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Gulshan Tanwar (Advocate)     14 January 2010


Hello Dear Friends,

I am contesting a case - Execution petition in which I am Obstructionist as the DH had obtained Divorce from JD and for no fault of mine I was involved in the litigation by the coercive action of DH in collusion with JD. On 17th Dec 2009 the JD died and now I want to know that whether this decree can be executed against me in absence of the JD due to his death by the Court and also I want to give some money to the children of JD as they are innocent and minors. What should I do? Please help.

Asking for help as this is my first case, though I know law but still want to share in order to gain something.

 4 Replies

R.R. KRISHNAA (Legal Manager)     14 January 2010

Dear learned friend,

Let us know the detailed facts and the prayer in the petition to enable us to reply.

Gulshan Tanwar (Advocate)     14 January 2010

I am attaching the whole Application under O.21 R.58


Attached File : 37 37 gulshan.doc downloaded: 90 times

R.R. KRISHNAA (Legal Manager)     15 January 2010

A decree for divorce and allied claims are a matter of personal right and cannot be enforced against property of others or legal heirs.  Assuming the prayer of the DH to be claim over the properties of JD, the facts presented by you clearly shows that DH has no right over the properties as they are your client's self earned properties and the deceased JD himself has no right over the same.  Whilst such being the situation the claim of DH falls to the ground.  The application filed by you attached herewith is clear and the claim of DH will not be considered. So dont worry. 


If you want to give the children some money, then after the disposal of the case you shall enter into an agreement with the DH (as she is the guardian of the children) to pay some money as token of love and affection or gift or deposit any amount in a bank in the name of the children.  But you shall do this after the disposal of this case.

Gulshan Tanwar (Advocate)     15 January 2010

Dear Krishna,

Thanks for the picture; that is exactly the thing which I am thinking and also one more thing that JD had died on 17th December 2009 and hence the execution can only be brought against the LR's and the children are the LR's who are in the care and custody of the DH. Also I have suggested to my client to go for Guardianship of the children and out of two to go for the male child and then only a valid agreement can take place else the DH will not left any thorns in the way of the grand father of the children of JD.

Any way thanks again and welcome always for your kind consideration.

Gulshan Tanwar

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