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Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     02 November 2009

exclusion of co-authors from final research project report

Dear All

my friend worked in a research project  in the capacity of  Research assistant, porject was sponsored by ICMR Govt  of India. in the final report of project , that was also published in international journal, the name of my friend was not included.

however he contributed to entire research project. his work was to assess the Patient  and do regular follow up assessment, he did the quantitative rating, which was the back bone of all data and that ultimatley converted in to big article.

My friend was deprived of being co-author, despite of his intensive technical contribution, whether such exclusion is lawful according to intellectual  property right act?

please give proper legal reference with your response.

warm regards

 2 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     02 November 2009

It is entirely an illegal act on the part of all concerned. First ascertain whether your friend is ready to fight for his rights or not? I say this because in this battle, initially he shall be sufferer and he .may get his right but this shall take a long battle )legal). If yes then contact me at my cell

Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     03 November 2009

thank you sir,

I got the answer of my question. but  how come? I would be grateful to you, if you could give  me proper legal  reference. otherwise I will look for detail in intellectual property right act.

my friend is ready to fight for his right, but you know he is struggling for career. therefor cannot hire any advocate.

Thanks for  your suggestion

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