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Parth Chandra (none)     09 March 2011

DV - Help plz.


My wife has just filed DV asking for following relief against me and my father with the allegation of mental and physical cruelties.
1) Child custody
2) interim maintenace
3) Streedhan
4) 2 lac as compensation

Brief histoy of the ongoing dispute.
1) wife left home along with child in December-2009.
2) Left child after a week to my paternal home crying.
3) Filed 498a, crpc 125 (Asked for final maintenance which is not awared yet and recently she applied for interim as well). 498a trial is about to begun.
4) I took care of my daughter for 2 months and got her admitted in a very good school thinking that wife would return one day or another and since she has left the child, she is not going to ask her back.
4) filed section 97 to get child back after 2 months of leaving her and we gave my daugher on pursis for one month as they wanted a compromise and one month to think. I gave as my daughter's term was to start after 3 months thinking that it would be good for her if compromise happen.
5) They got her admitted in another school.
6) They did not come for 10 months and finally after 10 months court restored the custody with me saying section-97 is not applicable to father as he is a natural guardian too.
7) Since one and half month child is with me and I am about to admit her in a school nearby my place.
8) Just some days back, came to know that she has filed for divorce, child custody (interim and final) under guardianship act, interim application of maintenace in crpc 125, 406, Domestic Violence.

My doubts are as below.
1) Can she claim interim child custody in DV - As child custody case has just been filed and her section 97 is dismissed.
2) Can she claim interim maintenance in DV - as she did not file it for about a year in crpc 125, now she has filed there as well as in DV
3) Can she claim 2 lac compensation with bald allegatin of physican and mental torture and demand of dowry?
4) Can she claim streedhan in DV - considering that she has also filed 406 recently.
5) Isnt't is the case of res-judikata (I am not aware about the exact word).
6) My father's name has been removed from 498a chargesheet, only me and my brother's name are there in chargesheet....then can we add me and my father (instead of brother) as respondent in DV?

I would be eagrly waiting for your reply friends and I am in deep depression due to all these cases and behaviour of my wife (7 cases - without any single material evidence...its really the height of harrasement).

I would be truely greatful if anyone can Kindly share some citation which might help me against such bald allegation in DV.



 10 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     09 March 2011

Saat phere liya hai janab ney toh saat case to banata hai itana crib kyu kartey hai janab abhi shant baidhney ka !

1 Can she claim interim child custody in DV - As child custody case has just been filed and her section 97 is dismissed?
Yes, DV Act is flexible enough grant interim custody to either party if applied based on merits of the case. Contest stating retain status quo as child with you.

2 Can she claim interim maintenance in DV - as she did not file it for about a year in crpc 125, now she has filed there as well as in DV
Yes, not only under DV she is within her rights to file under HMA as well as HAMA maint. suit to complete the package deal of a couples marriage ! What is new here legally ?

3 Can she claim 2 lac compensation with bald allegation of physician and mental torture and demand of dowry?
Abhi 2 L se suru kiya hai which is matter of trial so that is the minimum she has asked you to think now. Allegations are matter of trial so this award will decided once witness cross examinations are over.

4 Can she claim streedhan in DV - considering that she has also filed 406 recently.
Yes, she has rights under this Act to claim for stridhan considering at the time of making final Order under DV Act application of mind can include stridhan too i.e. DV Act is all women oriented Acts rolled into one ACT hai ! See below list of women’s specific legislation ** and my dear DV Act has ingredients picked from all these from below list believe me and I am open to challenge by any ld. person here onthis count……

5 Isnt't is the case of res-judikata (I am not aware about the exact word).
No, since no court has tried and passed an Order to that effect till date so how come it will come under res-judicta !

6 My father's name has been removed from 498a chargsheet, only me and my brother's name are there in chargsheet....then can we add me and my father (instead of brother) as respondent in DV?
Oh yes, do you have a family pet (dog or fish in your drawing room aquarium kya bole toh) so I have seen a case from Mumbai where family’s dog has been named as respondent 7 it is quoted fully in one of my earlier postings of say 6 months before check and feel comfortable to now kick out family’s dog before the poor soul is arrayed as respondent no….. after your father / brother / sister / mother.

I would be eagrly waiting for your reply friends and I am in deep depression due to all these cases and behaviour of my wife (7 cases - without any single material evidence...its really the
height of harassment).

HEIGHT of innocence (should I share with you college days HEIGHT joke kya…) is only visible from Delhi’s Qutab Minar not in Gujarat is my opinion as you have only one revolving restaurant in Ahmedabad on some HEIGHT (Neelkant Patang I think it is called…cheers have a lovely family meal there with our ladla Kushan Vyas, Adv. and relax once wife files more than half dozen cases husband side should relax because after this she has exhausted all her Aces….she has relieved your tensions of counter cases)

BTW, now start investing into purchasing 7 book shelfs as each case will be voluminous and you need soon space to store away case papers / reference materials.

All the best

Laws Related to Women


      1. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956
      2. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 (28 of 1961)
      3. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
      4. The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 (3 of 1988)
      5. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005


      1. The Guardians and Wards Act
      2. Indian Penal Code, 1860
      3. The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 (15 of 1872)
      4. The Married Women's Property Act, 1874 (3 of 1874)
      5. The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
      6. The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 (19 of 1929)
      7. The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937
      8. The Minimum Wages Act
      9. The Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
      10. The Payments of Wages Act, 1936
      11. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951
      12. The Cinematograph Act, 1952
      13. The Special Marriage Act, 1954
      14. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (28 of 1989)
      15.  The Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act, 1956
      16. The Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act, 1956
      17. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
      18. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (53 of 1961)
      19. The Beedi & Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966
      20. The Foreign Marriage Act, 1969 (33 of 1969)
      21. The Indian Divorce Act, 1969 (4 of 1969)
      22. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971)
      23. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
      24. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1979
      25. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
      26. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
      27. The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
      Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
      28. The Family Courts Act, 1984
      29. Juvenile Justice Act, 2000
      30. The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act
      31. National Commission for Women Act, 1990 (20 of 1990)
      32. The Factories Act, 1948
      33. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (yet to be reviewed)
      34. Employers Liabilities Act 1938
      35. Mental Health Act
      36. The Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of misuse) Act 1994
      37. The Trade Unions Act 1926
      38. The Mines Act 1952
      39. The Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955
      40. The Muslim women Protection of Rights on Dowry Act 1986
      41. The Protection of Human Rights Act


Aur janab fir bhi wife kahati hai ki mere liye sarkar ney kutch nahi kiya……yeh bhi sahi hai

1 Like

Parth Chandra (none)     09 March 2011

Thanks Tajobindia, Kindly allow me to rephraise some of the questions... 1) As in crpc 125 we have 125(4) which says that wife should not be leaving separately without just reason which suggest that she may need to proove something.....What exactly in DV has to argu against her interim maintenance plea. I am not cribing against giving money to her but only concerned that if she would start getting money then would never care to finish any of the cases and would drag them as long as she wishes.............So can you please educate me about any citation/subsection/para in DV act which can be used to negate her claim and to convince the court to complete the final hearing ASAP? 2) Since my father's name is removed from 498a chargesheet, can't I ask court to remove my father's name from DV too as all she has made are the same allegation in both the cases? 3) Can you please provide me some citations which might help me in keeping the status quo of child custody, negating her claim of interim maintenance ? 4) Can you please guide me about the procedure in DV? I mean how the case would proceed as this is the completely new course for me for which I would have to directly sit in exam without much time for preparation :-( 5) How long DV can take (interim & final)? Thanks in advance, PC

Parth Chandra (none)     11 March 2011

Does anyone have any strategy/citation/idea on how to counter interim maintenance claim in DV and when wife has not placed any evidence to support her claims of cruelty?


rajiv_lodha (zz)     13 March 2011

Usually "interim" is granted even b4 she gives any "evidence" of cruelty.

If she is working; previously working: qualified enough to earn; it can be countered.

Parth Chandra (none)     14 March 2011

Yes Rajiv_Lodha Sir,

1) She was working before marraige before marraige and I have proofs of that. Can you please share me any citations helping me in this case?

2) She has filed DV and demanded interim almost after 1 year and 2 months of separation.

3) She already had filed 498a with the same facts.

4) She had filed 125 asking full maintenance and recently along with DV, she filed for interim in 125 as well (so that is also after 1 year of main application).

5) I am willing to take her back.

6) Her alligations are baseless and she can't proove it.

7) I am concerned if she would start getting interim then she would drag all the cases as per her will.


Can you let me know if above facts can help me in anyways to deny her interim maintenance?



rajiv_lodha (zz)     14 March 2011

"5) I am willing to take her back."

Very strange on ur part, she has done everything possible to ruin u, but u still want her back!!


Though not ready wid citations, but I am sure that ur advo will find them esily that a previously working wife/ qualified

employable wife denied maint by courts.

Also she can not ride too many horses to claim maint.


rajiv_lodha (zz)     14 March 2011

"5) I am willing to take her back."

Very strange on ur part, she has done everything possible to ruin u, but u still want her back!!


Though not ready wid citations, but I am sure that ur advo will find them esily that a previously working wife/ qualified

employable wife denied maint by courts.

Also she can not ride too many horses to claim maint.


Parth Chandra (none)     16 March 2011

"5) I am willing to take her back."

Above is only because of my 3.11 years daughter and her future otherwise its anyones guess that no husband would remain happy with such wife who has done so much to husband and his family......but each minute of every day I think about my daughter and that is the reason I have still kept the doors open.

Jamai Of Law (propra)     16 March 2011



All you can do is to expedite the case.


Attack all the loopholes wherein other patry might try to delay the case. File motions to dismiss the case for laches, delay by other party.


Quick disposal of case is the only main possible respite for DV defendent.

rajiv_lodha (zz)     16 March 2011

Originally posted by :pc
"5) I am willing to take her back."

Above is only because of my 3.11 years daughter and her future otherwise its anyones guess that no husband would remain happy with such wife who has done so much to husband and his family......but each minute of every day I think about my daughter and that is the reason I have still kept the doors open.

I am not sure if u r giving the daughter a good future if u are planning to run a ruined matrimonial home wid ur 498a wife

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