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Ecourts - website online -case status

Ecourts - website online for those who come to this forum asking for -how to find case status./lawyer not reveavling case status/..i see this kind of query often concerning  - lawyer not updating status.

please make use of the ECOURTS website- we are in a world where can get to know the status of the case even before your lawyer updates you. just ensure to gather the details of the district/court/city/case type - from your case bundle of your lawyer and that is all you need to track your case and no running behind your lawyer and neither do there is will be any kind of bluff from your lawyer to misguide you in any way about case adjournment or missing dates on his side. i have seen instancs of case updates the same day of the hearing.  SO MAKE USE OF IT. and if the ecourts doesnt work or your case doesnt get updated, question the department that runs it and fix it and not expect your lawyer to update you the case. ofcouse, the website is being built and run by your TAX money question it.

remember - your lawyer is only a facilitator of your case, and unless you take the case in full control on your side, you are heading towards a failure in your case. it is a matter of business for your lawyer - whether it is WIN/LOSE - but it is a matter of life for you - so do not give your life in someone's hands.

ofourse, not eveyone has the ability to fight as party in person,that is why we need a lawyer, but remeber that you are still responsbile for the end goal of the case in a way and can influence it even if you have lawyer to do things.


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