complainant and her husband Shyamji Mehrotra

including his parents.

15. Under the facts and circumstance of similar

nature in the case of Ramesh vs. State of Tamil

Nadu reported in (2005) SCC (Crl.) 735 at 738

allegations were made in a complaint against the

husband, the in-laws, husband’s brother and sister who

were all the petitioners before the High Court wherein

after registration of the F.I.R. and investigation, the

charge sheet was filed by the Inspector of Police in the

court of Judicial Magistrate III, Trichy. Thereupon, the

learned magistrate took cognizance of the offence and

issued warrants against the appellants on 13.2.2002.

Four of the accused-appellants were arrested and

released on bail by the magistrate at Mumbai. The

appellants had filed petition under Section 482, Cr.P.C.

before the Madras High Court for quashing the

proceedings in complaint case on the file of the Judicial

Magistrate III, Trichy. The High Court by the impugned


Page 16

order dismissed the petition observing that the grounds

raised by the petitioners were all subject matters to be

heard by the trial court for better appreciation after

conducting full trial as the High Court was of the view

that it was only desirable to dismiss the criminal

original petition and the same was also dismissed.

However, the High Court had directed the Magistrate to

dispense with the personal attendance of the


16. Aggrieved by the order of the Madras High

Court dismissing the petition under Section 482

Cr.P.C., the special leave petition was filed in this Court

giving rise to the appeals therein where threefold

contentions were raised viz., (i) that the allegations are

frivolous and without any basis; (ii) even according to

the FIR, no incriminating acts were done within the

jurisdiction of Trichy Police Station and the court at

Trichy and, therefore, the learned magistrate lacked

territorial jurisdiction to take cognizance of the offence

and (iii) taking cognizance of the alleged offence at that

stage was barred under Section 468(1) Cr.P.C. as it was


Page 17

beyond the period of limitation prescribed under

Section 468(2) Cr.P.C. Apart from the subsequent two

contentions, it was urged that the allegations under the

FIR do not make out any offence of which cognizance

could be taken.

17. Their Lordships of the Supreme Court in

this matter had been pleased to hold that the bald

allegations made against the sister in law by the

complainant appeared to suggest the anxiety of the

informant to rope in as many of the husband’s relatives

as possible. It was held that neither the FIR nor the

charge sheet furnished the legal basis for the

magistrate to take cognizance of the offences alleged

against the appellants. The learned Judges were

pleased to hold that looking to the allegations in the

FIR and the contents of the charge sheet, none of the

alleged offences under Section 498 A, 406 and Section 4

of the Dowry Prohibition Act were made against the

married sister of the complainant’s husband who was

undisputedly not living with the family of the

complainant’s husband. Their Lordships of the


Page 18

Supreme Court were pleased to hold that the High

Court ought not to have relegated the sister in law to

the ordeal of trial. Accordingly, the proceedings against

the appellants were quashed and the appeal was


18. In so far as the plea of territorial jurisdiction

is concerned, it is no doubt true that the High Court

was correct to the extent that the question of territorial

jurisdiction could be decided by the trial court itself.

But this ground was just one of the grounds to quash

the proceedings initiated against the appellants under

Section 482 Cr.P.C. wherein it was also alleged that no

prima facie case was made out against the appellants

for initiating the proceedings under the Dowry

Prohibition Act and other provisions of the IPC. The

High Court has failed to exercise its jurisdiction in so far

as the consideration of the case of the appellants are

concerned, who are only brother and sister of the

complainant’s husband and are not alleged even by the

complainant to have demanded dowry from her. The

High Court, therefore, ought to have considered that


Page 19

even if the trial court at Allahabad had the jurisdiction

to hold the trial, the question still remained as to

whether the trial against the brother and sister of the

husband was fit to be continued and whether that

would amount to abuse of the process of the court.

19. Coming to the facts of this case, when the

contents of the FIR is perused, it is apparent that there

are no allegations against Kumari Geeta Mehrotra and

Ramji Mehrotra except casual reference of their names

who have been included in the FIR but mere casual

reference of the names of the family members in a

matrimonial dispute without allegation of active

involvement in the matter would not justify taking

cognizance against them overlooking the fact borne out

of experience that there is a tendency to involve the

entire family members of the household in the domestic

quarrel taking place in a matrimonial dispute specially if

it happens soon after the wedding.

20. It would be relevant at this stage to take

note of an apt observation of this Court recorded in the

matter of G.V. Rao vs. L.H.V. Prasad & Ors. reported


Page 20

in (2000) 3 SCC 693 wherein also in a matrimonial

dispute, this Court had held that the High Court should

have quashed the complaint arising out of a

matrimonial dispute wherein all family members had

been roped into the matrimonial litigation which was

quashed and set aside. Their Lordships observed

therein with which we entirely agree that:

“there has been an outburst of matrimonial

dispute in recent times. Marriage is a sacred

ceremony, main purpose of which is to

enable the young couple to settle down in

life and live peacefully. But little

matrimonial skirmishes suddenly erupt

which often assume serious proportions

resulting in heinous crimes in which elders

of the family are also involved with the result

that those who could have counselled and

brought about rapprochement are rendered

helpless on their being arrayed as accused

in the criminal case. There are many reasons

which need not be mentioned here for not

encouraging matrimonial litigation so that

the parties may ponder over their defaults

and terminate the disputes amicably by

mutual agreement instead of fighting it out


Page 21

in a court of law where it takes years and

years to conclude and in that process the

parties lose their “young” days in chasing

their cases in different courts.”

The view taken by the judges in this matter was that the

courts would not encourage such disputes.

21. In yet another case reported in AIR 2003 SC

1386 in the matter of B.S. Joshi & Ors. vs. State of

Haryana & Anr. it was observed that there is no doubt

that the object of introducing Chapter XXA containing

Section 498A in the Indian Penal Code was to prevent

the torture to a woman by her husband or by relatives

of her husband. Section 498A was added with a view

to punish the husband and his relatives who harass or

torture the wife to coerce her relatives to satisfy

unlawful demands of dowry. But if the proceedings are

initiated by the wife under Section 498A against the

husband and his relatives and subsequently she has

settled her disputes with her husband and his relatives

and the wife and husband agreed for mutual divorce,

refusal to exercise inherent powers by the High Court

would not be proper as it would prevent woman from


Page 22

settling earlier. Thus for the purpose of securing the

ends of justice quashing of FIR becomes necessary,

Section 320 Cr.P.C. would not be a bar to the exercise

of power of quashing. It would however be a different

matter depending upon the facts and circumstances of

each case whether to exercise or not to exercise such a


22. In the instant matter, when the complainant

and her husband are divorced as the complainant-wife

secured an ex-parte decree of divorce, the same could

have weighed with the High Court to consider whether

proceeding initiated prior to the divorce decree was fit

to be pursued in spite of absence of specific allegations

at least against the brother and sister of the

complainant’s husband and whether continuing with

this proceeding could not have amounted to abuse of

the process of the court. The High Court, however,

seems not to have examined these aspects carefully

and have thus side-tracked all these considerations

merely on the ground that the territorial jurisdiction


Page 23

could be raised only before the magistrate conducting

the trial.

23. In the instant case, the question of

territorial jurisdiction was just one of the grounds for

quashing the proceedings along with the other grounds

and, therefore, the High Court should have examined

whether the prosecution case was fit to be quashed on

other grounds or not. At this stage, the question also

crops up whether the matter is fit to be remanded to the

High Court to consider all these aspects. But in

matters arising out of a criminal case, fresh

consideration by remanding the same would further

result into a protracted and vexatious proceeding which

is unwarranted as was held by this Court in the case

of Ramesh vs. State of Tamil Nadu (supra) that such

a course of remand would be unnecessary and

inexpedient as there was no need to prolong the

controversy. The facts in this matter on this aspect

was although somewhat different since the complainant

had lodged the complaint after seven years of delay,

yet in the instant matter the factual position remains


Page 24

that the complaint as it stands lacks ingredients

constituting the offence under Section 498A and Section

3/4 Dowry Prohibition Act against the appellants who

are sister and brother of the complainant’s husband

and their involvement in the whole incident appears

only by way of a casual inclusion of their names.

Hence, it cannot be overlooked that it would be total

abuse of the process of law if we were to remand the

matter to the High Court to consider whether there

were still any material to hold that the trial should

proceed against them in spite of absence of prima facie

material constituting the offence alleged against them.

24. However, we deem it appropriate to add by

way of caution that we may not be misunderstood so as

to infer that even if there are allegation of overt act

indicating the complicity of the members of the family

named in the FIR in a given case, cognizance would be

unjustified but what we wish to emphasize by

highlighting is that, if the FIR as it stands does not

disclose specific allegation against accused more so

against the co-accused specially in a matter arising out


Page 25

of matrimonial bickering, it would be clear abuse of the

legal and judicial process to mechanically send the

named accused in the FIR to undergo the trial unless of

course the FIR discloses specific allegations which

would persuade the court to take cognisance of the

offence alleged against the relatives of the main accused

who are prima facie not found to have indulged in

physical and mental torture of the complainant-wife. It

is the well settled principle laid down in cases too

numerous to mention, that if the FIR did not disclose

the commission of an offence, the court would be

justified in quashing the proceedings preventing the

abuse of the process of law. Simultaneously, the courts

are expected to adopt a cautious approach in matters of

quashing specially in cases of matrimonial dispute

whether the FIR in fact discloses commission of an

offence by the relatives of the principal accused or the

FIR prima facie discloses a case of over-implication by

involving the entire family of the accused at the

instance of the complainant, who is out to settle her

scores arising out of the teething problem or skirmish of


Page 26

domestic bickering while settling down in her new

matrimonial surrounding.

25. In the case at hand, when the brother and

unmarried sister of the principal accused Shyamji

Mehrotra approached the High Court for quashing the

proceedings against them, inter-alia, on the ground of

lack of territorial jurisdiction as also on the ground

that no case was made out against them under

Sections 498A,/323/504/506 including Sections 3/4 of

the Dowry Prohibition Act, it was the legal duty of the

High Court to examine whether there were prima facie

material against the appellants so that they could be

directed to undergo the trial, besides the question of

territorial jurisdiction. The High Court seems to have

overlooked all the pleas that were raised and rejected

the petition on the solitary ground of territorial

jurisdiction giving liberty to the appellants to approach

the trial court.

26. The High Court in our considered opinion

appear to have missed that assuming the trial court

had territorial jurisdiction, it was still left to be decided


Page 27

whether it was a fit case to send the appellants for trial

when the FIR failed to make out a prima facie case

against them regarding the allegation of inflicting

physical and mental torture to the complainant

demanding dowry from the complainant. Since the High

Court has failed to consider all these aspects, this

Court as already stated hereinbefore, could have

remitted the matter to the High Court to consider

whether a case was made out against the appellants to

proceed against them. But as the contents of the FIR

does not disclose specific allegation against the brother

and sister of the complainant’s husband except casual

reference of their names, it would not be just to direct

them to go through protracted procedure by remanding

for consideration of the matter all over again by the

High Court and make the unmarried sister of the main

accused and his elder brother to suffer the ordeal of a

criminal case pending against them specially when the

FIR does not disclose ingredients of offence under

Sections 498A/323/504/506, IPC and Sections 3/4 of

the Dowry Prohibition Act.


Page 28

27. We, therefore, deem it just and legally

appropriate to quash the proceedings initiated against

the appellants Geeta Mehrotra and Ramji Mehrotra as

the FIR does not disclose any material which could be

held to be constituting any offence against these two

appellants. Merely by making a general allegation that

they were also involved in physical and mental torture

of the complainant-respondent No.2 without

mentioning even a single incident against them as also

the fact as to how they could be motivated to demand

dowry when they are only related as brother and sister

of the complainant’s husband, we are pleased to quash

and set aside the criminal proceedings in so far as

these appellants are concerned and consequently the

order passed by the High Court shall stand overruled.

The appeal accordingly is allowed.


(T.S. Thakur)


(Gyan Sudha Misra)

New Delhi,

October 17, 2012


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