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Neha Shaw (student)     09 September 2012

Emancipation under indian law?

My mother was second wife of my father, 1st still being alive. My father hasnot provided any help in any form nor had he even visited us for the last 20 years. My mother single handedly brought me up. She died last year in May 2011. Now whereever i am applying for something, like adress change  on electricity bill, or postpaid phone connection, i am being asked about my father or some proof of his. It's very emotinally traumatic, as why should i even consider that person who hasnot  even bothered to check whether his son is alive or not. How can i free myself from his name completely? Something in terms of emancipation under foreign laws


 5 Replies

Kumar (Family CEO)     12 September 2012

Are you legally an adult ? What is your age ?  

Neha Shaw (student)     13 September 2012

yes. I Am born in the year 1987

Neha Shaw (student)     21 September 2012

yes i am an adult....kindly reply!

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     21 September 2012

Unlike in the West where just after reaching age of "majority" a person can simply walk to the nearest Court House and get h/erself a "Emancipation Certificate", in India we really do not have such system in practice from Manu Samhita days followed by British Raj days enacted various Acts / Codes to present days Women and Child Development Ministry.


Any female once born in India be she called "major" as per law but she can be only “Empowered” via various implied reforms but can never be given opportunity to feel totally "Emancipated" to seek legislative changes and treat herself to a gift of Emancipation by way of an Certificate as in West which is what happens there on drop of an “major age women’s” 'wishes' as comparative studies placed here for realization how unfortunate your situation is now.


Bad luck, stop searching further in Law books or in legal forums or even by way of a 'writ' in common Law followed Indian Courts no matter how worse situation as in your fact sounds like, you may be allowed to do what you want now that you are now major with your own life but legal sanctity as in “Certificate of Emancipation” within boundaries in India is next to impossible to get unless total Judicial and legislative reforms we the Indians in India achieve !.

You will make Article 14 and 15 (3) COI look worst in eyes of Legislatures which is not permissible at all in eyes of "larger female public interest" as any adult age woman of India strives for Empowerment and not for Emancipation is legislative thinking thus no such laws exists !

1 Like

Neha Shaw (student)     22 September 2012

is it the same even in case of a male? as in my brother, he is also a major now...?

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