author : Ravi Bagewadi 
Posted On
01 September 2011
Dear Sir,
I bought a land in May 2011 for Rs. 10lacs , present market value is 40 lakhs,from 'X'owner from whom a sale deed is made in my name. X is the rightful owner of land, since he had his name in record of rights, diary utara,and had a registered sale deed from previous landlord from whom X had purchased.
Now the problem is that there are 4 trespassers in that property of 6 .3 guntas,who claim to have bought the property from X for Rs,32000/- in 1984 by payment of cash and from that time they are enjoying ownership.they show a sale agreement made on Rs. 5/- ( five only)bond paper, with no notory seal nor it is registered sale deed.
The single Rs. 5/- bond states that X has sold to all four owners the area being 69.3 guntas to first trespasser, 70.3 guntas to 2nd trespasser, etc,.... without exactly specifying their boundaries individually.i shown this paper to lawyers , they say it has no value,but by law of adverse possesion they can become the owner of land,the trespassers have paid the corporation tax,light bill and water bill from almost 1984/ 1988.
Pl. advice that although i have a valid document of purchase, why cant these trespassers be evicted? Can somebody guide me?Mr.X has not objected to their stay for 27 yrs,since the property papers were locked in his younger brothers custody from whom he had taken a hand loan of Rs. 3 lacs and who wasent willing to give the papers until loan was paid, hence X couldnt take legal action, upon death of his brother 3 years back, he got the papers and instead of fighting the case, he just sold it for 25% value,
Will i get possesion ? I am ready to spend necessary money for litigation.