Dear sir / Madam,
My father had got partition of house and agricultural land from my grandmother when she was alive and my grandfather was expired at my father's early stage. From the resources of the above my father invested some part of money and we also contributed some money including my grandmother to build a house in Lease Land. But my father is paying House Tax for this house for the past 20-years being a family head.So, the house has not been registered. Now my parents tried to evict me from the house and my mother wants to register the house to my younger brother when she gets opportunity to get registered the house in the name of my mother since my mother's name (Ladies Name) has been proposed for registration of the house in Tamilnadu government. Once the registration of the house is done in the name of my mother, my mother will definitely "gift" or execute the "Will" in the name of my brother as she always saying by words now. I have one son and one daughter. My elder daughter is studying 4th standard. How can I protect from the Will and Gifts execution to my brother as a precautionary measures.What are the steps to be followed to avoid the execution of the house to my brother by my parents.Please guide me to avoid this monopoly execution of the house build in Lease Land (ie, Government Land).