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Ramamurthy SIvakumar (MANAGER - FINANCE)     17 August 2010


Dear All


I have posted  a query on 12th August regarding applicability of ESI for mining and processing industry. As metioned the procesing unit is in the mines area only. The nature of the product excavated from the mines is such that it can be sold with out further processing.

I solicite the valued opinion of the members




 4 Replies

Akashdeep Sharma (Consultant)     18 August 2010

Hi Rama,

You need to bring more clarity on the entire process.

Your processing unit is in the mines but you are stating that products can be sold withour further processing. Please explain the exact nature of operations with strength of workers in such respective operations. Also find out if your location of work is coming under ESI implemented area.



Ramamurthy SIvakumar (MANAGER - FINANCE)     20 August 2010

Dear Mr.Sharma

Thank you very  much for your response.

I would like to brief the processing procedure  as requested for your information.

Vermiculite is a natural occuring minerals. The vermiculite is excavated from the mines taken on lease from the state Government in the crude form. As already mentioned the crude vermiculite can not be sold in the market as the same would contain moisture ,sand , stones and other foreign materials. Hence the crude so excavated will have to be first dried under the sun . Therafter the dried materials will have to crushed to break the lumps. Then the crushed materials will be passed throgh the vibrating shakers for segrgation of the crushed minerals into various sizes. The segregated materials will then have to be winnowed for separating the good materials from the sand , stones and other foreign materials. After all these processes only, the materials can be packed and sold in the market.

For your information  the crude taken from the mines are dried in the mines area only and further processing is also done in the mines area only.

Hope i have given brief summary of the process method for you to form an opinion with regard to applicability of ESI Act in such ascenario.



Ramamurthy SIvakumar (MANAGER - FINANCE)     23 August 2010

Dear Mr.Sharma

Thank you very  much for your response.

I would like to brief the processing procedure  as requested for your information.

Vermiculite is a natural occuring minerals. The vermiculite is excavated from the mines taken on lease from the state Government in the crude form. As already mentioned the crude vermiculite can not be sold in the market as the same would contain moisture ,sand , stones and other foreign materials. Hence the crude so excavated will have to be first dried under the sun . Therafter the dried materials will have to crushed to break the lumps. Then the crushed materials will be passed throgh the vibrating shakers for segrgation of the crushed minerals into various sizes. The segregated materials will then have to be winnowed for separating the good materials from the sand , stones and other foreign materials. After all these processes only, the materials can be packed and sold in the market.

For your information  the crude taken from the mines are dried in the mines area only and further processing is also done in the mines area only.

Hope i have given brief summary of the process method for you to form an opinion with regard to applicability of ESI Act in such ascenario.




Ramamurthy SIvakumar (MANAGER - FINANCE)     26 August 2010

Dear Mr.Sharma Thank you very much for your response. I would like to brief the processing procedure as requested for your information. Vermiculite is a natural occuring minerals. The vermiculite is excavated from the mines taken on lease from the state Government in the crude form. As already mentioned the crude vermiculite can not be sold in the market as the same would contain moisture ,sand , stones and other foreign materials. Hence the crude so excavated will have to be first dried under the sun . Therafter the dried materials will have to crushed to break the lumps. Then the crushed materials will be passed throgh the vibrating shakers for segrgation of the crushed minerals into various sizes. The segregated materials will then have to be winnowed for separating the good materials from the sand , stones and other foreign materials. After all these processes only, the materials can be packed and sold in the market. For your information the crude taken from the mines are dried in the mines area only and further processing is also done in the mines area only. Hope i have given brief summary of the process method for you to form an opinion with regard to applicability of ESI Act in such ascenario.

Regards R.Sivakumar

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