Praveen 02 July 2017
P. Venu (Advocate) 02 July 2017
Such petty crimes do not affect eligibility for public employment.
Praveen 02 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 02 July 2017
Don’t conceal anything in employment application/forms etc etc that you are asked to sign.
Obtain certified copies of complaint, fine imposed from PS/Court.
Praveen 02 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 02 July 2017
If you have not concealed anything then you can tide over any crisis that you are apprehending.
The recruitment rules of the establsihment are fillowed by recruiting authority.
It may ignore as petty matters or it may not.
However courts can be approached and courts have decided such matters.
Don't conceal.
Praveen 02 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 02 July 2017
In future if any form/form/affidavit etc is given to sign don't conceal.
Don't conceal in any document.
Praveen 02 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 02 July 2017
Both me and Mr. P.Venu have alrady replied that it might be treated as petty offence.
However we are not recruiting authortiy.
It is reiterated that: Don't conceal.
There are many threads with similar query that you can search in SEARCH option.
Adequate illustration with citations are also posted in those threads.
Praveen 02 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 02 July 2017
You are welcome.