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Abhishek   25 August 2023

E-contract- how to make an agreement between two parties who are geographically apart & work online

I am a software developer and I provide some specific services to customers all over India related to specific software. Started it as a hobby but recently decided to make it a career
The problem arises as when customers wants to make an official legal contract. I have a work for hire contract drafted by a lawyer already for that purposes.
But as the customer is almost always in some distant state and and it takes significant courier charges and time to send the physical signed contract to his place to and fro,  I was looking if there is a way to make that legal contract in electronic form.
also if there is some kind of intermediary who provides these services of getting contracts and agreements done between two parties online and electronically.

Hope I was able to explain my case sufficiently if you have any other followup question please let me know

 5 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     25 August 2023

You can send them the agreed draft contract by eamil and they can printout the document and sign and stamp and send you by post. 

Or simply agree on elctronically signed doument

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     25 August 2023

that is best option

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     25 August 2023

Electronically you can sign by registering on docusign;

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     25 August 2023

cool that is really nice

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     25 August 2023

Since digital signatures are legally valid worldwide and offer much better security than wet signatures, they have become an indispensable part of the contract lifecycle.

You may draft the agreement through a lawyer, exchange it with the customer, after the customer is okay with the mutually agreed conditions therein, then you can prepare the original agreement with digital signatures, and can exchange the same with the customer who will return the same with his digital signature by return email.

This will be easiest way to enter into the desired contract.

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