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Sachin Anand (Fresher)     07 May 2012

E-mail legal notice without reg. no. of lawyer

I got an E-Mail legal notice from my past college. It was from a lawyer, but it did not contain any registration no. of the Lawyer. Should it be conserned as legal and proceed?

Also, if I'm a passed out student of a college, can a college claim Students code of conduct on me?

 4 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     07 May 2012

What is the matter in legal notice?

It shall be approprite to send a reply to the legal notice than to avoid it.


better to reply than avoid the legal notice

Sachin Anand (Fresher)     11 May 2012

After passing out from the college,one of our friend made a page named after college in; many friends were added as my friend did a mistake by making the page open to all. Those people who did not get job or were frusted from the college's behavior towards student, started posting all events of the college and started exposing each faculty who were not in qualification to there post. One by one all the loop holes of the college was getting exposed. I too was among these friends who posted comments and pictures of faculty.

Our College got annoyed by this and without warning us, sent a legal notice to us through e-mail. College says that what we did in facebook comes under Criminal Defamation as well as Civil Defamation also we are under Cyber Crimes Law.

We sent one of our class mate to the college for negotiating. As college itself has many loop holes and if we file any case against the college then, it will be shame for the college and it may also loose its recognition; college agreed not to go to Court. And as per one of the Lawyer and Faculty of the college, he told to send a Sorry mail to Lawyer of the college. Now after sending the mail, the Lawyer did not reply any thing. And the time for replying the mail is almost to end.

If the Lawyer is not responding to the "sorry letter" to Director of the college and to him, Can it be deemed as yes your apology is accepted or no?.

Vikash yadav (not applicable)     28 May 2012

reply the notice. non mention of  registration no. of the Lawyer is not amount to any illegality. 

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