central govt has since notified effectivedate for payment of enhenced ceiling of gratiuty toprivate/public sector employees interms of amendment of gratiuty act2010.we were expecting effective date at par with central govt pay commission report as benifited to central govt employees.since bill is passed by parliament it should be in equity of law atpar benifits to employees as far as date of effect.central govt has given benifit from 1/1/2006 tocentrallgovt employees but denied to give benifit toprivate sector.a question arise whether bill passed by parliament amending gratiuty actraising celing fromrs3.50lacsto10lacs.but date of effect decided by labour ministry not maintaining equity atpar with centralpay commission.whereas object of amendment of raising celing wasto maintain equity with central pay commission report.pl discuss and findout ways so that retirees be benifitted and effective date is not dicriminated.awating response'