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MD ABDUL   07 February 2019

dvc case query

I have filed 498a, maintenance case and dvc but due to my husband influence all accused names were deleted while charge sheet was filed. when I enquired why names were deleted they gave me reason that as other accused don't reside with you their names cannot be added in these though I can prove they reside with us. 
next thing is my case is running very slow only dates are called no improvement in stages.can I bring any order from high court to expedite my case. 
next is all my ornaments and furnitures are at my husband home can I request megistrate to order police to bring back my things


 3 Replies

MD ABDUL   07 February 2019

I have heard that once case is decided then only I can request for return of my these stage is it possible to apply for these

P. Venu (Advocate)     08 February 2019

The facts posted are less than convincing.

Samarpan (M)99958670740 (Free legal advice and legal aid cell)     08 February 2019

1.  If you are still aggrieved that S. 498-A case some of the accused names were deleted, then you can approach HC against that order.

2.  You can approach HC for expeditious disposal of S.498-A case.

3.  About getting back your stridhan articles, if you have sufficient proof that they are in the custody of husband, then in DV case move appropriate application to get them back.  The application can be disposed off during pendency of main case.

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