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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     29 November 2009

Evidence of Video Conferencing and its validity

In Criminal case the trial commence with accused appearing in the Court to plead guilty or innocent. Can accused appear through video conferencing to plead guilty or not guilty?

 6 Replies

dhiraj choudhary (n/a)     29 November 2009

till date video conferencing is used to record the statement of witneses who presence can not be secured in courts conveniently particularly foreigners e.g. strlet murder case, mumbai terror attack/ 26/11(statement of F.B.I offficials was recorded through v.c.) etc. but this for the the first time i m hearing that whether an accused can plead guilty through v.c or not. acc. to me it should benot allowed unless there r unavoidable ... circumdtances

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     29 November 2009

Dear Dhiraj, I have also not come across a single case where the need of physical presence can be made vicariously through other means, when the presence of the accused in person is required for pleading guilty or not. Let us see what other members says on this matter.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     30 November 2009

Physical presence of the accused is must within the present procedure so chance at all.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     30 November 2009

Dear Assumi Sir,

CLICK the below Link regarding Your query..


N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     30 November 2009

Shree, Thank You for the supreb article.That is something like a sleeping pill for me.

Vinay (Student)     06 September 2013

The State of Maharashtra and P.C. Singh Vs. Dr. Praful B. Desai and Anr AIR 2003 SC 2053... Physical presence is not necessary.

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