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renu (consultant)     14 November 2018

Employee- harassment


I am working from last more than 12 years and joined a new private limited company some 7 months before. I had also gone through a divorce and then after 2nd marriage in my life. While I was joining the organization my 1st marriage was over post joining only. Now mistakenly while I had given my 2nd husband name as spouse name but wrongly mentioned Date of birth of 1st husband in 1 document and in another document I had given 1st husband name as spouse name and date of birth of my 2nd husband.

Unfortunately my 1st husband name and one of the colleague name is same. HR team due to their own jealous have called me for clarification and asked upfront if my colleague is my husband. I said I am not comfortable in talking about my 1st marriage and all though I accepted my mistakes and requested them to correct the records but they are trying to create fuss. My all education and work experience documents are perfectly fine but still they are creating news about me.

Please suggest what action I or they can take

 1 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     14 November 2018

though the name is the same but the surname will be different. you can clarify them on this point.

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