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Amit Meena (Quality Auditor)     12 June 2012

Examination leaves

Dear & Respected Members,


I am an employee in a pvt telecom company, I have completed 6 months in this company and in the past 6 months i have taken only 1 sick leave (excluding 1 off per week). I applied for the Leaves for my examinations but my request for leaves was rejected and given me an excuse that there is a manpower crunch. Now i am very worried about the examinations as it is the matter of my 2nd year exam (correspondance delhi univers)...


Please suggest what should i do in this case, My boss had given me the reply in a positive manner but still it pinches until I get the sufficient time for preparation.

The mail which i received from my reporting manager was -


Hi Amit
As you are already aware that we are running short of 2 manpower in the team and already J***er is on leaves due to medical reasons.
I have worked on your leave planner. Hope you will consider all points and your role and responsibility plus the fact that you are handling one of the biggest agency
Would have loved to give you more leaves as no one in this earth wants you to be graduated as much as I want…….however there are few constraints. Hope you will respect my decision. Please feel free to call and discuss if required.

Please suggest what should i do in this condition.




 3 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 June 2012

Choose Wisely: Between the present job and examination.

You have to decide.

If the boss is not willing to sanction leave (if he is sanctioning authority) or recommend to sanction leave (if he is recommending authority only) or forward if he is entitled to forward only, then either you may approach good offices of your HOD, appointing authority, MD, Head-HR, and explain that you need leave to take exam.

You may mention that the decision may be communicated to you in writing within suitable to you.

If the company declines to grant leave, you may submit notice of resignation with effective date of resignation/last day in office mentioned in it. If there is any shortfall in notice period, as mentioned in your appointment letter, you may mention that notice pay may be adjusted in FNF statement, and company may supply you the acknowledgment of notice immediately.


Balancing approach between career and academic pursuit would help. Boss having taken the pains to explain the exigencies, you may defer your exams for the next session. Performance at carreer can brighten the prospects than your anxiety to complete the course!

manish (consultant)     15 June 2012

i  am fully agree with kuamr doab

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