Saba (house wife) 19 June 2013
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ 19 June 2013
Dear Saba
in your Dv case there is no procedure to get your article from your husband, you have to approach in 498A, 406 ipc cases for your articles.
fighting back (exec) 19 June 2013
@nadeem sir....with reference to your reply to Saba, wanted to know, in my DV case too, the wife is asking to return the articles of stridhan, which are not with me, as per your reply where you have said your Dv case there is no procedure to get your article from your husband,
"in your Dv case there is no procedure to get your article from your husband, "
do you mean, even though she is asking for the streedhan articles, she cannot ask for them in a DV case, and she has to file 498a and 406 for the same??
request you to kindly elaborate as your answer seems to be contradicting...
Rahul Kapoor (Legal Enthusiast) 19 June 2013
is there any mention of the articles in the complaint or is there any list attached ?
Saba (house wife) 19 June 2013
Rahul Kapoor (Legal Enthusiast) 19 June 2013
ask them through court if its there in the complaint or ask them to provide you compensation in monetary terms