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Known (B)     03 March 2010

Ex-parte visitation rights


Is it possible to get ex-parte visitation rights to my 2 year old son

 2 Replies

Daksh (Student)     03 March 2010

Dear Known,

The answer to this Hypothetically seeming question is in affimative.

Best Regards



Depends on choice factors such as;

1. If any litigation pending between parties?
2. The attitude of OP to any of your pending suits?
3. Age of child?
4. Jurisdiction (current) of the child?
5. Capacity to withstand emotional aspect involved in visitation (read custody suit) in court?
6. Pocket of litigant?
7. Understanding of Child Custody Law / Parental Alleniation Syndrom / Psych. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV understanding in relation to Child Custody?
8. Without brief given here by you hw do you expect us to forcast for you !
9. Ability to grasp back issues / past discussions on this subject here in this informative interactive Portal !
10. The ability to state / showcase once given name in discussion platform instead of using some alias?
All the best however.............

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