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ashok kumar kashyap   11 May 2020

Effect advanced service meaning in legal process

recently i need file petitions according as per this notification but due to not unawareness whats exactly meaning legal process show this notification please specify some step by step process "effect advanced service '

Your request reference number 1588567494792_68342 for urgent listing has been accepted for being listed on 08/05/2020. Please follow the below mentioned procedure: 1. Effect advance service of the entire set on the opposite counsel/ party/parties through e-mail and also inform them over mobile. The e-mail address for effecting advance service on State/Govt. of NCT of Delhi (in case of criminal jurisdiction - - contact person – Mr. Chaitnya Gosain, Advocate –Mobile No. 9999981270) and (in case of civil jurisdiction - contact person - Ms. Bhawana Kataria, Advocate, Mobile No. 8588089272). For advance service on Union of India, the contact person is Mr. Mohd. Muqeem (mobile No.9999864964) and the e-mail address is .For other parties, advance service be made as per the e-mail available in addition to informing them/their counsel on the available mobile number. 2. After advance service, the entire set containing duly signed petition/application/ documents(in PDF form) together with the proof of advance service being the last annexure to the petition and containing the e-mail address and mobile number of the opposite party/counsel, be sent at the e-mail address ( in case of ORIGINAL SIDE jurisdiction) and (in case of all other cases including WRIT, APPELLATE etc. jurisdiction)within two hours of receipt of SMS. 3. Incomplete/unsigned petition/application not accompanied with proof of service shall not be listed. 4. For further follow up please contact as under: -ORIGINAL SIDE MATTERS - Mr. D.R.S. Thakur, AOJ(Original-Filing),Mob. 9910544722) WRIT, CRIMINAL/APPELLATE, COMPANY SIDE MATTERS -Mr. Anil Naugain, AOJ (Filing) Mob. 9899901985)

 2 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     11 May 2020

The date 08052020 is already gone. Yoour early listing application appears to have been allowed thereby you were supoused to call and send emails to other side with relevant copies of petition/applications etc, the contact list was provided.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     11 May 2020

Nothing remains to understand now.

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