नरेंद्र मोदी पर दर्ज कराया गया घरेलू हिंसा का केस, दोषी करार

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker) 05 March 2014
fighting back (exec) 06 March 2014
If this news is indeed true, and not some masala stuff, then it is really good thing, because this will give the new government a wake up call, to see that false cases are coming to their own doorstep now. the laws that they have drafted have now begun to boomerang onthemselves. ' The chickens have come home to roost'
it is an obvious ploy by the opposition party to give a negative publicity in all probability, but it will indirectly benefit the public because now the government itself will realise that false cases have started to bite them and the judiciary too, in the recent past...................
DV Act Buster (CEO) 06 March 2014
@fighting back, i fully agree with your view.