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Nilesh (xyz)     25 February 2011

Eligible for Govt Job

My Brother had a quarrel  with a person who used his contacts and put him  for 3 day PC and 1 day JC for fake theft and quarrel.On Later  the investigation Changed and   chalan was presented for only quarrel .Now the Case is in Court.

He is very good at studied .can he eligible for Govt. Jobs?

Thanks a lot in Advance for Reply.



 3 Replies

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     26 February 2011


he eligible for Govt. Jobs

Advocate Anuj Anand (Advocate)     06 March 2011

he is eligible for Govt. Jobs


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     11 February 2012

I may be permitted to disagree.

No he is not eligible as long as the case is pending. On selecting he has to submit a 5-6 paged form giving details of past addresses in last 5 years and also whether or not he is involved in criminal case if so the details thereof, whether he had at nay time been in custody/bail etc. This form will go to every area thana where he resided in last five years for report.  Giving false information in this form will render him liable to action even at the fag end of service.


But nothing stops him for applying in anticipation of acquittal. Such process starts only if he is selected.


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