Under easement rights, what is the minimum widdth of the road or pathway to be given to the people behind our land? What are they entitled to as a right? Are they entitled to it for free or do they have to pay for it? How is a resonable fee calculated? Obviously, we cannot demand an exorbitant fee.
The land behind our land belongs to our relatives and they have been passing through our land by an unofficial road of approximately 20 feet widdth. Their people and vehicles use this road. This has been going on for about ten years now. Before that, they were using a different unofficial road, but it was blocked by that owner. All of us are relatives.
There were several meetings in the past among us to settle the issue of road, but strangely the issue was not settled, due to reasons beyond my comprehension. To put it briefly, several people are involved on both sides and they are playing politics to keep the kettle boiling.
We never took a single paisa from them, at least as far as I know. I do not know whether somebody else on our side is taking any money from them.
Now, they are harassing us with the help of this road. They are passing through this road and dumping garbage on our land. They say that they are not doing it, somebody else is doing it. We had asked them to hire security or watchman to monitor this road, but they refuse.
So, I decided to block this road. Can I file a court case against them and ask them not to enter our land? Will it be valid? Do I have a right to block the road with or without filing a court case against them? Kindly advise.